

Coventry Creations Blogs

A Whole Lot of Magic - The Witch’s Union Spell Caster Club Cards

Make a Wish Spell Caster Card


SB WA1When was the last time you swung on monkey bars, jumped in a mud puddle, danced wildly in the rain or skipped stones on a placid lake?  Being a grown up all the time isn’t always fun .  Sometimes that inner child needs to get let loose on the playground, both in daily life and in magic.  Stop being so serious, light a candle and make a wish.  That simple.  Bring the joys of childhood into your magic with September’s Make a Wish Spell Caster Club Card.  


On Ice Spell Caster Card


Some people just won’t quit.  You know exactly who I am talking about, the people who pester, bother, and harass as if it is the sole purpose in their lives.  Don’t let them skate over you and make them stop being a bother with September’s On Ice Spell Caster Club Card.  The On Ice Spell is perfect for when you need to freeze someone in their tracks.  

The Spell Caster Club Cards use everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to make all your wishes come true.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, these spell pack a punch.

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Bring Your Bail Money

WB ALLNot so long ago women without a permissible reason to be out late at night were often suspected of witchcraft.  Ladies night was not a good enough excuse.  Thank goodness times of changed;  can you imagine the amount of bail money that would be needed on Halloween alone?  Maybe a Witch’s Purse Witch’s Brew candle would raise up enough cash to avoid the pokey for the wilder ones out there today!


Kick up your heels and your magic this month with specials on all of our Witch’s Brew candles and oils.


Use coupon code OCT16 for 15% off Witch’s Brew candles and oils in October.


Honor old traditions and new with the classic blends of dragon’s blood, juniper, rose, vetiver, myrrh, mugwort, date, frankincense, jasmine, and amber musk; the standards of witchcraft for generations.  That’s what the Witch’s Brew candles and oils are based on; the powerful classics.  


Original Witch’s Brew - Blended to strengthen the spirit, enlighten the soul, energize and empower any spell.  One size fits all spells!


Dragon’s Blood Witch’s Brew  - Awaken the inner dragon and set fire to intentions with this smoky resin.


Evil Eye Witch’s Brew -  Catch those trouble makers in a sticky web of protection over you and yours with this juniper and rose blend.


Witch’s Purse Witch’s Brew - Fill your pockets with all the precious things in the world with this sweet rich blend of bergamot and date.  Taste the sweetness of life!


We’re always looking for ways to add to the magic and this month we are introducing a little sparkle to our magical products.  See our website for the newest offering, Coventry Glass candle holders; specially designed for use with our candles.

Coventry Creations has taken the guesswork out of selecting the right candle by putting together the perfect combination of oils, colors, and then crafting them with a purpose.  For nearly twenty five years, all of our candles and oils have been hand poured when the moon is right, in a sacred space and with added blessings.

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Not Like the Movies

GC SEPatrick may not wrap his arms around you and destroy your pottery.  Nor will you necessarily look like Demi Moore, but if you are looking to get a little closer to someone on the other side hosting a séance is a simple way to do it.  All joking aside, when tapping into other worldly things you want to make sure you are protecting yourself and your space.  Not all ghosts have good abs, or intentions, so use the following steps to keep yourself safe.


Here is what you will need: the Séance Ghost candle, Blessed Herbal Protection oil, a protection blessing of your choosing, some sort of paper or board with yes or no written on it, and a pendulum.


Find a quiet space that allows you to focus on the task at hand.  Send the kids out to play while you prepare to meditate on Dirty Dancing….I mean, contact those beyond.  Once you feel that you have found the right location lay out the instruments for your séance.


Before you begin your séance it is important to protect yourself and your space.  Pour a few drops of Protection Blessed Herbal oil onto your fingertips.  Rub it into the candle and your divination tool.  Touch your fingers to your third eye and heart chakras.  Really, anywhere that suits you; dab your doorways, floors or the tip of your nose if it feels right.  


Once the Protection oil has been placed, light the candle and recite your protection affirmation or use the blessing that comes on the Séance Ghost candle.  This candle is made to help your voice resonate on many planes and for your message to be focused.  Use the pendulum to ask your questions.  Don’t forget to note down the answers and consult them for clarity and consistency.

