By Patty Shaw on Sunday, 19 August 2018
Category: Moon Magic

Full Moon in Pisces August 26, 2018

What do you get when you mix the full moon energy with the Pisces energy? You get a timeout to think about where you are going in life. It’s not the worst thing that could happen. Being reflective can be very revealing.

So, take a pause and set yourself up for some soul searching and personnel inventory taking. To help you keep on track and not fall into a pity party, light an Emotional Balance Blessed Herbal candle to support and balance out your emotional content. Top it all off with a spritz or two of the Clarity Chakra Magic spray around your third eye. Please don’t spray it directly into your face. Spray it into the air, walk into the mist and twirl. That will get the spray into your aura and chakra just fine. After a few minutes you will start to see the big picture more clearly. Make sure you have pen and paper with you. You’ll need to take notes on your insights and inspirations.

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