By Jacki Smith on Sunday, 30 June 2024
Category: Witches Union

Drawing Back the Bow of Success: A Witchy Guide to Achieving Your Goals

How many prosperity spells does it take a witch to reach their goal? 

This sounds like the opening for a dad joke. If so, the punch line would be two. One to get out of your own way and one to manifest your intent. 

I think the worst thing about effective success spells is that you generally have to take a step backward before the big payoff. When you want to do magic around success and personal gain, the first thing you have to do is draw back the proverbial bow before you can aim and let your magic of success fly. 

There is nothing wrong or lacking when you need to pull back, or your fortune reverses before you get to the big success. Think about it, if you are in a space where the success of your project or financial need requires a magical boost, there is likely to be something in your way that must be addressed. That something is usually you.

Drawing Back the Bow of Success

Picture yourself as an archer, ready to launch an arrow towards your target. Before you can release the arrow, you must draw the bow back, creating tension and storing potential energy. This is the same process we must go through when casting spells for success and gain.

Drawing back the bow of success is all about introspection and self-reflection; taking a step back to assess your current situation, and identifying any obstacles or limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Are you harboring doubts about your abilities? Do you have a scarcity mindset that's preventing you from attracting abundance? These are the kinds of questions you need to ask yourself before you can effectively cast a spell for success.

This process can feel uncomfortable, as it often requires facing our own fears and insecurities head-on. However, this introspection is crucial for creating the space and clarity needed to manifest our desires. Journaling during this process is like having a conversation with your higher self. Let the words flow and take a peek into your blind spot, the place where these limits, blocks, and beliefs live. 

Once you've identified what's holding you back, it's time to craft a spell to release those blockages. This could be as simple as writing down your limiting beliefs on a piece of paper and burning it under the light of a full moon. Watch as you release this tension and let it be carried away and dispersed on the air currents. 

Another is a ritual bath infused with herbs associated with letting go, such as rosemary or lavender. Soak away the stress and circular thoughts, and then when you are done with your bath, watch your limits drain away, leaving you refreshed. 

You can support these rituals through meditation, journaling, or even a good old-fashioned spring cleaning of your physical space. The key is to create a clean slate for your magic to work its wonders.

Aiming Your Arrow of Intention

Now that you've drawn back the bow and cleared the way, it's time to take aim and let your success spell fly. 

This is where the fun begins! You can create a ritual that speaks to your personal style and resonates with your intentions. Whether you prefer candles, crystals, or herbs, the possibilities are endless.

Start by getting crystal clear on what you want to achieve. Be specific and focus on the feeling you'll have when you've reached your goal. Write down your intention in the present tense, as if it's already happened. For example, "I am confidently running my successful business, earning a generous income, and making a positive impact on the world."

One of my favorite success spells involves creating a prosperity altar. Choose items that represent abundance and success to you, such as a green candle, a citrine crystal, and a stick of cinnamon. Arrange them on a small table or shelf, and spend a few moments each day focusing on your intentions while you light the candle and get energized by the scent of cinnamon. Add in a daily meditation on your intention, visualizing it as if it's already a reality. 

Daily attendance to your prosperity altar will feed your success and growth magic. Don’t be afraid to add items that symbolize success to your altar, growing it as your magic grows. 

Don’t have space for a prosperity altar? Make a microcosm of success and growth with a success manifestation jar. Take a clean, empty jar and fill it with coins, bills, and even pictures or symbols of what it means to be successful (maybe a bow, arrow and target?). Put a date on these items, letting the universe know WHEN you want to achieve goals by. As you add each item to the jar, visualize your desires coming to fruition. Seal the jar with a lid and place it in a prominent spot where you'll see it often, such as your desk or nightstand. Power up your jar by burning a candle next to it, letting the flame reflect in the glass. 

Releasing the Arrow and Trusting the Process

Finally, it's time to release your arrow and trust in the magic of the universe to guide it toward your target. 

This can be the hardest part, as it requires surrendering control and having faith that your spells will work in divine timing.

The real magic of success spells lies in the combination of intention, action, and belief. You can't just cast a spell and expect miracles to happen overnight without putting in the work. When you align your energy with your goals and take inspired action, the universe conspires to help you achieve your dreams. 

It's important to stay patient and persistent, continuing to take inspired action toward your goals while trusting that your spells are working behind the scenes.

Part of this trust is to celebrate your successes along the way, no matter how small they may seem. Each step forward is a reminder that your magic is working and that you're on the right path towards your dreams.

So, my fellow witches, remember – drawing back the bow of success, aiming your arrow of intention, and releasing it with trust are the keys to casting powerful spells for prosperity and gain. Trust in the power of your magic, and know that abundance is your birthright. With a little introspection, a lot of intention, and a sprinkle of witchy wisdom, you can manifest the success and prosperity you've always desired. Happy spellcasting!

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