When you open a door you have to remember to close it.  After you are finished, politely thank them and anoint yourself with the Protection oil again while firmly but nicely saying goodbye as many times as you need.  

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  987 Hits

Honey Jar - A Witches Union Spell Box

SB HJAs Mary Poppins so eloquently put it, “Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down.”  The Honey Jar Witches Union Spell Box will sweeten the deal, make the boss more agreeable, or encourage someone to take a shine on you.  Combine this spell box with some common items around your house and make your life sweet as pie.  Get your limited edition spell box today!


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to bring in quick cash, ditch old patterns, and change your financial luck.   We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $50 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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  1495 Hits

Coventry Magic Oracle - October - 2016

Who the hell are you anyway?

CMOIt’s a question of identity vs. our true selves. Many wear masks on a daily basis and only let their true selves

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101 Ways to Tell If Your House is Haunted

GC HBCOr really some generalizations and a candle magic cure.  I could ask you a litany of questions, “Is that the furnace?  A bird in the attic?  Raccoons on the roof?  A leaky window?  Is there a dark man standing outside the window?  Did it come from within the house?  Do you see flickers in the mirror?  Feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up?  Feel cold drafts?”.  Let’s face it, if you are haunted you probably already know it or are reading this to aid someone who is.  


Hauntings do seem to fall into a few categories and you can certainly tweak your spellwork fairly easily to deal with them all.  This month’s special edition Home Clear and Bless Ghost candle was made to clear out the past energy from your house, whether its spirits or former tenants, and it can be used in conjunction with many other candles to get the desired effect.


Probably the most favored ghost genre of Hollywood is the poltergeist; you know like Poltergeist the movie.  You’ve seen it.  You know what this is all about.  Broken dishes, slamming doors, terrified children and a weird attachment to the TV.  Scratch that, that explains most modern children.  So let’s say odd electronic behaviors.  Like they are trying to talk to you...and maybe do.  Watch out for creepy blond children hanging out in their nightgowns.  For sure there is a poltergeist around; those little girls attract them like magnets.  Use the Poof! Wicked Witch Mojo candle in addition to the Bless and Clear Ghost candle to get those lousy gremlins gone.  Or lay down the law with those bratty kids, whichever applies.  


Residual hauntings are what I like to call imposed post cognizance. The living keep walking in on a scene that repeats itself over and over; one that doesn’t exist on this place in time.  If there are any ghostly figures in the room they don’t attempt to interact with the living.  It’s much like the holodeck, only without the controls.  Using the Home Bless and Clear Ghost candle should be enough to erase the video loop.  


Intelligent hauntings can be a little frightening as the dead may be trying to talk to you directly.  It does make for a shocking midnight snack.  Usually these folks are harmless and in need of some closure; nothing like taking your baggage to the grave.  In addition to the House Clear and Bless Ghost candle, I’m thinking that a little helping hand is needed and suggest the Problem Solving Blessed Herbal candle.

Then things get a little freaky; entities which never had any human form that are just energy based.  Often their only purpose is to create chaos and destruction.   These malevolent spirits, culminations of negative energy, can be powerful and dangerous.  You know, like in The Shining.  Yes, Home Bless and Clear Ghost candle but I would suggest you pack a wallop with the Fiery Wall of Protection Motor City Hoo Doo candle and the Protection Blessed Herbal candle.  If you feel that you and yours are not safe seek guidance from your local spiritual community.  


The other side influences our lives every day and usually not by taking over the hotel we are caretakers for.  Our sensitivity to ghostly activity grows with each encounter; sometimes to a distracting level. The Ghost Candles are specially made to enforce authority over the intersection of spirit world and ours.  The Ghost candles are made at the time of year when the veil is at its thinnest between our world and beyond. They not only deal with issues of the spirit world but also in the lingering energy the living can leave behind.  

This annual special edition line is a popular tradition here at Coventry Creations.  This year we will be offering the following candles: Home Clear and Bless, Night Terror, Ghost Repel, and Seance.  Don't miss out on this limited run!

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  1154 Hits

On Ice - A Witches Union Spell Caster Club Card

SC OISome people just won’t quit.  You know exactly who I am talking about, the people who pester, bother, and harass as if it is the sole purpose in their lives.  Don’t let them skate over you and make them stop being a bother with September’s On Ice Spell Caster Club Card.  The On Ice Spell is perfect for when you need to freeze someone in their tracks.  

