Coventry Creations Blogs

Agrimony: Your Ride-or-Die Magical Herb

Oct2024 HerbMagic 400pxAgrimony: not actually the name of a Greek philosopher, Agrimony spends its time as the unsung hero of magical defense. If you’re out there trying to reverse curses or block negativity, Agrimony’s your ride-or-die. Often used in sleep aids, it’s the herbal equivalent of a weighted blanket—except instead of cozy comfort, it’s more like a magical brick wall full of NOPE. Smells kinda grassy, like a meadow on a breezy day, if that meadow were secretly plotting to be the ultimate buzz kill.

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October Astro Magic 2024

Oct2024 AstroMagic 400Reptiles have always been associated with the sign of Scorpio.  The symbolism of the snake shedding its skin reflects Scorpio's powers of transformation and its natural association with death and disintegration. And there is no better figure to represent the sign of the scorpion than the mythic Medusa.

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Using Magic to Meditate and Reflect: Harvesting Inner Wisdom

Sep2024 SeptemberSeptember is coming and that means … Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Kidding. It means we’re entering the harvest season, and that is a great opportunity for personal growth and introspection. Our ancestors celebrated this time with rituals of gratitude and preparation. We can harness the energy of autumn to charge up our meditation and reflection practices.

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Astro Magic September 2024

Sep2024 AstroMagic 400pxLibra is the sign of relationships, and on the practical level, it is. And although pop astrology focuses on love relationships, the sign of the scales governs all relationships, even relationships with our enemies. 

But what is the undercurrent of the sign of the scales? 

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Shifting from the Lazy days of Summer: Magical Cleansing Rituals for the Virgo Season

Aug2024 WitchesUnion 40pxAs the sun's warmth begins to wane and the whispers of autumn tickle our senses, we find ourselves at the crossroads between Leo's fiery exuberance and Virgo's earthy practicality. This transition calls for a spiritual reset, a cleansing of the energies we've accumulated during our sun-soaked adventures. Let's embrace Virgo's organizing prowess and tend to our neglected magical practices with some candle-based cleansing spells.

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The Manifestation Mindset

August2024 Magic101 400px“What you radiate outward, you will attract inward.” —Dr. Joe Vitale

The journey of manifestation is not merely a pursuit of external goals or material success. Manifestation is a profound transformation of your inner world, a shift in your consciousness that aligns you with the vibration of abundance and fulfillment. At the heart of this journey lies the manifestation mindset, a way of being that embodies the reality you desire to create.

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Let’s Make a Servitor, Part 2

Aug2024 AdvancedMagic 400pxWhat Do We Need to Make a Servitor?

Not a whole lot! Servitors are not only one of the strongest forms of magic you can do, they are among the least expensive to do. To make things even easier for you, we’ve made a downloadable Servitor template that lets you fill in the blanks as we go through the steps.

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Datura: Shiva’s Favorite Flower

Aug2024 HerbMagic 400pxThe Tale of Shiva and the Datura Flower

Lord Shiva once had an argument with his wife, Parvati. In his anger, Shiva stormed off into the forest. As night fell, he became tired and decided to rest under a tree. Unknown to him, this tree was a Datura plant.

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Achieve Bold Goals Candle Ritual for the New Moon in Leo on August 4, 2024

Aug2024 NewMoon 400pxThe New Moon in Leo is a potent time to embrace your inner superstar and set some bold, audacious goals. Leo's fiery energy encourages us to take the spotlight, showcase our talents, and pursue our dreams with confidence and flair. This is the perfect moment to harness that vibrant Leo energy and focus it into a powerful ritual that will propel you towards your most ambitious aspirations.

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Embrace Your Inner Weirdo Candle Ritual for the Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024

Aug2024 FullMoon 400pxThe Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024, is your cosmic cue to embrace your uniqueness and let go of any limiting beliefs holding you back. This is a time to celebrate your quirks, release mental and physical clutter, and create space for new, wild ideas. Aquarius energy encourages us to be our authentic selves, connect with like-minded individuals, and think outside the box. Use this powerful Full Moon to break free from societal expectations and shine your eccentric light brightly.

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August 2024 Astro Magic Forecast

Aug2024 AstroMagic 400px

August is here, and it's time to welcome Virgo season! In Kabbalah, this month of Elul is associated with the cosmic process of repentance (Teshuvah). This is where we take stock of our actions throughout the year, reflect on their root cause, make amends when necessary, and try to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

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Full Moon in Capricorn July 21, 2024 - Candle Ritual for Letting Go of the Past

July2024 FullMoon 400The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st is a powerful time to release the past and embrace change. As the moon illuminates the determined and disciplined sign of Capricorn, it encourages us to let go of rigid expectations and the need for control. This is the perfect moment to reflect on old habits and beliefs that no longer serve us and to make room for new growth and self-care.

By harnessing the energy of this Full Moon, we can free ourselves from unresolved anger, material attachments, and self-doubt, making way for balance and joy in our lives.

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The Flow of Synchronicity

July2024 Magic101 400“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” —Albert Einstein

In the realm of manifestation, synchronicity is that invisible force that guides you toward your (usually) intended reality. It’s the universal orchestration of seemingly unrelated events, people, and circumstances that align in remarkable ways to support your journey.

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Drawing Back the Bow of Success: A Witchy Guide to Achieving Your Goals

July2024 WitchesUnion 400How many prosperity spells does it take a witch to reach their goal? 

This sounds like the opening for a dad joke. If so, the punch line would be two. One to get out of your own way and one to manifest your intent. 

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Mugwort: A Psychic’s Favorite Herb

July2024 HerbMagic 400I decided to write about mugwort because I am doing a 30-day challenge with it. I drink a cup of mugwort tea before bedtime every night for an entire moon cycle. Here’s what I’ve noticed so far. My dreams have become increasingly surreal, and the spirits that often visit me during sleep are speaking to me in unusual guises. I am used to seeing them in a certain way and now they are changing faces and bodies continuously.

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New Moon in Cancer July 5, 2024 - Candle Ritual for Balancing Your Emotions

July2024 NewMoon 400The New Moon in Cancer on July 5th offers a powerful opportunity to focus on emotional balance and self-care. As the moon enters the watery, sensitive sign of Cancer, it invites us to nurture our home, family, and innermost feelings.

This is the perfect time to create a cozy, sacred space at home and engage in activities that promote emotional healing and intuition. Whether it's through meditation, journaling, or spending quality time with loved ones, this New Moon encourages you to embrace your emotions and seek harmony in your personal life.

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July 2024 Astro Magic Forecast

July2024 AstroMagic 400I must admit that I may be biased this month being a Leo, but I hope my exuberance over the sign can be a catalyst for inner change, transformation, and some good ole’ magic.

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Let’s Make a Servitor, Part 1

July2024 AdvancedMagic 400What is a Servitor?

Before you can build a servitor, you need to know what one is and not to confuse it with some of the other created entities.

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Aesthetics and Magic: Why is this suddenly a thing?

June2024 AdvancedMagicRecently, many witches have taken to believing that witchcraft is not possible without amazing aesthetics. This is simply false and history proves it time and again.

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Yarrow: A Powerful Herb Steeped in Myth

June2024 HerbMagicYarrow, with its delicate white flowers and feathery leaves, belies an incredible power that has been revered throughout the ages. This humble herb has been a staple in the gardens and ritual practices of witches, healers, and herbalists for centuries. Its mystical properties are woven into the fabric of numerous cultures and traditions.

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