By Patty Shaw on Wednesday, 01 May 2024
Category: Moon Magic

Full Moon in Sagittarius May 23, 2024 - Candle Ritual for Grounding Ideas

The Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs on May 23, 2024. Under the Sagittarius Full Moon, we're basically invited to a cosmic party without the confetti. Picture yourself armed with an explorer's hat and a philosophical book, itching to ditch the daily snooze fest for something wild. This lunar bash is about shooting your shots - ambitions and dreams set to "epic" mode. But keep your feet on the ground; too much enthusiasm might have you accidentally enrolling in a course to learn Klingon. It's a time for truth bombs and travel dreams.

Just remember, aim high but watch where you're stepping - cosmic adventures can be a trip! Additionally, it’s the perfect time to let go of old thoughts or beliefs that are no longer serving you. 

Candle Ritual for Grounding Ideas

With the flood of mental stimulation this full moon, we suggest you get it all organized and ready for manifesting with this candle ritual for grounding ideas.

You will need an Intuition Affirmation candle and a Stability Blessed Herbal and candle holders to help you hold the space while you do just that.

Unwrap the Intuition candle, place it in its candle holder, light it, and say the affirmation.  Then go into meditation. Allow your mind to reveal all the ideas floating in and out of your awareness. Capture the brightest ones and repeating ones in your memory, you will be writing them down after your meditation. 

Open your eyes and write down the ideas in two columns. One column is for “now” ideas and the second column is for “later” ideas or ideas you need to meditate on again for more information.

Now, unwrap your Stability candle and place it in a candle holder. Light it, say the blessing, and imagine you are like a tree with deep roots, a strong truck, and a luscious canopy of leaves above. Let this imagery strengthen your focus and willpower to land one or two ideas from column one and create a plan to follow through on it.  

Have fun making a step-by-step plan and imagining the outcome of your efforts.  This is how you ground your ideas into reality.  

Share your success stories on social media! Find us on Instagram at @coventrycandles and Facebook at @coventrycreationscandles.

Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,

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