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August is here, and it's time to welcome Virgo season! In Kabbalah, this month of Elul is associated with the cosmic process of repentance (Teshuvah). This is where we take stock of our actions throughout the year, reflect on their root cause, make amends when necessary, and try to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

Virgo, as an earth sign, is associated with practical matters such as jobs, tasks, and responsibilities. Therefore, this season is a great opportunity to look at how we can better manage our lives - from completing chores on time to taking care of our mental health needs - so that we can ultimately be more efficient and productive. By doing this, we can take advantage of all the positive energies Virgo has to offer. So, embrace Virgo season and use it as an opportunity to reflect, repair, and nurture yourself. You deserve it!

5 Magical Ways to Make the Most of Virgo Season

  1. Practical Magic: One of our biggest problems is our ability to complicate things. In our quest for the biggest, baddest, super-duper, mother-of-all spells, we can put so many ingredients in the pot that we ruin the stew. During Virgo season, it’s better to work magic in its simplest form. So, back to basics. With that said, I will recommend only one item for this type of magicWitches Brew Original Candle (or oil).

  2. Herbal Magic: So, picture this: you prepare a nice dinner, and you open your spice cabinet and pull out all kinds of spices to make your meal delicious. But did you know all those spices have magical properties? Well, surprise, they do! Cinnamon heats things up; Rosemary can be used for protection, love magic, and staying young; and even ground coffee can be used to dispel negative thoughts. The next time you build a spell, put those herbs to work. Bon Appetite!
    Recommended: The Blessed Herbal Candle Line

  3. Purification Magic: The sign of Virgo is associated with cleanliness. Although, I’ve met many Virgoans that hate cleaning, the need for an orderly universe is important to them. This is a great month to purify and sterilize all your magical tools and dispel negative energies from your personal space. So, get out those magic wash packets, your uncrossing candles, and magical sprays, and just get it done!
    Recommended: Witch Hazel, Uncrossing Candle (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo), Tornado Alley (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo), and Wicked Good Karma Kleaner.

  4. Healing Magic: Have something that ‘Ails Ya’? Well, since Virgo is associated with health (that means diet and exercise), this is a wonderful time of the year to do healing magic both internally and psychologically.
    Recommended: Sun (Astro Magic), Outta My Way (Wicked Witch Mojo), Healing (Blessed Herbal).

  5. Work and Career Magic: Need a job, promotion, or just want to put your boss in his/her place? Need some magical help to ensure your projects are successful? Well, this is the month to set those intentions. Spend some time journaling the results you would like to achieve, and then get to work – magically speaking.
    Recommended: Mars (Astro Magic), Attraction (Blessed Herbal), and Prosperity (Blessed Herbal).

August 5 to August 28, 2024: Mercury Rx Dirty Dozen! Tips and Tricks to Wrangling the Trickster God

  1. Make sure you go over anything contractual thoroughly. Make sure all the I’s are dotted and all the T's are crossed. Then, if you can get away with it, wait until after the retrograde to sign on the dotted line. 
  2. Avoid starting anything new. New projects tend to have communication problems and mishaps when started during this process.
  3. Put a watch on your tongue. (If it is not worth saying, don't say it)
  4. Check your vehicles for any potential problems. Before Mercury goes retrograde, is the best time for a service call. 
  5. Avoid buying real estate or renting apartments. Usually, this means you will move again during a future Mercury Rx. 
  6. Using mail delivery services that offer tracking and insurance – especially now, since the Post Office has still not recovered from the pandemic.
  7. Check, recheck, and check again any travel plans you have or appointments on the books.
  8. If you do travel, don't take anything of importance or value. Only bring items that you do not care about are lost or stolen.
  9. Expect people from the past to resurface. However, once they crawl out of whatever cavern they came from, continue with caution.
  10. Back up all electronic devices.
  11. Avoid buying an automobile. 
  12. Mercury Rx is a great time to scour places (online and offline) for great deals!

