By Jacki Smith on Thursday, 01 September 2016
Category: Astro Magic

Hekate, Last of the Titans

She’s like the superhero mom with twelve kids, who runs a nonprofit, started the carpool, volunteers at a hospice, fosters puppies, plays roller derby on the weekends, and has a wicked sharp sense of humor.  Only immortal.  And a Titan.  You can draw Hekate into your life to enact big, life altering magic and maybe even make it to a P.T.A. meeting.


Often depicted as a triple headed woman of glorious beauty Hekate embodies all stages of womanhood; maiden, mother, and crone.  Hekate is the Queen of the Crossroads, Witches, Ghosts, keeper of the newborn, the guide for the dead, and has the power to grant mortals anything they wish.  Yes, she is a badass.  Her resume also includes guardianship over entranceways, dogs, light, magic, protection of all things newborn, herbs and poisonous plants, necromancy, and sorcery.  Not to mention ruling over the earth, sea, and sky.  


Take a look here for my take on the patriarchy trying to keep the Queen down.


Seek her out at three way crossroads, places between here and there for assistance in moving from one stage of being into another.  Set up shrines to Hekate at three way crossroads allowing her to look down your pathes; past, present, and future.  Light candles and leave offerings of food on the new moon to protect yourself from evil while transitioning from one stage to the next or appeal to her to protect your household, bring prosperity and daily blessings to your family.  

Hekate, goddess of the three paths, Queen of the Witches and Ghosts, seemed like the perfect compliment to our Ghost line.  As a guide between the two worlds the Hekate World Magic candle leads us in the direction we need to go.  Approach her for guidance, strength, and will; she is a powerful ally.  Our limited edition Hekate World Magic and the seasonal Ghost lines are available for a short time. Then, just as they came, they will slowly disappear….

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