By Jacki Smith on Friday, 27 November 2015
Category: Astro Magic

Cash, Money, Now! A quick spell for a quick fix!

When money issues show up, they show with a dramatic urgency.  Rent, light bill, filling your gas tank, tuition, loan payments, they all share a life changing urgency if they don’t get paid.   When you are perpetually in survival mode, it’s hard to get spiritual and heal the deeper issue that keeps you in that state of financial lack.


When you are drowning in bills, the last thing you want to do is cast an abundance spell for fear that you will become more abundant in bills!


You need a Cash, Money, Now! spell to get through the crisis and get a moment to de-stress before the next round of bills show up.  The Financial Growth Blessing Kit is perfect for these moments, especially when you add it to the Cosmic Check Spell.


This spell is simple and fast and can be done any time of the month.   Once you are out of crisis, do this every new moon and you will see your finances grow in surprising ways in the future.


Make a list of all the bills you have to pay and all the things you need cash for.  Only list what is in crisis at this moment and then add 10% for anything you forgot about.   Put dates next to each bill.


On a clean, unused piece of paper, draw a blank check .  Make it out to you from the bank of Universal abundance.   In the amount section of the check, put in the amount of money that you need to get out of the crisis and give you a bit extra.  Put in the date you want to be paid by.  On the back of this check sign it like you would a check you were depositing or cashing.   


Put your check under the candles holders and put your list on the fridge or anywhere you will see this list every day.


Light the votives from the Financial Growth Blessing Kit and say out loud how much money you need and the date you need it by.  Let the candles burn for several hours - making sure you do not leave them unattended.

Now start looking for the bits of money that will be flowing in and make sure to use that to pay on the list you created.   If you spend it on something else, the flow will dry up.   As you pay off the listed bill and cover the listed expenses, write across each line, “Thank You”.   You will quickly get through that list and then get the reward at the end.  

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