By Jacki Smith on Saturday, 23 May 2015
Category: Astro Magic

Detroit Hoodoo Month: Home Work with St. Joseph.

Home Work with St. Joseph

By Sindy Todo.Born and raised on the Texas-Louisiana gulf coast and a true Southern Rootworker, her Cajun/Louisiana ancestral gumbo is fully reflected in my conjure and is representative of the blend of cultures found there She is a conjurer, spiritual coach, energy worker, healer, intuitive, and card & bone reader.  Sindy also serves as a spiritual bridge between realms.  Her gifts are ancestral and passed down to me from her Cajun and Lebanese grandmothers. Sindy  resides in Seattle Washington with her beloved husband of 28 years and two beautiful Shih Tzu’s who are her constant companions that energetically watch over and guard all her work!



When I began practicing rootwork or conjure, one of the first divinities that clearly spoke to me regarding prosperity work was Saint Joseph. He has been my patron Saint, my spiritual benefactor and my support.  Many have experienced his miraculous assistance.  



My maternal grandfather was named Joseph (he was also a seventh son), my father was named Joseph, and the first school I attended was St. Joseph’s. For over 30 years I have participated in celebrating the feast day of this saint by first learning how to work on preparing an altar in the Sicilian and New Orleans tradition and then building and creating my own. This is an annual pledge and fund raising event to feed those less fortunate that I promise to St. Joseph for all his help and assistance I receive for my clients, my family and myself.



The home is where we feel most rooted and grounded, it makes sense for us to do our work around bringing into it positive energy, great abundance, and strong protection for the structure itself and all those who live in it.


St. Joseph walks the rooms of my home because he is invited and prayed to on a daily basis. He is the saint to invoke for buying, selling, remodeling, protecting and drawing prosperity to the house.  A simple carpenter, yet a powerfully strong father figure and intuitive, Joseph connects to each of us… if we simply ask.


Conjure work to me, is a study in spirit-guided creativity. When working for prosperity drawing I make mini money houses and personalized prosperity railroad spikes and teach people how to use these tools to do their work.  Often I use jewelry from a client when commissioned to make these pieces, I use real money, real keys, gold blessed mojo beans from my feast day altars, lodestones, and other prosperity drawing stones, minerals roots and herbs.


Another example of my work is a house for realtors to work with as they get listings to sell and attract buyers.  St Joseph is guardian over these little houses and always stands outside the front door of the house, standing upright (never upside down), watching for the right buyer to come in. Cinnamon for a fence and trees, shredded money for bushes around the house, high John root in the yard, coins and pyrite for a sidewalk,  $2.00 bills on the roof, horseshoes, broom and a house key at the door along with other personalized items just are a few embellishments of this particular realtor’s “ranch house”.



Success is accomplished when more thoughtful focus and creativity are applied to the setup of these magical work-houses. Petitions are written; names of buyers are put in the house and candles burned on the chimney.




I love to do home work and always encourage my clients to look at their environment when they are trying to shift their flow of abundance. Is your house clean? Have you moved the energy in it by moving the items, clutter and furniture? Remember the old saying, “Home is where the Heart is”. Take care to keep all the plasma pumping and arteries open.  And, talk to St. Joseph.  My favorite prayer said each morning (while you brush your teeth is perfect) is below. Just ask for what you want. He’s listening!


Houses filled to the roof with blessings,


Auntie Sindy Todo



Prayer to St Joseph


Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in you all my interest and desires.  (state them here)


Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers.


Oh, St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you, and Jesus asleep in your arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press him in my name and kiss his fine head for me and ask him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, Parton of departing souls – Pray for me.


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