By Jacki Smith on Wednesday, 02 December 2015
Category: Astro Magic

What good is an affirmation?

When you are in a negative mood, the last thing you want to do is put in your rose colored glasses and play Pollyanna to some fake feeling words.   But that is exactly the remedy that will help you transition from a place of self-defeat into a place of balance and connection.


It’s hard to do.   Right now as I write this blog, it’s hard for me to do as I am in that exact space.   But I know that as I do my affirmations I am lifting myself up in tiny increments and allowing the light back into my soul.   That is what affirmations do, they create an invitation to the Divine to settle more fully into your heart and heal what is bringing disconnection and pain.


Affirmations put you back in control of your emotions and reactions to outside events.   So often the pain caused by actions of others becomes more important than the healing and positive actions you can take.   It’s ok, this happens all the time and we have the cool tool called Affirmation that puts you back in the driver’s seat of your own emotional, mental and spiritual state.  We all know that those three states of being then manifest in the physical so if we jump on it early, we can head off some physical illness.  


Affirmations are so powerful that there are psychologists experimenting and proving their viability.   From grade point averages, to reducing stress in high stress jobs, studies all over the world are proving what we spiritual seekers already know.

Affirmations can change your life and it is all in your hands to do so.   Affirmations take you from victim to empowered.  Affirmations fill up your energy reserves to enable to you take the action on what you are manifesting.   Affirmations tell the universe what you want and it responds accordingly.

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