By Patty Shaw on Monday, 20 October 2014
Category: Astro Magic

Let's Deep Clean your Spirtual Energy.

Magic Made Easy: How to Spiritually Cleanse your Space


Here is what you will need: a spiritual cleansing candle, a blessing,  smudge stick, a container for collecting ashes , candle holder, matches or lighter.


There are many different reasons to spiritually cleanse your space.  It could be to clear negative energy that someone else is throwing your way, it could be a nice way to welcome transitions or changes into your life, clear the air for a new phase  or even  to get rid of the ghost of some bad energy in your living or working space.  Jacki, our founder, is always doing this at the factory to clear out space that is now being used as a new office or where a new item is being manufactured.



Enjoy your new and cleansed space!  Now your are clear to start taking on new goals, complete old ones and start to feel better or get a clearer picture about what is important in your life.  To learn more about candle magic, we recommend looking into Coventry Magic by Jacki Smith.  Please never leave a burning candle unattended.

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