Recommended: Mercury Rx Neutralizer (Astro Magic), Van Van (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo), Sacred White Sage (World Magic)

Lunar Magic

The New Moon in Leo

On August 4th, 2024, the New Moon occurs in fiery Leo. Harnessing the New Moon in Leo's energy can be a blast! First, set some big, bold intentions—think "go big or go home." Then, get your creative juices flowing with some artsy activities. Boost your self-confidence, channel your inner child with playful fun, and strut your leadership stuff. Celebrate your wins, practice self-love, visualize your dream life, express gratitude, and meditate on your heart chakra. Embrace Leo's vibrant vibes and watch your life roar!

Recommended: Let it Grow (New Moon – Astro Magic), Energy and Will (Blessed Herbal), Road Opener (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo)

Full Moon in Aquarius 

On August 19, 2024, the Full Moon occurs in Aquarius. During the Aquarian Full Moon, it's time to let go of old habits and embrace your inner weirdo. Ditch the clutter, both physical and mental, and create space for wild ideas. Unplug from tech that's bogging you down, and reconnect with people who get your quirks. Reflect on how you can be a better community superhero. Take care of your mind and body, and remember, it's okay to be a bit eccentric!

Recommended: Let it Go! (Full Moon – Astro Magic), Everything and then Some (Wicked Witch Mojo), Crown of Success (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo)

Weekly Breakdown

July 29, 2024 – August 4, 2024

This week, our V.I.P (Very Important Planet) is Venus, the goddess of love. However, Venus will go through difficulties forming a difficult aspect to Neptune and moving into Virgo, the sign of her fall. When Venus is struggling, expect relationship squabbles and financial hiccups. Self-doubt might creep in, and socializing can feel awkward. Creativity hits a roadblock too. It’s like Venus is having a bad hair day, throwing off your groove. Be patient, love yourself, and maybe indulge in some chocolate!

July 29, 2024

The Moon in Taurus – On Monday, the Moon moves through Taurus. When the Moon's in Taurus, it's time to get cozy and practical. First, check your finances—because who doesn't love finding extra cash? Tackle that messy closet, channel your inner gardener, and pamper yourself like royalty. Cook a delicious meal for loved ones, and enjoy the savory delights. Set realistic goals and plod towards them like a determined tortoise. Lastly, step outside, breathe in nature, and ground yourself. Steady wins the race! However, prepare for an energy shift, because this evening the Moon moves into chatty Gemini.

Recommended: Prosperity (Blessed Herbal) 


July 30, 2024 – July 31, 2024

The Moon in Gemini – As the Moon moves through airy Gemini, it's time to embrace your inner chatterbox and multitask like a pro! Learn new skills, tackle complex problems, and be open to change. Connect with people, enhance your online presence, and explore new hobbies. Teach, volunteer, and keep your curiosity alive. Don't forget to meditate and reflect for some mental clarity. So, get ready to juggle, explore, and connect with Gemini's energetic vibe!

Recommended: Problem Solver (Blessed Herbal)


August 1, 2024

The Moon in Cancer – The Moon in Cancer is prime time for serious self-care. Think bubble baths, cooking comfort food, and cozying up with loved ones. Channel your inner artist with some crafts or paint your emotions away. Don't forget to dive into some deep, emotional chats with family or friends. Feel like a mermaid? Spend time near water. Oh, and set those boundaries like a pro—because your peace of mind is top priority!

Recommended: Do You! (The Moon – Astro Magic)


August 2, 2024

Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus – On Friday, Venus forms a difficult square to Uranus in Taurus. You can expect relationship surprises and a craving for freedom—think “Relationship Rollercoaster 101.” Sudden attractions or breakups could pop up like unexpected plot twists. Your values and finances might take a wild turn, like investing in llamas instead of stocks. Embrace the excitement, but keep impulsiveness in check. Communication is key! Balance freedom with responsibility to avoid turning your love life into a sitcom.

Recommended: Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal)


August 3, 2024

The Moon in Leo -- When the Moon's in Leo, it’s time to channel your inner superstar. Dive into creative projects, flaunt your talents, and strut your stuff with confidence. Embrace leadership roles and set bold goals, like you own the place. Socialize with flair, dress to impress, and don’t be shy about seeking applause. Pamper yourself, boost your self-esteem, and remember you’re worth every bit of that dramatic flair. Shine bright, because you’ve got the Leo glow!

