By Jacki Smith on Monday, 20 December 2021
Category: Magic 101

Love Magic Hacks

Romance is the tip of the iceberg with love magic. Love as a brand of magic encompasses all relationships; romantic, family, business, friendship, community, and even your mortal enemy. Any interaction you have with another person can be influenced by love magic, yet is that the best course of action or the path that avoids emotional vulnerability.

The most powerful and most difficult form of love magic is when you show up, have a conversation, turn on your charisma, listen intently, and keep your word. That type of live magic is all about you, where you heal your wounds and clear your limitations.

The most talked-about love magic is the type where you are drawing someone to you for romance and love. Come to Me, Cleo Mae, Attraction, and various love candles fit this purpose nicely, but if you have not done that internal work to be open to love, that spell may not stick and result in the relationship you are looking for.

The most needed love spell is the type to clear up communication, find your voice, open your heart and work on the critical relationship in your life. Your family, friends, co-workers, and community relationships are what influences your day-to-day. They either stress you out or bring you peace and joy. These are the relationships where you build your reputation and in turn, the energy of that reputation defines who you are and how the energy of the world works with you.

Love magic can be complicated, yet at its core, any love spell you cast will challenge you to address your beliefs around love. The magic and success of your spell lies in healing and clearing what prevents the relationship you want from taking root in your life. How do you do that? Most of us approach it with trial and error and slowly gain awareness of what we really need to do. You, however, get a few love hacks to dive right into the true power of love magic.

Hack your love language - Watch your own interactions with others. How do you approach a conversation, a difficult feeling, or a need from another person? Do you judge, stand back, dive in and problem solve, micromanage, or ghost them? Ask yourself why you react the way you do and journal about it. This will tell you what type of love magic you need, and you will have to cast that spell upon yourself first. If you want to go pro with this, grab the book, The 5 Love Languages and see if your observation fits your love language.

Hack it being all about you - Everything in your life is about you. Everything in their life is about them. The choices you each make are first filtered through the lens of your own experiences and wounds. Their words are about their needs and your words are about your needs, even though that is not what you are talking about. If you can take a breath and step outside of the comfort of your filter, you will uncover the magic you need.

Hack the need to control - Using commanding and controlling energy is not how you get people on your side for the long haul. You can manipulate people to do as you want for a short time, but you will be found out in the long haul. That brute force of will is also exhausting and you will run out of steam, losing the grip you have on the spell. When you are looking to attract someone to you, use the honey of charisma. Charisma is confidence blended with compassion and you will gain the loyalty and admiration of your intended target much faster. If your charisma is heart-felt, your relationship will last longer and be more fulfilling.

Hack the need for perfection - Ideals are inspiration, not reality. Ideals help us shoot for better in ourselves and ideals out of touch with reality will turn you blind to the potential of the imperfect. Every relationship needs careful tending and will have moments of perfection, but be flawed on the day-to-day. Let go of perfection or idealism as the norm. Don’t be so hard on yourself! When you have compassion for yourself, there is room for compassion from others.

Hack the one and done - Love magic in all of its forms is a journey. Your attraction spell worked, now what? Your communication spell worked, now what are you going to say? Look at your love spell as a series of steps and everyone will win.

After you test these hacks you are ready for some love magic! Get your love candle, oil, herbs, stones, and sigils, and then add to it the ingredients that address the deeper need you discovered in the above hacks. 3 candles are my magic formula; one candle is for you, one candle is for the result, and one candle is for the other party. Each candle represents the deeper need that the other person has and brings everyone together with compassion.

When you write your words of power, your spell, work for the highest good of everyone, work for the presence of love in all that you say and do and this love spell will be a game-changer. Set your intent to be one of joy and everyone will come to the table to see what love you are serving.

Remember magic in any form is healing, when you start with that intent, you are rowing with the current to get you there faster

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