Aug2024 WitchesUnion 40pxAs the sun's warmth begins to wane and the whispers of autumn tickle our senses, we find ourselves at the crossroads between Leo's fiery exuberance and Virgo's earthy practicality. This transition calls for a spiritual reset, a cleansing of the energies we've accumulated during our sun-soaked adventures. Let's embrace Virgo's organizing prowess and tend to our neglected magical practices with some candle-based cleansing spells.

The Decluttering Flame

Light an Aunt Jacki's Hoodoo Van Van candle to represent purity and new beginnings. As you light it, visualize the clutter in your life – both physical and spiritual. Chant:

"Flame of white, burning bright,

Clear my space, set things right.

Chaos begone, order come through,

Virgo's energy, make all things new."

Let the candle burn for 30 minutes while you physically declutter a small area. As you organize, feel the stagnant energy dissipate. To intensify the cleansing, use the Van Van oil in your wash water and wipe down all surfaces and mop the floor. Start in the corner farthest from the door, ending outside the door, and cleaning the exterior door jam.

Reclaiming your organization opens the way for bigger inspiration and creativity that is ready to manifest.

Make sure to extinguish the candle when you are done, relighting it when you declutter the next room. 

Emotional Cleansing Bath

Run a warm bath and add sea salt and three drops of the Blessed Herbal Spiritual Cleansing oil for purification. Chant three times:

"Waters calm, candle blue,

Clear the old, usher the new.

Emotions clear, heart light and free,

As I will, so mote it be."

Fill a small, clean bucket with some blessed bath water and set it to the side. 

Place a Blessed Herbal Emotional Balance candle near the tub to fill your bathroom with the vibrations of emotional healing. As you soak, meditate on releasing emotional baggage from the summer. Chant three more times:

"Waters calm, candle blue,

Clear the old, usher the new.

Emotions clear, heart light and free,

As I will, so mote it be."

When the water begins to cool, stand up in the tub and drain the water, remaining in the tub. Visualize what has been cleansed going down the drain. 

Pour the bucket of bath water you set aside over your head for the final cleansing. 

Once you are dried off, take the candle to your favorite meditation seat and journal your experience while it continues to burn. Extinguish the candle and have beautiful day or a restful night’s sleep

Mind-Clearing Meditation

Find a quiet space and light the Mercury – Truth Serum candle for mental clarity. Sit comfortably and focus on the flame. With each inhale, imagine golden light filling your mind. With each exhale, visualize mental fog dissipating. Chant softly:

"Candle bright, mind alight,

Clarity comes, day and night.

Thoughts ordered, vision clear,

Virgo's wisdom, drawing near."

Allow your breathing to slow and your body to relax. Let your mind drift while gently repeating “truth” in your mind. Your thoughts will flow in and out of your mind, let them and if you start to get too distracted, go back to gently whispering “truth” in your mind.

Sit for 20 minutes if you can, and then gently return to alertness having been cleared and renewed. 


Aura Cleansing Ritual

Stand in a dimly lit room surrounded by four Prosperity Power Votives (representing growth and renewal). Light them one by one, moving clockwise. Visualize a green light enveloping your body, cleansing your aura. Chant:

"North, South, East, and West,

Cleanse my aura, make it blessed.

Green light glowing, pure and bright,

Refresh my spirit, day and night."

Slowly rotate clockwise three times, feeling the energy shift. Sit in the center of the candles and focus on sending your energetic roots into the earth. Draw up pure earth energy and visualize it filling your body, spilling out into your aura and then back down into the earth.

When you feel cleared and renewed, gently come back to awareness and extinguish the candles. The next day you can finish burning the candles as a blessing for your new path forward. 

Productivity Boost Spell

Light the Aunt Jacki HooDoo Crown of Success candle for motivation and success. Write down your autumn goals on a piece of paper. Light the candle and pass the paper through the flame (carefully!). Place the paper under the candle holder and chant:

"Flames so bright, burning true,

Ignite my passion, see me through.

Virgo's diligence, now infuse,

Productivity, I choose to use."

Let the candle burn completely (but extinguish it if you cannot attend to it), releasing your intentions to the universe.

As we bid farewell to Leo’s carefree days 

and welcome Virgo's industrious spirit, remember that this transition is a natural part of the wheel of the year. These candle-based cleansing spells serve as a bridge between seasons, helping us shed the excess and prepare for the focused energy ahead.

Embrace this time of renewal. Let Virgo's earthy wisdom guide you in reorganizing not just your physical space, but your spiritual practice as well. As the candles flicker and dance, feel the shift within you – from the languid warmth of summer to the crisp, productive air of early autumn.

May these rituals light your path as you step into this new season, cleansed, focused, and ready to manifest your magical intentions.