By Jacki Smith on Friday, 01 April 2016
Category: Astro Magic

We want to expand your world in a magical way

April is our month dedicated to Spiritual Cleansing, but how can we do that with our World Candle line? Each candle is connected to an attribution of the divine. Ganesha is about faith and perseverance, Lakshmi brings us unlimited bounty, Sacred White Sage brings us purity of heart and Sweet Grass is about gratitude and love.  If you are not feeling absolutely successful in one or more of these areas, use one of our world magic candles or oils to help cleanse your heart and mind and make way for blessing from the divine. Burn the candle during a ritual or meditation to uplift the block out of you, or anoint your body with the oil to attract that quality to you.    


15% off all World Magic Products for the month of April.


Embracing the magic of this product line is about you and your connection with the wider world.  When you work your magic through this connection your magic ripples through your spheres of influence and plants itself not only in today, but in the future as well to help make this magic a permanent addition to your life.

Watch for our blogs all month for spiritual cleansing ideas with our own World magic candles and oils.

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