By Jacki Smith on Sunday, 20 December 2015
Category: Astro Magic

Bless this mess

A well lived lived life is rarely tidy.  A well loved life is messy and filled with bits and chunks of un-nameable fun.   Bless your mess and bless your home, because this is where you feed your soul, love your family and relax your shields.


Take a moment today and bless your mess, your socks on the floor, your dishes in the sink your un-made-up mind, your leaky emotions, and your intrusive passion.   Bless this mess of trial and error, of unrealized dreams, ideas that went awry and stacks of books out of order.


You are the creator and creation of all these things and some days you have to revel in the absurdity of the mess you create while in the mode of creation.   When you accept your mess, for better and for worse, own its reason and purpose in life and possibly even make friends with it, this mess is no longer a pain or a nemesis.  This mess can be your savior.  

Bless this Mess, bless this home and bless the hearts that get messing in their loving.

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