Recommended: Everything and then Some (Wicked Witch Mojo)


August 4, 2024 

Venus in Virgo – In addition to the New Moon that occurs during the morning hours, Venus moves out of fiery Leo and into Virgo. With Venus in Virgo, it's time to get our lives in order! Focus on the nitty-gritty details of your life, clean up your space, and embrace practical beauty. Think of it as a makeover for your mind, body, and home. Dive into self-care, refine your skills, and aim for quality over quantity in everything. And remember, a little constructive criticism never hurt anyone—it's all about leveling up, not tearing down. So, keep it neat and sweet!

Recommended: Stability (Blessed Herbal)


August 5, 2024 – August 11, 2024

This week’s V.I.P is Mercury. When Mercury dominates the week, get ready for a mental workout. Expect lively chats, a brainpower boost, and travel plans galore. Your tech may go on the fritz, especially when Mercury goes Rx early in the week. Social scenes heat up, so you'll be mingling more. Adaptability is key—embrace the unexpected with a smile!

August 5, 2024

Mercury Rx in Virgo -- On Monday, Mercury goes retrograde in earthy Virgo. When Mercury goes retrograde, it's like the universe hits the “rewind” button. Use this time to review, reorganize, and reconnect. Dust off old projects, catch up with forgotten friends, and clean that cluttered desk. Revise plans, research future endeavors, and back up your tech—because Mercury loves a good tech glitch! Embrace delays, practice self-care, and stay grounded. Think of it as a cosmic reminder to pause, reflect, and refresh!

Recommended: Mercury Rx Neutralizer (Astro Magic)


August 6, 2024

Moon in Virgo -- When the Moon's in Virgo, it's time to channel your inner perfectionist! First, clear out that clutter—your future self will thank you. Next, schedule like a boss, tackling those to-do lists. Focus on health—kale smoothies, anyone? Dive into detail-oriented tasks and polish your skills. Be a helper and volunteer. Reflect on past flubs, connect with nature, and set realistic goals. Embrace Virgo vibes for a productive, grounded time!

Recommended: Do You! (The Moon – Astro Magic)


August 7, 2024

The Sun in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini – The Sun sextile Jupiter is like getting a "Lucky Day" coupon in the mail. Your confidence gets a boost, and opportunities for success seem to pop up like whack-a-moles. Feel smarter? You might be! You’ll find people are friendlier and more generous, so soak up the good vibes. Just remember, while Jupiter’s bringing the luck, you still need to act—sitting around won’t cut it!

Recommended: Everything and Then Some (Wicked Witch Mojo)


Mercury Rx conjoins Venus in Virgo – Also on Wednesday, Mercury Rx conjoins Venus in Virgo. When Mercury retrograde cozies up to Venus, expect exes to pop up like toast and your texts to get hilariously misunderstood. It's a great time to double-check your budget and rethink what and who you truly value. Creative juices might flow better than your internet connection, so revisit old projects. Remember, patience is key—think of it as cosmic training in the art of waiting.

Recommended: Inner Balance (Blessed Herbal)


August 8, 2024 – August 9, 2024

The Moon in Libra -- When the Moon is in Libra, it’s all about keeping the peace and looking good while doing it! First, fix those relationships—no drama allowed. Then, balance your life like a pro juggler. Get artsy, whether it’s painting or redecorating. Make decisions like a wise owl, not a waffler. Spruce up your style and surroundings, because beauty counts. Be the diplomat in any spat. Lastly, get organized and reflect on your Zen master potential.

Recommended: Love’s Enchantment (Blessed Herbal)


August 10, 2024

The Moon in Libra Void of Course – On Saturday, the Moon spends the bulk of the day void of course in Libra. The void of course Moon is like the universe hitting the snooze button. It's when the Moon takes a break between zodiac signs, and nothing seems to go as planned. During this cosmic coffee break, avoid major decisions or new projects—they might just end up in the "What was I thinking?" pile. Instead, focus on routine tasks or just chill out. It's the perfect time for self-care and reflection, so pamper yourself!

