

Coventry Creations Blogs

Right the Retrograde and Take Charge of Your Energy

SB MRXMercury retrograde is often a useful tool.  What you say?  That’s right.  A useful tool.  Mercury exposes issues that need to be resolved and reveals exactly what is not working.  Mercury is always communicating, even if we don’t like what it has to say.  Use that retrograde energy to identify areas that need work and focus on personal patterns.  Mercury shows us we must be mindful, aware and present...or else.  Our Mercury Rx Spell Box will help you do just that!


The Mercury Rx Spell Box contains:


Happiness Blessed Herbal Candle

Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Candle

Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil

Mercury Retrograde Blessing


Mercury retrograde doesn’t have to throw you in a tizzy.  Careful planning, being prepared, and paying attention can mitigate the influence greatly.  Our Mercury Rx Spell Box is based on years of customer recommendations and our personal experiences.  The Happiness Blessed Herbal Candle draws on the energy of the sun, invigorating the spell, and encourages a little brightening to what otherwise could be a trying time.  Our Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van candle and oil pack a punch and reverse energy; exactly what we need during the retrograde.


Remember our spell boxes are only offered for a limited time.  You don’t have to wait until the roadblocks start going up.  Order now and get ahead of the curve.

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  1895 Hits

Got money problems?

W LAIt’s possible your wallet needs a spiritual cleansing. You know we have a candle for that. Well beyond that, we have a goddess for that too.

If you let Lakshmi be the molly maid for your financial mess you will find cleansing your money block will be a lot easier than you expected. Our world candle Lakshmi was designed to help you call on the goddess and ask her to open the gates of prosperity for you. I bet you didn’t realize they were closed!


Om Hrim Shrim Lakshmibhyo Namah, Great Goddess Shri Lakshmi purify my heart and open the doors to opportunity and abundance.


Meditating with Lakshmi is a beautiful experience. Her candle is violet, the scent is sweet and her energy is generous, loving and encouraging.  She wants you to have abundance in your life.  From Lakshmi you will learn that all you need to do is ask, listen and act. Then your block to prosperity will dissolve and your wallet will be filled.


Get yourself a Lakshmi World Magic candle, light it and say the blessing on the label. Be ready to let go of your resistance to abundance and be spiritually cleansed.  Our world products are 15% off the whole month of April 2016. Look for them or a magical store near you.

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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  1229 Hits

Mercury Retrograde - A Reminder to Think Ahead

SB MRXThe Mercury Retrograde Spell Box is now available and it’s just in time to get in front of the mayhem that this astrological aspect can cause.  Pre-shadow begins April 14 and intensifies as it approaches April 28.  This is normally when those annoying little miscommunications begin, with their effects felt through the rest of the retrograde which runs through June 7.


The Mercury Rx Spell Box contains:

Happiness Blessed Herbal Candle

Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Candle

Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil

Mercury Retrograde Blessing


Mercury retrograde doesn’t have to throw you in a tizzy.  Careful planning, being prepared, and paying attention can mitigate the influence greatly.  Our Mercury Rx Spell Box is based on years of customer recommendations and our personal experiences.  The Happiness Blessed Herbal Candle draws on the energy of the sun and encourages a little brightening to what otherwise could be a trying time.  Our Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van candle and oil pack a punch and reverse energy; exactly what we need during the retrograde.


Remember our spell boxes are only offered for a limited time.  You don’t have to wait until the roadblocks start going up.  Order now and get ahead of the curve.

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  1964 Hits

Out, out damn spot

W SWSWhen your energy is bedazzled with ick, you can sure feel it. It’ll give you headaches, make you cranky, tired and oh so blue.  Where does this stuff come from?  It’s sourced in other people and can also come bubbling up from your own secret closet deep in your unconscious.  A lot of it is from emotional dumping and your emotional reactions. It is also from negative thinking, negative language and the stink eye aka a psychic attack.

Never fear you can once again be pure as the driven snow, energetically speaking.  Just like the cat in the hat was able to turn the unfortunate pink house back into white, our World Magic Sacred White Sage candle and oil can do the same for you.


It’s such a small investment for such a grand return.  At your earliest convenience, pick up a Sacred White Sage World candle and spend some time meditating with it.  As the candle burns, imagine the gunk in your aura dissolving in the flame.  Do this as many times as you need to until you feel lighter and more relaxed. You will notice now much that the energetic ick made you feel tense.

A candle ritual is a great way to clear the junk from your Aura.  Our favorite candle for this is the gorgeous and powerful Sacred White Sage World Candle.

