By Jacki Smith on Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Category: Astro Magic

Furry Friends

By Britany Crenshaw

I’m one of those pet owners who goes over and beyond for their pets. All four of my dogs get holiday stockings and gifts wrapped in doggy wrapping paper. I get the side eye from a handful of people because I truly treat my dogs like they’re my kids.  They’ve protected, served and have been my best friends since as early as 2005, and they deserve it!  Your pets think very highly of you. You feed them, love them, and talk to them and if you spoil your pets like I do, you clothe them too.

That connection that is shared between humans and their pets is a connection that is unique. They rely on us to care for them and we rely on them for so much more. We look to them to be our judgmental free friends, our ear to listen and to add to this we also want them to be our protectors as well.

Here at Coventry, we carefully constructed a blessing kit especially for the warm welcoming and powerful connection from the owner to the pet. Here’s what we came up with:


Blessing - “You bring comfort, joy, and unconditional love to our family. I wish a treat, a pat, health and happiness for you. Our life together is a reward.”

“Our pets are a blessing that we invite into our home, and into our family. They give us joy and meaning to our lives. With this triad you can return that blessing to them.”


Heart: You and your pet should share a heart to heart connection. That’s where the best friend aspect comes from. Ensure that your pet feels loved and he/she will have your back.

Stability:  Your pet looks forward to your arrival each day, the feeling of security and family is soothing and reassuring to your pet. Before you make the decision to welcome a furry friend into your home, make sure you’re sure.  Just like a child, a pet doesn’t like to be bounced from home to home.  

Happy Home:  Happiness matters. Are the energies in your home welcoming? Your pet can read energies. He/She knows when they aren’t in a happy environment and behaves accordingly.

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