Recommended: Van Van (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo)

The Moon in Scorpio -- When the Moon’s in Scorpio, dive into your feelings like they owe you rent. Grab a journal and write your heart out, or have a deep chat with your therapist. Clean out your closets—literally and metaphorically. Focus like a laser on your projects, get intimate with your loved ones, and channel your inner detective. Break a sweat with some intense exercise, or just meditate and connect with your spiritual side. Lastly, protect your vibes and set solid boundaries.

Recommended: Emotional Balance (Blessed Herbal)

August 12, 2024 – August 18, 2024

Our major player this week is again Mercury Rx. When Mercury goes retrograde, it’s like the universe hits the "shuffle" button on your life’s playlist. Expect miscommunications, travel hiccups, and tech tantrums. Think of it as a cosmic reminder to double-check everything and avoid big decisions. Ride the chaos, learn from the mess, and laugh at the mishaps!


August 12, 2024

The Moon in Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces – During the hours, the Moon forms a lovely trine to Saturn in Pisces. When the Moon trines Saturn, it’s like the universe gives you a thumbs-up for being a grown-up! Your emotions get a chill pill, and you’re suddenly all about that practical life. Responsibilities? Bring them on! Relationships? Totally rock solid. Think of it as the cosmic equivalent of wearing comfy sweatpants while crushing your to-do list. It's a great time to plan, organize, and get stuff done with a smile.

Recommended: Emotional Balance (Blessed Herbal)


August 13, 2024

The Moon in Sagittarius -- When the Moon's in Sagittarius, it's time to embrace your inner explorer! Plan a trip, take up a new hobby, or dive into deep philosophical chats. Go on an adventure, literally or through books. Engage in fun workouts like rock climbing or horseback riding, and don’t forget some yoga and let your spirit soar. Make new friends, volunteer for good causes, and create a vision board – because dreaming big is totally Sagittarius!

Recommended: Do You! (The Moon – Astro Magic)


August 14, 2024

Mars conjoins Jupiter in Gemini – On Wednesday, Mars conjoins Jupiter in Gemini, and it’s like caffeine meets adrenaline. You’ll feel like you can conquer mountains—or at least your to-do list. This transit amps up your confidence and drive, making it a great time to tackle big goals. Just watch out for overconfidence; you’re not Superman or Wonder Woman. Balance your enthusiasm with a dose of reality, avoid impulsive decisions, and enjoy the ride of heightened energy and adventure.

Recommended: IDGAF (Mars – Astro Magic)


Mercury Rx in Leo – on Wednesday, Mercury retrogrades back into fiery Leo. It's time to hit pause and play it smart. Reflect on past chats, dust off old creative projects, and rethink how you present yourself. Back up your data (because tech likes to play tricks). Reconnect with old pals and embrace personal growth. Be flexible with plans—expect delays and stay cool. Treat this time as a cosmic do-over to fine-tune your life with a dash of humor and grace.

Recommended: Mercury Rx Neutralizer (Astro Magic)


August 15, 2024 

The Moon in Capricorn – During the early afternoon hours on Thursday, the Moon moves out of Sagittarius and into earthy Capricorn. Working with the Moon in Capricorn is like getting a productivity boost from a cosmic drill sergeant. First, set clear goals—no vague dreams here. Plan like you're organizing the universe's best spreadsheet. Focus on career moves and long-term projects, because slow and steady wins the race. Manage your finances like a budget-savvy guru, and don't forget to invest in yourself. Finally, stay disciplined, set boundaries, and remember: health is wealth!

Recommended: Stability (Blessed Herbal)


** Enjoy the early part of the week, because this weekend will be rough business. Buckle up, buttercup! **


August 16, 2024

Mars in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces -- As Mars squares Saturn, it's like trying to run a marathon with one shoe. Mars wants action, but Saturn throws up hurdles, saying, "Not so fast!" It’s a patience test, making you work harder and smarter. Expect roadblocks and authority clashes, like your boss suddenly remembering every rule. Keep calm, stay focused, and maybe channel that frustration into a workout. Remember, take things slow, because small progress leads to big results.

