By on Saturday, 22 November 2014
Category: Astro Magic



November is a busy time in the United States.  Thanksgiving is around the corner and people have their eyes on the upcoming holiday season. This time can be so stressful.  It brings in such things like worry, past hurt feelings and anxiety about making everyone happy.  It always seems as if this time of years sneaks up on us and it is very hard to ever really feel prepared for it.  When you are a child and hopefully at least some adults, this time is magical.  You are just happy to be in the moment, surrounded by family, good food and time off from your other responsibilities. It is good to step back and remember this time as a child.  Thankful to have people in your life that you love and grateful to be loved.  Happy that time is moving forward bringing exciting possibilities.  It is a time to be optimistic about the upcoming new year and ready to say goodbye to the hard parts of the current year. To keep hopes high: light a Dreams Come True Blessing Kit.  This kit includes Spiritual Cleansing, Inner Balance and Truth and Justice votives.  A perfect combination to release anxiety and clear your spirit to go forward and give thanks for life's little adventures. 

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