By Jacki Smith on Friday, 20 November 2015
Category: Astro Magic

Can you handle the truth?

“Often, we know the truth but do not want to see it.”   ~ Coventry Creations Blessing Kit

Truth is a very sticky subject, because it is so subjective.  There is your truth, their truth and the universal truth, which is just the facts.   

My truth and your truth rely on our personal filters; our perception of the situation, our experiences, our fears and emotional filters.   What is helpful to one person is interfering to another.  What is the truth when definitions differ?  What is the truth when you don’t want to know what the other perspectives are?

When the truth may be painful, we can hide from it.  When the truth means that we may have to face an old fear or a scary reality we have the super power to deny it.   We have this amazing defense mechanism to hide from us what is too painful to bear, but yet that lie we are protecting can also do irreparable damage.

The best way to find the true facts of a situation and be able to make a healthy decision from this information is to elevate up to the universal level.   When you look at this situation from the 10,000 foot view you can see all the factors that are influencing you and everyone involved.   When you reach beyond your protected and limited perception it is easier to empathize with others, see your own actions that affect it and release the emotional charge that is fueling your confusion.  

Of course we created a product to help you work this healing magic.   The Blessing Kit Truth Spell.

In this kit you get three Power Votives; Needed Change, Problem Solving, Truth and Justice.   These three help you change your perspective, uncover a broader base of information and release the emotions that are keeping you stuck in the fear that the blinds you from the larger truth.

The blessing on the kit says it all:   “Experience, action, perception and emotion blend to form my personal truth. I transcend those limitations and can see the universal reality of my situation.”

Light all the candles at the same time and visualize your challenge from above, looking for all the connections that influence you.  Then find the story that those connections tell you.  From there you can release those emotions and embrace wider understanding.

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