Included for free in all September purchases this spell will chill them out!

The On Ice Spell Caster Club Card uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to make all your wishes come true.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to stop them cold.

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  1158 Hits

Can Alchemy Solve Everything?

BHC HTIf so, what is the the right mixture for success?  Success is the constant churning of the elements; thought into passion into emotion into action; air into fire into water into earth.  That is the start of the alchemical process, turning emotion into action; water into earth.  Add in that unique ingredient of spirit and you are manifesting the success to achieve your goals.  This is an unending alchemical process; with your growing success, your targets will change.  As you learn and evolve, your goals will evolve with you.

When you embrace success as a process instead of an end goal, you can enjoy who you are. Success is a process of passion and it can be a process of joy and happiness.   What destroys that happiness is when you use outdated cultural norms or even the projections of others. The journey of success is not necessarily about money; it is more about fulfillment.  Start living your own magic by shedding the expectations and judgments of what others deem success to be and watch your good fortune grow!

7 Magical Steps to Creating Success

Let go of the past and start in the here and now.  Past mistakes, fears, experiences can become the driving force in inhibiting your success and the only place they will drive you is off the cliff.  Use the Motor City Hoo Doo Uncrossing Candle to identify and clear from you those past emotions that will stop you from achieving your goal.

Thoughts lead to feelings. Feeling lead to actions. Actions lead to results.  Light a Spiritual Cleansing Blessed Herbal candle and whisper that negative self sabotaging talk into the candle.  Shake off all those nasty voices in your head and move forward clean and clear.

Burn the Heart Blessed Herbal Candle to show you where your passion lies and how you want to experience success.  What are the actions or steps you need to take to get to your place of success?  How would you know if you actually achieved your success if you do not have a benchmark to measure it against?  List five things you need to do in the physical world to promote your success and speak them aloud.  Visualize your target success every morning, take action towards it every day, and keep your eyes open for new ways of getting there.

Humor, the ultimate road opener…..Use the Ganesha World Magic candle to remove obstacles and bring joy.  When you invite his energy into your life the unexpected creates the miracles you are looking for.  You know you are on the right path when you come upon roadblocks.  Our internal saboteur actually looks for roadblocks to give excuses for diversions from your goal.  The Ganesha candle helps you see those roadblocks and then laugh at yourself about them.  Light it every time you come upon a block or fear.  When you open your mind to see the block for what it truly is, it gets less scary and formidable.

Invite success with the Success Affirmation candle by starting with gratitude, giving thanks for everything you have already accomplished and all that you have.  Honoring these successes and your current abundance opens the door for more to enter.  If you have been struggling with success it is because you have forgotten what it is to succeed.  You have depleted your self-esteem and personal power.  This step helps you get back into your place of power where you can invite in success.

Relax your expectations and let the universe bring to you what you truly need to manifest your success.  Use the Attraction Blessed Herbal candle to draw in exactly what you need.  It may not be what you thought it would be, but if you open your mind you will find that what you receive is even better than the original expectation.

Burn the Crown of Glory Motor City Hoo Doo candle and be open to opportunity.  The perfect time, place and opportunity will arrive.  Every time.  Every step you take in this magical journey leads you to this moment.   It is your moment alone, your moment of glory.  Your courage to change for the better, your courage to be successful will be what helps you take advantage and travel through the manifestation of your success.  

When opportunity presents itself – GRAB  IT!  The universe will provide the opportunity, but you have to see and utilize it.  This part it totally up you!  It is the brass ring; snatch it up and run with it.  Enjoy, be at peace, and know you have traveled through to a place where you can sustain your new vibration while living a glorious life full of continued successes.

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  1088 Hits

Make a Wish - A Witches Union Spell Caster Club Card

SC MWWhen was the last time you swung on monkey bars, jumped in a mud puddle, danced wildly in the rain or skipped stones on a placid lake?  Being a grown up all the time isn’t always fun .  Sometimes that inner child needs to get let loose on the playground, both in daily life and in magic.  Stop being so serious, light a candle and make a wish.  That simple.  Bring the joys of childhood into your magic with September’s Make a Wish Spell Caster Club Card.