Isn’t it great to know you have a way to put the sparkle back in your aura without a lot of drama and spending a lot of money? Candle Magic is very powerful.

Sage is the way to go when you need to clear out negative and dissonant energy from you, your home and your office.  Our World Magic Candles and oils are 15% off all April 2016. Look for them or a magical store near you.

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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  1218 Hits

Ganesha, the roto rooter of spiritual cleansing

W GAWhen the pipes of your life are filled with roots, you need to call the professionals. Call upon Ganesha.

The joy of having clean pipes is no joke and if you ignore the warning signs it could end up costing you dearly.  Case in point, my husband and I ignored the warning signs of a failing sewer pipe at our house. You can guess the next line. Yep, a basement full of brown water. It cost a lot of money and was a lot of work, but we got clean!


If you are feeling like your life is filling up with brown water, call upon Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, to find the blocks and clear them out.  This general yet deeply spiritual cleansing can make the difference between disaster and the joy of knowing you dodged a bullet.  Whether your dam has broken or you caught it just in time, Ganesha will bring the insight, energy and healing you need.


Om sri Ganesha Namaha, help a girl out and remove the obstacle from my life! Thank you great lord of Wisdom.


Take the time to work with Ganesha, by meditating with our Ganesha World Magic Candle. If you have a really big request, create an altar in his honor. Don’t forget to place candy on it.   Our World Magic Candles and oils are 15% off all April 2016.  Look for them or a magical store near you.

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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  1258 Hits

Are you feeling grumpy, Pooky?

W SGDon’t call me Pooky and maybe I’ll listen to you. Ya, I heard that. Life can get you down for many reasons. Something seems to be screwing you over for no good reason just about every day.  When you get in that groove it’s time to invoke some world magic to spiritually cleanse your attitude.


I’m thinking our Sweet Grass world candle will get your titanic of a mood turned around.  Sweet Grass grows all over the world and in our country, Native Americans called it the sacred hair of Mother Earth. Its sweet aroma reminded them of gentleness, love and kindness. Just what a grumpy Gus like you needs.


Sweet Grass, thought of as the first grass to cover the earth, awakens our connection to the sweetness of life.


Shifting your attention from what’s going wrong to what you have and being grateful for it will start the process of cleansing out your heart and mind of toxic thoughts and feelings.

Help us make the world a better place by doing your part. Meditate with a World Magic Sweet Grass candle and let it uplift you, change you for the better and then share that gratitude with others. Our World Magic Candles and oils are 15% off all of April 2016.  Look for them or a magical store near you.

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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  1187 Hits

We want to expand your world in a magical way

April FeatureApril is our month dedicated to Spiritual Cleansing, but how can we do that with our World Candle line? Each candle is connected to an attribution of the divine. Ganesha is about faith and perseverance, Lakshmi brings us unlimited bounty, Sacred White Sage brings us purity of heart and Sweet Grass is about gratitude and love.  If you are not feeling absolutely successful in one or more of these areas, use one of our world magic candles or oils to help cleanse your heart and mind and make way for blessing from the divine. Burn the candle during a ritual or meditation to uplift the block out of you, or anoint your body with the oil to attract that quality to you.    


15% off all World Magic Products for the month of April.


Embracing the magic of this product line is about you and your connection with the wider world.  When you work your magic through this connection your magic ripples through your spheres of influence and plants itself not only in today, but in the future as well to help make this magic a permanent addition to your life.

Watch for our blogs all month for spiritual cleansing ideas with our own World magic candles and oils.

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  1286 Hits

Keep Calm and Lavender on Wicked Good Room Spray

WGS KCYou can be still like the calm waters of a tranquil lake with this room spray. A few spritzes well placed will even make baby doze peacefully. No more drama in your home or office when Keep Calm and Lavender On is in the air.

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  1160 Hits

Easy Street - Money Draw Wicked Good Room Spray

WGS ESGo from Little Orphan Annie to Daddy Warbucks when you liberally spray your world with Easy Street. You won’t need anyone to come and save you, because you just saved yourself! Pave your way with the green and ease your way to full pockets of ready cash!

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  1117 Hits

Karma Kleaner - Spiritual Cleansing Wicked Good Room Spray

WGS KKTurn your Karma into Dharma with this room spray. It turns funky energy sparkly and happy. Don’t be burdened by Negative Nellies and Debbie Downers. Spray those blues away with Karma Kleaner and put that spring back in your step. Balloons not included.

