By Jacki Smith on Saturday, 13 August 2016
Category: Astro Magic

Get Moving With Motor City Grit

It’s time to put your shoulder to the wheel.  Knuckle down. Bust it out.  Achieve your dreams.  You know you’ve got this, but sometimes some extra magic moves things along a little faster.  The Motor City Grit combination packs a wallop when it’s time to get down and dirty.  Use the Wicked Good Road Opener Room Spray to destroy obstacles and clear your path.  Dig deep and discover a renewed sense of strength with the earthy Stability Blessed Herbal Candle.  Grease the wheels with Motor City Hoodoo High John Oil by adding a touch of the trickster’s luck and wily tenacity.  Keep your goal in sight with the Crown of Glory Motor City Hoo Doo candle to insure victory.


1 - Wicked Good Road Opener Room Spray

1 - Stability Blessed Herbal Candle

1 - Motor City Hoodoo High John Oil

1 - Motor City Hoo Doo Crown of Glory Motor City Candle


This spell certainly has a taste of regional flair; inspired by our hometown spirit.  Detroit is no stranger to tribulation but continues on proudly despite the naysayers.  Struggle, in and of itself, is not negative; it is often an overlooked opportunity to truly experience our own strength. The Motor City Grit spell is designed to capitalize on the vast stores of power each of us has access to.

Create your own spell pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to bring in quick cash, ditch old patterns, and change your financial luck . We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $50 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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