By Jacki Smith on Wednesday, 09 September 2015
Category: Astro Magic

What's the Candle Magic of Santisima Muerte?

Using Santisima Muerte Pillar in Candle Magic


Of the Halloween candle series, Santisima Muerte,or the bony lady, is the most unknown.   We wanted to include this candle in the line, not only because of who the bony lady is, but because her magic is so strong and so beautiful, a Halloween set would not be complete without her.  


Santisima Muerte means the holiest of deaths. Now death does not need to be literal for this candle magic.  It is all about transitions, changes and protection. Whether you are burning the candle for someone you love to give them strength during a difficult passage of life or for yourself during a time of metamorphosis; our lady of blessings can be there to help protect and cleanse you through this process.   She is there for those moments you feel the most alone to remind you that you never are.


The Santisima Muerte  candle will only be around for a limited time.  The candle burns for 70 hours and includes a blessing on the label to recite with the candle and intention. Please never leave a burning candle unattended


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