By Jacki Smith on Wednesday, 02 September 2015
Category: Astro Magic

What's the Candle Magic of Hekate?

Using the Hekate Pillar in Candle Magic


The Halloween candles are a special set of pillars that we made for the autumn.  Hekate is one of the most popular of the Halloween special pour that we have.  She celebrated by many and is known as the triple goddess, goddess of the crossroads, goddess of the ghost, queen of the witches among many other titles.


For candle magic, this pillar is for calling for help when on the crossroads from one transition to another. With help not only for help navigating in transitions but vision on which path will be the safest journey what will lead you on towards the right path. Follow its light to help you to keep going towards the journey you need for growth and recuperation.

The Hekate candle will only be around for a limited time.  The candle burns for 70 hours and includes a blessing on the label to recite with the candle and intention. Please never leave a burning candle unattended.

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