By Jacki Smith on Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Category: Astro Magic

Day of the Dead

Using the Day of the Death Pillar in Candle Magic


The day of the dead, or dia de los muertos is an ancient tradition celebrated all over the world to honor our ancestors and our roots.   Many of us feel the need to connect with something older and bigger than ourselves, finding out where we came from in order to help us discover our own path.  By honoring our ancestors and also the land in which has housed us, fed us and formed our cultural identity, we allow ourselves gratitude and growth to complete the challenges before us. In our path for personal discovery, we need not lose the important lessons gained by our family and heritage.


Celebrate your family here and those no longer with us by lighting the Day of the Dead candle in their honor.  Whether or not you have an altar, a collection of photos or just memories and stories, you can manifest that love and energy through this candle and feel the love your family has for you.

The Day of the Dead candle will only be around for a limited time.  The candle burns for 70 hours and includes a blessing on the label to recite with the candle and intention. Please never leave a burning candle unattended.

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