
March’s series of blogs called “Clearing Negative Patterns” has been inspired by  excerpts from Coventry Magic by Jacki Smith.   


Just to recap: For 2015, we are dedicating ourselves to unleashing your personal power. Since this is no overnight task, we have broken it down month by month. March, we talk about what it takes to break negative patterns that keep you stuck.   Last week we went over a popular cleansing technique for clearing negative energy.  This week we have one more for you to try!


These blogs are really just a summary of the real exercises found in Coventry Magic by Jacki Smith, for more detailed explanation, I recommend checking out the entire book.


How to do an egg cleansing


Jacki writes about using an egg to get someones hooks out of you. This cleansing is for clearing someone out of your life. Sometimes you are under the influence of a bad friend or a toxic person in your life that is causing you to harm and keeping you down. The egg is a living energy.  The energetic hooks are drawn out and placed into the egg.    Again, although this guide below is the complete instructions on how to do an egg cleansing, I have only just summarized the reasons behind it from Coventry Magic.  For more details you will want to refer to chapter 9 in the book.


You will need

3 eggs

a paper bag


Here is what you do



Additional Tip from Jacki:“When you clear someone or something out of your life, don’t talk about them for three days. Use another term or name that makes you laugh, otherwise you are calling to their energy and inviting them back into your life.”--Jacki Smith from Coventry Magic ch. 9