August Astro Magic 2021
I have to admit that I may be a little biased this month being a Leo, but I hope my exuberance over the sign can be a catalyst for inner change, transformation, and some good ole’ magic.
© 2021-07-20 01:29:23
Storm Cestavani is a nationally recognized astrologer who has been reading professionally for nearly thirty-five years and has amassed great skill with the divinatory arts, such as Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Empathy, Astrology, Dreams, Channeling, Numerology, Past Lives, Automatic Writing, and Tarot. Storm’s astrological studies (FAS, CPA, MISPA) are vast and he continues to study this ancient art. In addition, Storm currently holds a degree in psychology and is a benefactor of the Association of Young Astrologers.
Storm gained international notoriety as the former radio host for the syndicated talk show “Psychic Friends Live”. He appeared in five infomercials for the Psychic Friends Network, reading for star Dionne Warwick on the show, and has been seen on a number of television and radio shows, and read for many of the most powerful celebrities and power-brokers in the world! He recently appeared on an episode of FOX’s Blind Date. Recently, he was the co-host of Keep It Magic with Jacki Smith.
August Astro Magic 2021
I have to admit that I may be a little biased this month being a Leo, but I hope my exuberance over the sign can be a catalyst for inner change, transformation, and some good ole’ magic.
© 2021-07-20 01:29:23
Last month, Saturn formed a square (90-degree angle) to Uranus for the second time. Saturn and Uranus move slowly, they remain in technical orb for long periods and trigger easily by faster moving planets. This month the agitators will be Mars and Venus.
© 2021-07-20 01:29:23
As we enter the month of July, we find ourselves swimming in the healing waters of the sign of Cancer. Cancer is known for its nurturing qualities and is the sign associated with mothers and motherhood. While we are in the sign of the crab, our focus will be on self-care, caring for our families, familial and tribal bonds, and comfort and security.
© 2021-07-20 01:29:23
Mercury Rx Dirty Dozen! Tips and Tricks to Wrangling the Trickster God
1. Make sure you go over anything contractual thoroughly. Make sure all the i’s are dotted, and all the t’s are crossed. If you can get away with it, wait until after the retrograde is over (June 22) to sign on the dotted line.
© 2021-07-20 01:29:23
I am going to briefly discuss the novel Coronavirus that has become a pandemic with over 140 countries affected. Now, there are numerous blog posts that have blamed the Coronavirus on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn that occurred in January and a few others that have correlated the discovery of the virus with the lunar nodes going through Cancer and Capricorn, and each of these astrological events may have something to do with it and every astrological school of thought may have something valuable to add to the discussion.
© 2021-07-20 01:29:23