By Jacki Smith on Thursday, 10 December 2015
Category: Astro Magic

Beauty Is As Beauty Does

Don’t believe the hype from the beauty industry.  There is no standard of beauty.  Don’t think that you have to fit into a mold because there is no standard for us to measure by.   Over the generations the definition of outward beauty has morphed from one trend to another.   Country to country what is considered beautiful varies.


True beauty comes from within, from confidence, self love, personal power, care of other.   When you think of the most beautiful person in your world, bets are that you think of a loved one who would never grace the cover of Cosmo.   I bet the person you are thinking of right now is someone who has touched your life in a loving and profound way.  

You are that kind of beautiful to someone in your life.  What if that is what you saw in the mirror every day?  What if that is what you imagined when you tried on new clothes?  What if the love that you share with the world was your version of a good hair day?

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