By Jacki Smith on Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Category: Astro Magic

5 Ways to Clear the Road Ahead

All the signs are pointing to movement and change this month and we are holding onto our hats just trying to keep up! We’ve assembled our favorite articles to remind us all of ways to make the road less bumpy. Happy travels!

Shed off the binds of being a victim and Power Up Positive Energy.

Jacki Smith outlines the steps to let go of too much focus on outcomes in this article Not a F@*k Was Given.

Writing Your Own Ticket by Patty Shaw takes a look at defining the way your life will look like going forward.

Own the choices you are making on your new path and influence changes in It Doesn’t Exist Until You Write It Down.

Take a look at the seven magical steps to creating success to guide you on the path ahead in Success is a Journey, Not a Destination by Jacki Smith.

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