Coventry Creations Articles

Patty Shaw is the Vice President of Coventry Creations Ent. Inc. making spiritual products since 1992, author of the award-winning Healers Almanac, Wisdom of the 21st Century Goddesses 2008, Winding Road Publishing and co-author with Jacki Smith of award-winning DIY Akashic Wisdom, accessing the library of your soul 2013, Weiser Books. She is a certified Spiritual Counselor through UCM, CA since 1992 and uses the Akashic records, Reiki Master, Director of the CWS Reiki Healing Center. You can email Patty at [email protected].

New Moon in Gemini May 22, 2020

Our New Moon is visiting the sign of Gemini on May 22, 2020. The energy is all about starting something new or going to the next step, but we may find our minds flitting from one subject to another. It’s ok, this is the influence of a Gemini New Moon in action.

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Full Moon in Scorpio May 7, 2020

Our Full Moon is visiting the sign of Scorpio on May 7, 2020. This moon phase asks us to wrap things up and let the pain not only teach us but transform us. Scorpio energy sets the stage for lasting change because we have changed.

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New Moon in Taurus April 23, 2020

There is nothing quite like a New Moon in Taurus. It feels sweet, gentle and calm. I am reminded of Ferdinand the gentle bull who stayed true to himself in spite of all the teasing from the other bulls. He cherished a life of peace and he wandered off away from peer pressure to maintain it.

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Full Moon in Libra, April 8, 2020

The Libra full moon is about relationships and how we are influencing each other. On the plus side is a beautiful community where compassion reigns supreme. The flip side of that is power struggles, co-dependency, and other unsavory behaviors that leave us feeling manipulated and threatened.

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New Moon in Aries March 24, 2020

We love an Aries New moon. That means we’re going to get an energizing boost and have the kahunas to follow through. Use this energy combo to give new life to your projects. If you are anything like us, you’ve got too many irons in the fire to do any of them much justice.

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Full Moon in Virgo March 9, 2020

What a beautiful time for letting go of old habits, debunked projects, and habits that only complicate and confuse your life. A Full moon in Virgo fills us with the powers of organization, setting priorities, and a deep desire to dig in and put in the work to make sweeping changes.

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New Moon in Pisces February 23, 2020

A New Moon in Pisces is a fantastic opportunity to heal family curses, meaning, the unhealthy way our ancestors dealt with their challenges in life and with each other. This month our theme is about clarity in love. When we take the time to understand what our ancestors believed to be true, and the circumstances they lived in, we can have more compassion around the decisions they made and why.

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Full Moon in Leo February 9, 2020

The Full Moon occurs during the early hours of February 9th in fiery Leo. This beautiful moon creates the perfect energy for healing any trauma caused by painful relationships. Perfect Segway into our theme this month, getting clarity in love. Love is an energy that flows to and from us and understanding how that works is a gift that keeps on giving.

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New Moon in Aquarius on January 24, 2020

Continuing with the theme of self-care we are going to use the energy of the new Moon in Aquarius to help us change our behavior. During the full moon we released old energy. Now we will put that healing into our reality by doing things differently and in a more positive way.

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Full Moon in Cancer January 10, 2020

We are focusing on self-care this full moon on January 10, 2020. We have a very special opportunity because of the lunar eclipse. It occurs in the sign of Cancer while it opposes Saturn conjunct Pluto. In astrology, the Moon is our emotional life, and when it is opposed to Saturn conjunct Pluto, it reflects a need to let go of emotional experiences that we are holding onto that may be stymying our personal growth.

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New Moon in Capricorn on December 26, 2019

You will rarely hear us say this, and when we do, we’re not jerking you around. This new moon is during a solar eclipse and conjoined to the south node. In plain talk, don’t do any magic, or intention work right now. Tomorrow you can resume your magical ways.

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Full Moon in Gemini on December 12, 2019

We are talking about being fiercely independent this month. One of the biggest ways we can demonstrate our boundaries is through the way we communicate. With the support of the full moon in Gemini, who governors of all the ways we express ourselves, we can really work out the kinks in our style.

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New moon in Sagittarius November 26, 2019

Big plans take time and attention, and now is the perfect time to dust them off and give them more love. Start early and make this New Year’s resolution for 2020 a powerful one. This potent New Moon on the 26th will be instrumental in making those dreams come true because Sagittarius is about ‘the big picture’.

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Full moon in Taurus November 12, 2019

If you have decided to let go of self-defeating financial habits, a Full Moon in Taurus is the time to dig in. Taurus is a sign of the zodiac most associated with money and a Full Moon cycle will help you put an end to procrastination.

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New moon in Scorpio October 27, 2019

A new moon in Scorpio means letting go in a much deeper way than saying you are dead to me.

Those are just words. Put your money where your smart mouth is and do some real transformational work with all the things that really pissed you off and nearly ruined your life.

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Full moon in Aries on October 13, 2019

The Full Moon occurs on October 13th in self-assured Aries. There is no better moon than an Aries full moon to really get in touch with how important you are and in need of some props. It’s a real high for anyone who leans toward being undervalued.

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New moon in Libra September 28, 2019

The New Moon on the 28th is in Libra and is the sign of relationships and is the best time of the year to do love magic. When we talk about love magic we are specifically talking about magic that respects free will and heals the reasons we are struggling in the relationship department.

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Full moon in Pisces September 13, 2019

The Full Moon this month occurs in the sign of Pisces on September 13th. Pisces is difficult to maneuver because it is never clear about anything. Smoke and mirrors, confusion, and sometimes deception follows Pisces around like a dog with a bone. Also, Pisces is the sign associated with addiction.

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New Moon in Virgo August 30, 2019

It’s a New Moon on August 30th and it’s in Virgo. During the full moon on the 15th we took the time to evaluate the people we are hanging with. If changes were necessary or forced upon us we took action and did one of the two candle rituals offered.

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Full Moon in Aquarius August 15, 2019

August 15th brings us a Full moon in Aquarius, the sign of groups and collective ideals. The full moon is also a time when we make changes in our life or changes happen in our life. With this month’s theme about finding joy in helping others, we can use this full moon to assess what enriches our lives rather than hanging on to what no longer feeds our souls.

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