By Patty Shaw on Monday, 19 April 2021
Category: Moon Magic

Full Moon in Scorpio April 26, 2021

The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26th swirls our subconscious and brings to the surface what still needs to be understood and healed. As old traumas, giant mistakes, and sins of the fathers come calling, do this candle ritual and release the past forever.

Embrace the gift of this Full Moon and let it bless your soul with wisdom gained through experience.

A Candle Ritual to Release the Past with Love

You will need three candles, three candle holders, and three roses of any color. We recommend our Healing Affirmation, Inner Beauty Affirmation, and Home Blessing Affirmation candles.

Step 1 Disrobe the candles (save the labels), and place them in the three candle holders. Place the candles in a triangle with the vase of roses in the center. Go into meditation and say a prayer of intent about releasing the past traumas, mistakes, and “sins of the father” during this candle ritual.

Step 2 Light each candle in the below sequence as you say the affirmations on the label.

First, light the Healing Affirmation candle. “My healing begins with my intent of health, is empowered by my desire for wholeness, and is materialized by my willingness to flow within my truth.”

Second, Light the Inner Beauty Affirmation candle. “I am a child of light, the bearer of love and the keeper of beauty. I free myself of the negative self-defeating thoughts that blanket my beauty and I cleanse myself of their poison. I embody brilliance and show the beauty of my true self to all who will see.”

Third, light the Home Blessing Affirmation candle. “My true home resides within the center of myself. From this place, I energize and bless my surroundings, creating a warm and balanced home.”

Step 3 The roses will express their life force into the triangle and will absorb all the negative energy of your past. As the candles burn down and the roses fade, know that your own life force is being renewed as the past is being healed.

Share your success stories on social media! Find us on Instagram at @coventrycandles and Facebook at @coventrycreationscandles.

Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,

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