Included for free in all September purchases this spell keeps it simple and fun!

The Make a Wish Spell Caster Club Card uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to make all your wishes come true.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to make you smile.

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  1219 Hits

Hekate, Last of the Titans

GC ALLShe’s like the superhero mom with twelve kids, who runs a nonprofit, started the carpool, volunteers at a hospice, fosters puppies, plays roller derby on the weekends, and has a wicked sharp sense of humor.  Only immortal.  And a Titan.  You can draw Hekate into your life to enact big, life altering magic and maybe even make it to a P.T.A. meeting.


Often depicted as a triple headed woman of glorious beauty Hekate embodies all stages of womanhood; maiden, mother, and crone.  Hekate is the Queen of the Crossroads, Witches, Ghosts, keeper of the newborn, the guide for the dead, and has the power to grant mortals anything they wish.  Yes, she is a badass.  Her resume also includes guardianship over entranceways, dogs, light, magic, protection of all things newborn, herbs and poisonous plants, necromancy, and sorcery.  Not to mention ruling over the earth, sea, and sky.  


Take a look here for my take on the patriarchy trying to keep the Queen down.


Seek her out at three way crossroads, places between here and there for assistance in moving from one stage of being into another.  Set up shrines to Hekate at three way crossroads allowing her to look down your pathes; past, present, and future.  Light candles and leave offerings of food on the new moon to protect yourself from evil while transitioning from one stage to the next or appeal to her to protect your household, bring prosperity and daily blessings to your family.  

Hekate, goddess of the three paths, Queen of the Witches and Ghosts, seemed like the perfect compliment to our Ghost line.  As a guide between the two worlds the Hekate World Magic candle leads us in the direction we need to go.  Approach her for guidance, strength, and will; she is a powerful ally.  Our limited edition Hekate World Magic and the seasonal Ghost lines are available for a short time. Then, just as they came, they will slowly disappear….

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  1296 Hits

5 Ways to Clear the Road Ahead


All the signs are pointing to movement and change this month and we are holding onto our hats just trying to keep up! We’ve assembled our favorite articles to remind us all of ways to make the road less bumpy. Happy travels!

Shed off the binds of being a victim and Power Up Positive Energy.

Jacki Smith outlines the steps to let go of too much focus on outcomes in this article Not a F@*k Was Given.

Writing Your Own Ticket by Patty Shaw takes a look at defining the way your life will look like going forward.

Own the choices you are making on your new path and influence changes in It Doesn’t Exist Until You Write It Down.

Take a look at the seven magical steps to creating success to guide you on the path ahead in Success is a Journey, Not a Destination by Jacki Smith.

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  1161 Hits

Coventry Magical Oracle - September - 2016

Living a Simple Life

CMOThis month we are focusing on keeping it simple and going back to the basics. When I was pondering what to consult the oracle

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  1087 Hits

These Boots Were Made For Walking

BOOTSThere are times when we need to lace our boots up, walk away from toxic people, and end destructive relationships.  You know who they are: narcissists, bullies, manipulators; those that keep you around just to keep you down.  The psychic vampires that latch onto the most giving and then drain until there is nothing left. There are times when we need to lace our boots up, walk away from toxic people, and end destructive relationships.


This spell was crafted to help you do just that.  The following combination of Coventry products adds a little magic to put some pep in your step and banish the unworthy from your life.


1 - Energy and Will Blessed Herbal Candle

1 - Makin’ Tracks Wicked Witch Mojo Candle

1 - Bitch Be Gone Wicked Witch Mojo Oil

Personal items of the person you are shaking loose

A Mason Jar

1 - Limited Edition Crossroads Candle with Skeleton Key

A secluded crossroads

Put some kick in those heels by drawing on your inner strength with the Energy and Will Blessed Herbal candle.  Light the candle in a safe space and place your shoes on the floor in front of it.  Sit with the candle until the need to move overwhelms you and then put on the shoes.  


Anoint the personal items of the person you want to see in the rearview mirror with the Bitch Be Gone Wicked Witch Mojo oil.  Place them on the floor below the candles.  