Recommended: Reversing (Aunt Jacki's Hoodoo)


August 17, 2024

The Moon in Aquarius – Late Saturday afternoon, the Moon will move into Aquarius. When the Moon’s in Aquarius, it's time to think outside the box and channel your inner tech geek. Dive into creative projects, volunteer for a good cause, and connect with your inner circle. Expand your mind with new courses and let your individuality shine. Set those big goals and plan for the future like a true visionary. Stay flexible and ready for surprises, because who knows what exciting opportunities might pop up?

Recommended: Wishin’ Mojo (Wicked Witch Mojo)


August 18, 2024

Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus -- When Mercury squares Uranus, expect mental chaos and surprises. Ideas will pop up like popcorn, but so will communication glitches—double-check those texts! Restlessness rules, so don't impulsively dye your hair purple. Technology will act up, forcing you to curse your gadgets. Embrace your inner mad scientist for creative breakthroughs, but find time to chill and avoid turning into a jittery squirrel. Stay adaptable and ride the wave of unexpected twists and turns.

Recommended: Van Van (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo)


Mercury Rx conjoins the Sun in Leo -- When Mercury retrograde conjoins the Sun, it's like hitting life's rewind button. Time to rethink, revisit, and maybe even laugh at past missteps. Expect brilliant "aha!" moments alongside comical communication blunders—double-check that text before sending! Reflect on your goals and reconnect with old friends. Stay flexible; plan changes are the name of the game. This transit is your cosmic chance for personal growth, sprinkled with a bit of universal humor.

Recommended: Problem Solver (Blessed Herbal)


August 19, 2024 – August 25, 2024

This week is filled with astrological energy with 6 major aspects, the Sun moving into Virgo, and a Full Moon in Aquarius. So, get comfy and buckle your seat belt, because it's going to get rocky. The biggest player who lurks behind the scenes this week is the Sun. Think of the Sun in astrology as your personal spotlight—it's all about who you are when you strut your stuff on life's stage. It fuels your drama, directs your script, and makes sure you shine. It’s the cosmic juice that keeps your personality percolating.


August 19, 2024

Monday is the biggest day of the week (and the month) astrologically speaking, with 4 major aspects (Venus square Jupiter, Venus oppose Saturn, the Sun square Uranus, and Jupiter square Saturn) and a Full Moon in social Aquarius.

Let’s dive in...

Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini -- As Venus squares expansive Jupiter, it's like a tug-of-war between splurging and saving. Venus, the queen of beauty and luxury, meets Jupiter, the cosmic big spender. First, expect a clash of desires: one says, "Treat yourself!" while the other whispers, "Save for a rainy day!" Social butterflies flutter happily, but relationships might feel like a seesaw of togetherness and independence. Financially, it's a mix of opportunity and caution—think twice before impulse buying that giant glittery unicorn statue!

Recommended: Protection (Blessed Herbal)


Venus in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces -- When Venus opposes Saturn, it’s like romance and finances taking a rain check. Relationships feel a bit chilly, like sharing a blanket with someone who hogs it. Money? Expect some “oops, I spent what?” moments. It’s a reality check, but don’t panic—just grab your emotional toolkit and get practical. Communicate, save wisely, and practice self-care. Think of it as adulting boot camp with the universe as your drill sergeant, pushing you towards growth and resilience.

Recommended: Stability (Blessed Herbal)


The Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus -- On Monday, the Sun forms a tense square to Uranus in Taurus. When the Sun squares Uranus, buckle up for a wild ride! Expect sudden changes and surprises, making life feel like an unpredictable roller coaster. You might feel an irresistible urge to break free from routines and rebel against the norm. Embrace your inner rebel, but watch out for impulsive decisions. This is the perfect time for innovative ideas and out-of-the-box thinking. Just remember flexibility is your best friend during this cosmic chaos! 

Recommended: Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal)


Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces – Jupiter square Saturn is like a universal game of tug of war. Jupiter wants to throw a growth fest, while Saturn is the responsible friend reminding you to clean up after. Expect some frustration as your big dreams hit reality checks, but it’s all about finding that sweet spot between optimism and practicality. Career goals might stall, relationships could feel strained, and finances might need extra caution. Think of it as life’s way of making sure you’re ready for the next level. So, take a deep breath and plan wisely. 

