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January 2025 Astro Magic

Aquarius Season

Ah, 1969. The year when people thought we were entering the “Age of Aquarius,” and everything suddenly turned into a utopia of peace, love, and cosmic hugs. The 5th Dimension were crooning about how “when the Moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars, peace would guide the planets, and love would rule the stars.” Well, I hate to break it to you, but a quick flip through The New York Times since then tells me that peace may have missed the memo, and love? Well, it’s stuck in traffic somewhere between confusion and chaos. So, what gives?

Let’s talk Aquarius. Sure, this sign is about revolution, breaking down walls, and banding together for a better future, but it’s not about immediate results. Aquarius is playing the long game, like seriously long – centuries, maybe. The 5th Dimension may have been tapping into the Aquarian vibe, but the spirit of Aquarius is way more complex than a pop song can capture.

So, where do we start? Well, in astrology, Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, and he’s a real piece of work in mythology. Basically, he’s the grumpy sky god who’s so unimpressed with his own kids (the Titans) that he tosses them into the pits of Tartarus. Total drama king move, right? But if you’re looking for a myth that embodies the Aquarian spirit of rebellion and innovation, look no further than Prometheus – the guy who stole fire from the gods. And no, I don’t mean fire as in lighting your backyard BBQ. We’re talking about fire as a symbol of knowledge, inspiration, and foresight. It’s the good stuff.

Now, Zeus, ever the buzzkill, wasn’t too happy about humans getting their hands on this divine fire. Why? Because if humans could create and solve their own problems, they’d stop groveling to the gods for help. And Zeus, being Zeus, just couldn’t have that. So, he orders his blacksmith, Hephaistos, to whip up the original Trojan horse in the form of Pandora (yeah, that Pandora), who promptly opens her infamous box, releasing every kind of trouble known to humanity. To keep things interesting, however, hope is left locked inside the box, like the ultimate cosmic punchline.

So, what does this have to do with Aquarius? Well, on a personal level, when the Sun moves into Aquarius, it’s not about lounging around waiting for world peace to magically appear. No, no, no. Aquarius season is about rallying the troops, fighting the good fight, and tearing down anything that limits progress. This is when we join forces, unite for a cause, and, like Prometheus, stick it to the man (or the gods) by creating something better. It's a time for teamwork, technological breakthroughs, and for realizing that together, we can achieve way more than we can alone.

Aquarius is like the friend who convinces you to join a protest, invent an app, or create a DIY solar-powered smoothie maker (because why not?). They’re all about forward-thinking, disrupting the status quo, and getting us out of our own way. But here’s the kicker – it’s not always smooth sailing.

Just like Prometheus paid the price for his fire theft by getting his liver pecked out by Zeus’s eagle (every day, no less!), Aquarian progress often comes with some pushback. But hey, nothing worth having comes easy, right?

So, while the 5th Dimension’s hopeful tune might not have delivered the “Age of Aquarius” as advertised, the Aquarian spirit is alive and kicking. It’s just a bit messier than we’d like. But if we keep working together, stay rebellious in all the right ways, and never give up hope (thanks,

Pandora!), we can make that Aquarian dream of a better world a reality – eventually. And if you get your liver pecked along the way? Well, at least you’re in good company with Prometheus. Now, where’s my solar-powered smoothie maker?

5 Ways to Make the Most Out of Aquarius Season

  1. Air Magic: Aquarius is a member of the air element, and one of the easiest ways to tap into the season is doing a little air magic. Astrologically, air is thoughts, ideas, and the written and spoken word. This is an excellent time to do journaling, affirmations, write blessings, and even pray to your higher power. There are excellent resources on the web to help you tap into this elemental power. All you need to do is cruise over to your favorite search engine and start your journey. Recommended: Mercury (Astro Magic), Problem Solving (Blessed Herbal), Ancestor (Blessed Herbal)
  2. Needed Change: Since Aquarius is about rattling the cage of the establishment, we can use this energy to rattle the cage or our ‘personal establishment’. As humans, we are comfortable with our habits, even ones that may diminish the value of your life. So, if there is an area of your life that isn’t working properly or troubling, shake things up. Release the old and embrace the new. Recommended: Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), Jupiter (AstroMagic), Transitions (Blessing Kit)
  3. Gotta Have Your Friends: When the going gets tough, it’s best to have your circle of besties around to help you navigate through difficult times. Aquarius season lets you tap into your inner ‘Thelma and Louise’ and attract people aligned with your greater good, and maybe get rid of those that don’t. Recommended: Attraction (Blessed Herbal), Saturn (AstroMagic), Soulmate (Affirmation)
  4. Networking: This is the little sister of friendship magic. Aquarius season is about groups and unity. You can use this season to find groups that you are aligned with or participate in causes you believe in. It’s also the season to find your inner circle – a group of like-minded people that help you become the best version of you that you can be. Recommended: Empowered (Chakra Magic), Muse (Blessing Kit), Truth and Justice (Blessed Herbal)
  5. Communication Magic: I saved the best for last, because communication issues easily happen. As Aquarius season approaches, keeping communication lines clear may be more important than ever. You can use this time to reopen communications with someone you’ve had a falling out with, a person you have lost touch with, or to repair broken relationships that may need a little assistance. Recommended: Truth Serum (Mercury