Send them packing fast and light the Makin' Tracks Wicked Witch Mojo candle and stomp them out by circling the candles three times while chanting, “Out! Out! Out!”.  Allow the candle burn until you feel their energy dissipate.

Collect all the remnants and personal items in the Mason jar and seal it up tight.  Take your first steps to freedom and head to a crossroads as far as you can get from your home.  

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Hekate the Queen Bitch of the Crossroads

HEKATEUnlike others, Hekate, the Queen of the Witches, stands at three way crossroads (as opposed to four) and protects those at the threshold of change.  Beautiful and powerful, Hecate was the only Titan allowed to keep her power and Zeus himself shared the ability to give mortals anything they wished.  She retained the right to refuse outright, which is probably one of the reasons she was referred to as a bitch.  Sure, she was also represented as a three headed hound, but really?


Over the years her reputation was tarnished and she went from a creature of unimaginable power, glowing, and having desirable features to an old hag stirring a cauldron.  The maiden and the mother stripped from her and her triple nature was washed away.  Robbed of her rightful place, she slipped in obscurity, overshadowed by the Olympian gods that had become the trendy alternatives.  In an attempt to rob Hekate, her attributes were divided among the newer goddesses; trying to break up her vast abilities.  Her former kingdoms of earth, sea, and sky were divided into lesser moon goddess.  It may be the original glass ceiling.  


So why did the patriarchy go after her?  The same reason it always does; power in the hands of women is dangerous.  And when that female has the ability to deny the desires of mortals, the right to say no, she gets bullseye on her back right quick.  The joke is on them; Hekate turned out to be a survivor.  


A multifaceted goddess, she is known variously as the Queen of the Crossroads, the Queen of Witches, and the Queen of Ghosts.  She kept that crown on her head despite the efforts to diminish her.  A protector of all things newborn and a psychopomp for the dead, she guides the deceased to the afterlife without judgement; unlike all the glass house gods.  Associated with the crossroads, a place of great magic, thresholds, and entrance ways, she is the protector of those traveling from one state of being to another. Her softer side is a goddess of the household and at her discretion bestows prosperity and protection to those that honor her.  She often appears with two torches and holds a key to transformation.  Without question her knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery added to the fears of the patriarchy.   

Hekate is an intense goddess to appeal to but if she deems your request valid she is a powerful ally.  Call upon her at the crossroads when you need the Bitch Queen at your back.

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  1675 Hits

Get Moving With Motor City Grit

GetMovingIt’s time to put your shoulder to the wheel.  Knuckle down. Bust it out.  Achieve your dreams.  You know you’ve got this, but sometimes some extra magic moves things along a little faster.  The Motor City Grit combination packs a wallop when it’s time to get down and dirty.  Use the Wicked Good Road Opener Room Spray to destroy obstacles and clear your path.  Dig deep and discover a renewed sense of strength with the earthy Stability Blessed Herbal Candle.  Grease the wheels with Motor City Hoodoo High John Oil by adding a touch of the trickster’s luck and wily tenacity.  Keep your goal in sight with the Crown of Glory Motor City Hoo Doo candle to insure victory.


1 - Wicked Good Road Opener Room Spray

1 - Stability Blessed Herbal Candle

1 - Motor City Hoodoo High John Oil

1 - Motor City Hoo Doo Crown of Glory Motor City Candle


This spell certainly has a taste of regional flair; inspired by our hometown spirit.  Detroit is no stranger to tribulation but continues on proudly despite the naysayers.  Struggle, in and of itself, is not negative; it is often an overlooked opportunity to truly experience our own strength. The Motor City Grit spell is designed to capitalize on the vast stores of power each of us has access to.

Create your own spell pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to bring in quick cash, ditch old patterns, and change your financial luck . We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $50 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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  915 Hits

Badass Witch Confidence Spell Caster Club Card

SCC BAEveryone’s nerves get rattled on occasion; someone takes the wind out of our sails or makes us feel small.  This Witches Union Spell Caster Club Card is a game changer in the self worth department.  Call upon your own inner strength and put some steel in your spine with the Badass Witch Confidence Spell.


Included for free in all August purchases, the Badass Witch Confidence Spell is crafted to give you the boost you are looking for!