Recommended: Lucky Star (Jupiter – Astro Magic)


August 20, 2024 – August 21, 2024

The Moon in Pisces – On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Moon moves through watery Pisces. When the Moon's in Pisces, it's time to get artsy, folks! Grab your paintbrush or guitar, and let your creativity run wild. Dive into your dreams (literally, keep a journal), and practice some meditation to find your inner ‘Headspace’ master. Be kind—to others and yourself. Spend time near water; even a good bubble bath counts! Lastly, trust your gut and get a little mystical with tarot or astrology. Now go forth and Pisces-it-up!

Recommended: Do You! (The Moon – Astro Magic)


August 22, 2024

The Sun in Virgo -- With the Sun in Virgo, it’s time to get our lives together. Start by decluttering like a pro—Marie Kondo would be proud. Then, channel your inner health guru: yoga, salads, the works. Tackle those detail-heavy projects; precision is key! Learn something new, help others, and maybe try a home improvement project (Pinterest, here we come). Lastly, check your finances—your future self will thank you. Virgo season: organized and thriving!

Recommended: Problem Solver (Blessed Herbal)


Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini -- When Venus in Virgo squares Mars in Gemini, it's like love and desire having a dramatic face-off. Expect sparks in your love life and creative ventures, but beware of potential arguments—think of it as the universe's way of spicing things up. Channel that intense energy into art or exercise, and watch out for overindulgence. Basically, it's a cosmic reality show, and you're the star. Handle with care, and maybe a bit of humor!

Recommended: Love Me (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo)


August 23, 2024

The Moon in Aries – The work week ends with the Moon moving through fiery Aries. When the Moon's in Aries, it’s time to get stuff done! Kickstart new projects, hit the gym, and channel your inner leader. Dive into creative ventures or tackle those pesky challenges head-on. Use this fiery energy to network like a social butterfly and make bold decisions. But don’t forget to balance all that action with some well-deserved rest. Embrace the dynamic vibe, and you’ll be unstoppable!

Recommended: IDGAF (Mars – Astro Magic)


August 24, 2024

Mercury in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini – The weekend starts with Mercury forming a lovely sextile to Mars in Gemini. When Mercury sextiles Mars, it’s like your brain and muscles are best buds. Your thoughts are lightning fast, and your words? Razor-sharp. Imagine having the confidence of a motivational speaker and the efficiency of a top-tier planner. It’s the perfect time to tackle that to-do list and settle any arguments with flair. So, buckle up, because you're on a roll, ready to conquer challenges and impress everyone with your newfound superpowers!

Recommended: Success (Affirmation)


August 25, 2024

The Moon in Taurus – We close the week with the Moon moving through earthy Taurus. The Moon moving through Taurus is the time of the month for us to get practical and productive. Think financial planning and organizing your home, all while enjoying some nature. Cook up some delicious food and treat yourself to a monthly cheat meal – your diet won't mind! Indulge in self-care, grounding exercises, and creative hobbies. Strengthen relationships by spending quality time with loved ones, and don't forget to network. Taurus energy makes everything slow, steady, and satisfying!

Recommended: Goddess (Affirmation)


August 26, 2024 – September 1, 2024

This week’s major player is Venus, the goddess of love. When Venus dominates the week, love is in the air, and your charm hits new highs—think of it as your cosmic makeover. You'll crave beauty, luxury, and maybe some retail therapy. Relationships smooth out, and even money matters might look rosier. It's a celestial reminder to enjoy life's pleasures and pamper yourself!


August 26, 2024

The Moon in Gemini – We start the week off with the Moon moving through Gemini, the sign of the twins. When the Moon's in Gemini, it's time to channel your inner social butterfly. Think networking, epic conversations, and maybe some spontaneous trips. Embrace your curiosity with some research or brain-teasing puzzles. Got a creative project? Dive in! Multitask like a pro and adapt like a chameleon. Engage in tech projects or binge on media. Just remember, it's all about communication and versatility, so keep your mind open and your calendar flexible!

