By on Saturday, 28 March 2015
Category: Astro Magic

Motor City Hoo Doo Lucky 7 is 10% Off in March

Clearing Negative Energy with the Lucky 7 Candle


The energy that comes from a bright orange candle along with the essential oil blend of ginger and sandalwood brings in positivity that things will go your way; basically becoming lucky. Luck many times is more of an attitude and a perspective about life than anything. How we view life’s little curve-balls.  Are there hidden opportunities in the monotony or even disappointments of life?


If you find yourself feeling down when you come home or your weekends turning out to be more boring than restful, insert some of the energy and upbeat scents by burning a Lucky 7 candle. Watch how you find the sugar necessary to turn lemons into lemonade.


The Motor City Hoodoo candle Lucky 7 is 10% off all March. Just remember to put in coupon code spring-clean at check out.  Don’t miss out on our Spring Clean series filled with great candles to clear out all that stale negative energy and bring in fresh positive energy your way!

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