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  1655 Hits

Ninja Power - Protection Wicked Good Room Spray

WGS NPSilent, powerful, protection is what you get with this magical room spray. Give your antagonists that creepy, “I’m in the wrong place” feeling that prevents trouble from starting. If they don’t take the hint, then unleash the full force of Ninja Power upon them and make them run home crying.

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  1109 Hits

Dragon’s Blood - Good Fortune Wicked Good Room Spray

WGD DBWhere there are dragons, no evil can enter. Spray your troubles away and bring the blessings of the dragon into your domain. Just a quick spray on you, your project, your workplace, your home and fortune will smile upon you. No dragons were harmed in the making of this spray.   

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  3600 Hits

Road Opener - Remove Obstacles Wicked Good Room Spray

WGS ROWeeeee! And downhill all the way. That is how this spray operates on your blocks to success. A perfect answer to anything that prevents you from realizing your dreams, implementing your plans or just getting to work. This was Moses’s secret weapon when parting the seas. Just sayin’.

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  1113 Hits

Smudge Spray – Sage and Rosemary Wicked Good Room Spray

WGS SSNeed to smudge your space but smoke and fire will set off the alarms?  Try this room spray.  Filled with the benefits of sage and rosemary, you can clear the air of any room, anytime.  Great for after fights, shooing away pesky ghosts, uplifting grief and putting the happy back into your home.

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  3857 Hits

Come Hither - Attract and Compel

WGS CHYou crook your finger and they will come running. Thanks to a bit of Come Hither spray you are the heroine in your own romance novel. Set your intent (what and whom you are interested in) and spray the magic all around you. You are the center of the universe and that hot number you have had your eye on cannot resist your orbit!.

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  1245 Hits

Spray it... if you can’t say it!

WGS All15% off Wicked Good Sprays!  Use coupon code WGS1516


The Wicked Good Room Sprays are a handy magical alternative for times when flames are not an option.   Many of our customers use the sprays as an alternative to burning anything from candles to incense to smudge.   Many of our customers use the sprays because they smell great and like their magic on the down-low.


Our 8 blends have your back on any issue:

Come Hither (Attract and Compel)

Dragon’s Blood (Good Fortune)

Easy Street (Money Draw)

Karma Kleaner (Spiritual Cleansing)

Keep Calm and Lavender On

Ninja Power (Protection)

Road Opener (Remove Obstacles)

Smudge Spray (Sage and Rosemary)******  Best Seller


Order in March and you get your monthly Spell Caster Club “free inside”. Two magical recipe cards:  Trouble Be Gone Spell and Night Terror Protection Spell.  


Like a fortress....  the March Spell Boxes are highly protective


We are tackling the magic of protection this month and it’s right on time.   The Ides of March teach us that it’s a good idea to check on your surrounds and make sure the people and energy around you have your best interest at heart.


The Evil Eye Spell Box has the WItch’s Brew Evil Eye candle and oil and combined it with the divine intercession that is brought with the Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle.   This full service spell box has an instruction card that tells you what to do, when to do it and what outcome to expect.  It also has an Evil Eye wallet card to carry your protection with you wherever you go.  This spell box is just the ticket to clear out negative spiritual energy and create a fortress of protection around your soul.

The Guardian Protector Spell Box is filled with candles, sprays, images and instructions to build an energetic fortress around your home and keep.   The Happy Home Blessed Herbal Candle, Guardian Protector Affirmation Candle and NInja Power Wicked Good Spray are the power trio that will help you claim your space and personal protection power.   The instruction cards tells you what to do, when to do it and what outcome to expect making this a keeper and refillable any time you need to renew your protection.

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  3476 Hits

Waking the Dead Candle and Oil

Waking the Dead, not the same as Walking Dead

WWM WD400sqDoes the idea of “Waking the Dead” scare you?

It did me too when Dorothy first presented this candle idea to us.  But it’s Dorothy so I put away my Hollywood hyped up fears and listened.

Working with Ancestors is a big part of Mojo and conjure work. Even though its popularity is greater in the south, asking your dearly departed for help finds its way in cultures all over the country and the world.

Dorothy Morrison says “If you want the Ancestors to help, you got to wake them up!”

Bringing the Wicked Witch Mojo Waking the Dead candle and oil into your prayer for help makes a better spiritual connection. You will find it easier to feel the love and protective energy from your Ancestors.  

When it comes time to wake up the slumbering Nanas and Papas light the candle and say the incantation provided on the label. You can also dab the Wakin the Dead oil on your ancestor altar to let them know you love and appreciate them too.  These products are brand spanking new in February of 2016. Look for them at or a magical store near you.