Recommended: Truth Serum (Mercury – Astro Magic)


August 27, 2024

Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus – On Tuesday, Venus forms an exciting trine to Uranus, and you can expect some delightful shake-ups! Relationships get a spark of adventure, perfect for trying new things together. Creatively, it's like your muse drank a Redbull — expect innovative ideas galore. Financially, unexpected opportunities might pop up, but watch that impulse spending! Overall, this transit brings positive, exciting changes. So, embrace the unusual, break free from routines, and enjoy the cosmic rollercoaster with a big smile!

Recommended: That Bitch! (Venus – Astro Magic)


August 28, 2024

Venus in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces – After a rather energy filled day on Tuesday, Wednesday is a bit of a downer. During the late afternoon hours, Venus opposes Neptune in Pisces. When Venus opposes Neptune, expect a cosmic haze over love and finances. Think of it as wearing rose-colored glasses: everything looks dreamy, but reality's a bit fuzzy. You might mix signals in relationships or spend money on things you don't need (hello, impulse buys!). It's perfect for creative bursts, but hold off on major decisions. Keep communication clear and double-check those promises. Enjoy the fantasy, but don’t get too swept away!

Recommended: Uncrossing (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo)


Mercury Direct in Leo – At long last, after its 3-week retrogradation, Mercury turns direct. When Mercury turns direct in Leo, it's like the universe hitting the unmute button. Communication goes from fuzzy to fabulous, with a dash of Leo's theatrical flair. Get ready for a creativity boost that’ll make your old ideas look like they were written in crayon. Leadership skills? You'll have them in spades. Just remember, confidence is great, but don't let it turn into a one-person show. Time to shine, chat, and connect like a pro!

Recommended: Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer (Astro Magic)


August 29, 2024

Venus in Libra – On Thursday, Venus moves out of Virgo and into Libra, the sign she rules. Venus in Libra is all about finding that sweet spot in life! Focus on balancing work and play, and charm your way through relationships. Embrace your inner artist, whether you're redecorating or just appreciating good vibes. Channel your inner diplomat and resolve conflicts like a pro. Remember, it's all about teamwork, so be the peacemaker. And don't forget self-care—pamper yourself like you're the star of your own show!

Recommended: That Bitch! (Venus – Astro Magic)


Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius -- When Venus trines Pluto, think of it as a cosmic upgrade for your love life and wallet. Relationships get supercharged with deep connections, and you might feel more like a magnet than usual. Old emotional wounds? Perfect time for some healing magic. And hey, keep an eye out for financial opportunities—your bank account might just get a glow-up. Creativity flows, too, so dive into those artsy projects with passion!

Recommended: Love’s Enchantment (Blessed Herbal)


August 30, 2024 – August 31, 2024

The Moon in Leo – The Moon in Leo is the perfect time to shine! Dive into creative projects, embrace leadership roles, and host gatherings that leave everyone talking. Boost your confidence with some self-love, and tackle your passion projects like a boss. Get active with sports or dance like no one's watching (but secretly hope they are). Lastly, pamper yourself—because you're worth it! Leo Moon is your cue to dazzle and delight.

Recommended: Energy and Will (Blessed Herbal)


September 1, 2024

Uranus Rx in Taurus -- When Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus, it's like a cosmic shake-up. Imagine your comfort zone getting a surprise renovation! This period pushes you to rethink your values and finances, maybe even spark some wild ideas. Expect the unexpected, like a plot twist in your favorite show. Stay flexible, grounded, and ready to embrace change. Relationships might shift too, so communicate openly. In short, it's time for some innovative and introspective fun!

Recommended: Stability (Blessed Herbal)


Pluto Rx in Capricorn – On Sunday, Pluto retrogrades out of Aquarius and back into earthy Capricorn. Pluto’s move back into Capricorn gives us a final chance to get reflective and transform in areas governed by the sea-goat! Reflect on power dynamics, revisit your career goals, and reorganize your life. Embrace your inner BOSS by reclaiming personal power, doing some deep personal work, and setting healthy boundaries. It's a perfect time to let go of old baggage, embrace change, and even channel intense energy into creative projects. Think of it as a cosmic spring cleaning for your soul!

Recommended: Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal)


Meet Storm at Storm Cestavani combines astrology with psychology, mythology, and Kabbalistic studies in his Transformational Astrology approach. A session with Storm is a journey towards self-awareness, healing, and optimal timing.

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