With Halloween quickly approaching Christmas sales volume, it’s easy to lose the spirit of it.  

“Wait,” you say.  “There is a spiritual purpose to Halloween?” 

Yes, yes there is and it can be a game changing experience.   This is the time of year where you have a free pass to connect to your ancestors and experience some deep healing.   This is the time of year to tap into your well of personal secrets and uncover the true you and live from it.   This is the time of year where you can forgive yourself of your mistakes and start the New Year free of that burden.  This is the time of year where you can ask for and receive blessings that will carry you through the winter months.  This is the time of year when your crossroads are very apparent and you can finally see the correct path for you. 

These darkening nights are naturally very open psychically and we have 4 powerful tools, Coventry’s Halloween candles that are only available this time of year, to help you take authority over this energy and work it like the witch you are!

Hekate, Queen ofthe Witches - This candle will help you connect with the powers of Hekate and take authority over the crossroads of your life.  Hekate, when approached with humility and respect, will help you see clearly the best path to manifest your dreams and destiny.   She will help you face whatever fears were causing you to hesitate and then clear the path to your future.

Halloween, Night ofthe Witch – This candle, when lit daily, leading up to Samhain or Halloween, will help you establish a deeper connection to your ancestors and protect you from stray psychic booby-traps that abound this time of year.   You ancestors always bring your blessings of abundance and blessings of forgiveness – for yourself and for them and the earthly harm they may have caused.  When you can travel forward in the New Year without those burdens, which is a true and deep blessing.

Santisima Meurte, OurLady of Blessings - This candle is made with scents that will catch the favor of Santisima Muerte, also known as Most Holy Death.   Don’t let her name scare you as she will hold death at bay while you traverse some of your greatest challenges and then leave you with great blessings.   The Bony Lady will cleanse away your negativity and refill your reserves with blessings of love, prosperity, protection and health.

Dia De LosMeurtos, The Day of the Dead – This candle is one of celebration!  Lighting this candle daily until Nov 2nd will honor your departed and invite them in to celebrate life with you.  Who but your ancestors will love you more?  You are everything they have worked toward in their life and now they are free to be pure love that blesses your life. 

Try any and all of these spiritual celebrations this season and your life will be changed.  Formality is not required and if you go into this with innocence and trust, you will be rewarded.