By Jacki Smith on Thursday, 07 September 2017
Category: Witches Union

Creative Energy Spell - Knock down creative road blocks

Creative road blocks happen to all of us, and overcoming them is a strenuous process – that is why this month’s spell card has been crafted to knock those blockages down! Remind yourself to start with a small project and let the inspirational energy in.

Creative road blocks happen to all of us, and overcoming them is a strenuous process – that is why this month’s spell card has been crafted to knock those blockages down! Remind yourself to start with a small project and let the inspirational energy in.

Making the leap into your work of art may be the hardest thing to do, but it doesn’t have to be. September’s Spell Caster Club card Creative Energy - Knock down creative road blocks is a spell that has been crafted to help you dive into your creative work without fear. Whether it’s the beginning of a painting, a story you’re writing, or something you have to do for work, this spell will aid you in all forms of creativity.

Creative Energy Spell - Knock down creative road blocks

Gather up:

Blessed Herbal Candles
Energy & Will
Problem Solving
Truth & Justice

Other Supplies
Bowl of fruit
Inspiring Image

Place the bowl of fruit on a flat surface, with the inspirational image in front of the bowl. Take the honey and drizzle it over the fruit. Visualize that the fruit is the labor you put into your craft and the honey is what binds it all together. Place the Energy & Will, Problem Solving, and Truth & Justice candles in their holders around the bowl. Light the candles and awaken your craft. Start by reciting this affirmation:

The creative chords have been struck

and I vibrate with inspiration.
Look out doldrums, you no longer have a hold on me.

Meditate on the image of your inspiration and when you are done, start a small project or something repetitive and pleasing to let the inspirational energy in. Relight the candles every day until they, and your creative blocks, are gone. Eat the fruit along the way for big bursts of inspiration. (You may want to cover or refrigerate the fruit as necessary.).

Now – Go make some magic!

Visit our website to browse the Blessed Herbal candles and more and make sure to check out our new Witches Union swag. This line of fun products celebrates the powerful witch in you and your part in our community.

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