The Witches Union Badass Witch Confidence Spell Caster’s Club Card uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to allow you to get that big break you have been looking for.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to act quickly and effectively.

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Real Estate SOLD! - A Witches Union Spell Box

SB REHouse lagging on the market with hardly a reasonable offer in sight?  Want to get the most from your investment?  The Real Estate SOLD! Spell Box was designed to solve all your real estate worries with speed.  With a fickle market everyone could use a little boost to their listing and there is nothing wrong with sending a little energy your agent’s way.   Also included is a spell crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith.  Get your limited edition spell box today.


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to bring in quick cash, ditch old patterns, and change your financial luck.   We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $50 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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  1132 Hits

Blockbuster A Witches Union Spell Caster Club Card

SCC BBTake a sledgehammer to anything that is blocking your path with this month’s Spell Caster Club Card.  Clear the road ahead of you and remove both the blocks others throw in your way along with the booby traps you set for yourself.  Make some big changes with the Blockbuster Spell Caster Club Card.


Included for free in all August purchases, Blockbuster is crafted to help you win the prize!

The Witches Union Blockbuster Spell Caster’s Club Card uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to allow you to get that big break you have been looking for.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to act quickly and effectively.

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  1086 Hits

Deals with the Devil and other Crossroads Magic

BHC CRGot your attention, didn’t I?  Truly though, when standing at the threshold between a previous way of thinking, state of being or making big changes the crossroads is the place to be.  Jacki, our founder and favorite witch, feels that the most powerful personal magic is when you are at the crossroads.  That is why she created this limited edition candle to tap into your own deeper magic.  In addition, in celebration of the Month of Jacki receive 15% off autographed copies of Jacki’s book, Coventry Magic.


This $25.00 Limited Edition Blessed Herbal Crossroads candle comes with a ritually charged skeleton key.  Also included are instructions to create your own ritual to unlock your crossroads magic.   


Remember the Crossroads candle is only available in August!


Use coupon code AUG16 for 15% off autographed copies

of Coventry Magic, by Jacki Smith in August


The places in between.  Neither here nor there.  Betwixt and between.  The cardinal points.  The crossroads is a snake that curls around spiritual paths, religion, and folklore with complete disregard to geography or culture.  The underlying theme is that it is the place where the spiritual and physical worlds touch which makes it a powerful place to work magic of all kinds.


A versatile location, the crossroads is a space to call on guardians, confuse ghosts, work powerful mojo, banish, or draw in desires.  It is where deals are hashed out, intentions stated, decisions are made, and offerings are left.  Tricksters, protectors, gods and goddesses of all kinds, and yes, even the Devil himself are said to reside at the crossroads.  


Crossroads magic can be carried on at any intersection of roads.  Jacki highly suggests a rural or less travelled road; a curious policeman can really ruin the vibe.  Crossroads magic can be worked symbolically indoors as well.  In any case, set up four corners with candles acting as elemental representations of the four elements.  Draw a cross of graveyard dirt through the center and choose your intention, request or question.  Light a candle in the center and allow the candles to burn down as long as the neighbors don’t notice you sitting in the middle of the road.  Keep an eye out for the “dark man” or a dark colored dog.  


This month’s Limited Edition Blessed Herbal Crossroad candle was made under the watchful energy of Jacki’s personal Elegba and was crafted to appeal to many guardians.  Hecate, Legba, Ellegua, and Elegba all reside at the Crossroads along with many others were honored in the creation process.  Symbols that connect cultures and the Crossroads are the colors red, black and white, dogs and skeleton keys which were all included in the process.  The Limited Edition Blessed Herbal Crossroads candle is as versatile as the crossroads itself.


Coventry Creations has taken the guesswork out of selecting the right candle by putting together the perfect combination of oils, colors, and then crafting them with a purpose.  For over twenty years, the Blessed Herbal Candles have been hand poured when the moon is right, in a sacred space and with added blessings.  The 17 unique blends are our top selling products and have brought magic into the lives of many people.

The Crossroads candle is available for a short time so act now.  Get out there and make some magic of your own!

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  1734 Hits

Coventry Magical Oracle - August - 2016

May You Live in Interesting Times

CMOAugust is all wrapped up in road opening and clearing the way for major change. Given the focus on the contentious election

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  1276 Hits

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