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store.  To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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  2760 Hits

Queen of the Universe

You too can be the Queen of your whole F@#king Universe

SC QU 470sqEnough!  Enough of the demands of others, enough of putting yourself last, enough of letting your own needs take the back seat and apologizing for what you want.  Enough of being looked over and dismissed!   It’s time to create the world/universe that you want and be Queen of it. This spell takes a bit of attitude, self-worth and little bit of selfishness.  To create the world you want, you need to be a bit selfish or you are going to end up creating the world that someone else needs, not you.

Being the Queen in your own life is not about greed, it’s about self-care!

So many of us are afraid to get just a touch selfish and put themselves first we find ourselves at the beck and call of everyone around us.    Get the attitude on, find your boundaries and unlock the personal power that you have been hiding from yourself!  

Unlock your personal power, opportunities, wisdom and even the gates between the worlds and take authority over your universe!

Order a Come to Mama Wicked Witch Mojo Candle, Everything and Then Some Wicked Witch Mojo oil, a Stability Blessed Herbal candle from Coventry Creations and gather some items from around your house and Viola – a magical spell to change your world.

The Queen of the Universe Spell Card is included in your February 2016 Coventry purchase along with the Forever Mine Spell card and Witches Union Membership card.   After that, if we have any remaining, they will be available for sale on the Coventry site.

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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  1451 Hits

Bitch Be Gone

When ‘Bye Felicia’ isn’t enough

WWM BG400sqYou know the type, people who like to stir the pot and create havoc in your life.  People who interfere, spread rumors or just relish in making your life miserable; the Bitch who needs to be gone.  When your life gets turned upside down from their drama it’s time to get them out of your sphere of influence and send them on their way with the Wicked Witch Mojo, Bitch Be Gone candle and oil.   It’s time take charge of your happiness and decide who no longer has impact on it.

“So powerfully effective, your target might just disappear into thin air!” Dorothy Morrison

This bright orange candle with a musky sweet scent is the remedy to clear out your own personal trouble maker.  Dorothy’s spell hits you in the right spot to power you up and make the personnel change you are looking for;   

“You’re a bonafide ass, and I’ve had enough of the trouble you caused, so I’m calling your bluff. Just, pack up your crap and get out of my sight Take your foolishness with you; begone now! Take flight! You’ve worn out your welcome - You’ve spit in my eye - So before the New Moon shows her face in the sky You’ll be more than obsessed with the urge to move on and I’ll throw a party, because .. Bitch... you’ll be gone!”

By all accounts of excess drama in the world, we have double our production on this candle and oil.  Stock up now while the Wicked Witch Mojo line is 15% off

Two quick steps to getting that bitch by any gender out of your life.

Carve the name of the person you want gone into the candle and say the Words of Bitch Be Gone Mojo on the back of the label.    If you can, put their picture under the candle holder too.

Put the oil on something you can give to them or something that they own and say their name as you give it to them.    Put a few drops of oil across your barrier against them; your office door, your property line, or anywhere you do not want them to cross.  Say their name while you are doing it and say the Words of Bitch Be Gone Mojo to seal the deal.


Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store.  To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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  6448 Hits

Forever Mine Candle and Oil

I need Some Forever Mine Magic STAT

WWM FV400sqWhat? Spin some love magic? Is that legal?

What the world needs now is love, and lots of it. This is not a legal question but a necessity of life. A love spell can cause you to create the love commitment you need.

We all get a little or a lot anxious when it comes to our forever love’s commitment meter. Whether or not your fears are founded, quelling that is in the best interest of both of you.  Then there is the uncomfortable place of desiring a life partner really, really bad, and you aren’t even dating yet. What to do? What to do?

Spin some magic of course.  Let the universe know your heart and then let it come to your aid.  Oh and call upon the Wicked Witch Mojo magic of Dorothy Morrison too.

Dorothy Morrison knows love and her Forever Mine Candle and oil will conjure up a human confection that fits like a glove.

It’s ok to ask for what you want, in fact it’s a required part of a successful life. Let the Wicked Witch show you how to ask for a Forever Love with her Forever Mine Wicked Witch Mojo Candle and Oil.

These products are brand spanking new in February of 2016. Look for them at or a magical store near you.

Here at Coventry Creations we have created products that teach about this phenomenon and remedy the Mercury Retrograde blues. We have the MRx Spell Box and the Re-Boot Spell Box which includes candles, oil and directions.  Please visit to see how cool they are and place your order too.  

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