By Jacki Smith on Wednesday, 20 July 2016
Category: Astro Magic

Create the Future You Deserve

The search for the meaning of life - it’s ingrained in most of us.  And wouldn’t we love a handbook to guide us through the murky waters?  DIY Akashic Wisdom by Jacki Smith and Patty Shaw, offers just that; a guide to understanding your life and it’s lessons.  The Akashic Records, or “The Book of Life,” is a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey, and Akashic anarchist sisters Patty Shaw and Jacki Smith are going to show you how to tap into that dimension!


The Akashic Records are the collective cosmic mind, which can sound a bit daunting but Jacki and Patty’s methods are approachable, practical, and healing.  Their philosophy is that everyone can easily step into their Akashic Records.  


Journey into your own Akashic records where you can access all information about who you are today, your past lives, your future lives, and generations of your genetic history with DIY Akashic Wisdom. Providing a complete approach to healing it will help you identify your soul parts, clear family legacies, and build a solid foundation for the future you choose.  


Patty Shaw, is the co-owner of the Candle Wick Shoppe and Coventry Creations with her sister, Jacki Smith. Patty is a Reiki Master and Director of the Dharma Room Reiki Clinic.  Patty is the author of Healers Almanac, co-author of DIY Akashic Wisdom, a Minister with UCM (Universal Church of the Masters), and earned her Reiki Master degree in 1999. She is also a spiritual counselor and works with the Akashic Records during healing sessions.

Jacki Smith is the co-owner of Coventry Creations and her intensive studies in ancient teachings inspired her to write Coventry Magic and DIY Akashic Wisdom.  She is internationally known both for her award winning books and her line of intentional candles, oils, and sprays.  Currently she runs her businesses, teaches, consults, while hosting “Keep it Magic Radio”.  

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