Coventry Creations Articles

Patty Shaw is the Vice President of Coventry Creations Ent. Inc. making spiritual products since 1992, author of the award-winning Healers Almanac, Wisdom of the 21st Century Goddesses 2008, Winding Road Publishing and co-author with Jacki Smith of award-winning DIY Akashic Wisdom, accessing the library of your soul 2013, Weiser Books. She is a certified Spiritual Counselor through UCM, CA since 1992 and uses the Akashic records, Reiki Master, Director of the CWS Reiki Healing Center. You can email Patty at [email protected].

New moon in Leo July 31, 2019

Copy of Magic NewMoonJuly31 470sqWe can talk about new beginnings and manifesting magic again. Mercury is going direct and the New Moon is in fiery Leo. Even better, you can and should make it all about you. Now is the time to fluff and primp, to show us your best side and bring out the charismatic animal in you.

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Full moon in Capricorn July 16, 2019

Copy of Magic FullMoonJuly16 470sqOn July 16th, the full moon is in Capricorn. It’s also a lunar eclipse. Cap the goat manages our reputation, place in society, and the tangible adjectives that define who we are. We can use the energy of this celestial body to reinvent ourselves and let go of the masks that are no longer useful.

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New moon in Cancer July 2, 2019

Copy of Magic NewMoonJuly2 470sqThe new moon is in Cancer and on July 2nd. It is also a total solar eclipse. This provides us with a unique opportunity to get in touch with our emotions. So what does that really mean? It’s about being in the moment and realizing how potent every moment is.

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Full moon in Sagittarius June 17, 2019

Full Moon in Sagittarius June 17It’s big picture time with this big ‘ole full moon. A sag full moon puts stars in our eyes and idealistic ideas in our heads. Sounds exciting and perfect for goal setting but are we losing ourselves in it? It’s possible we have gone too far out and don’t have a good ground or foundation to build on.

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Heart Chakra is a busy little bee

Heart Chakra is a busy little bee HM blogLet’s get to know the wonderful Heart Chakra. It is in the center of your chest and a beautiful emerald green. The chakra is a busy little bee because its chief purpose is to process your life events.

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New moon in Gemini June 3, 2019

New Moon in Gemini June 3 2019Have you ever thought back on a bad experience and really felt awful about yourself, as if time didn’t do what it promised and heal that wound for you? Yes, I have too and it has held me back and colored my opinion of myself.

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Full moon in Scorpio May 18, 2019

Full Moon in Scorpio 470sqThe Full Moon in Scorpio occurs on May 18th. Oh boy, buckle up because Scorpio is involved. This full moon is typecast for drama and tragic truth-telling. Alas, it is the way of the Scorpio full moon. You will find that secrets will be revealed.

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Three steps to creating a charmed life

Three steps to creating a charmed life HealingMagic 470sqWhen you look into the mirror do you like what you see? The best way to gauge your level of self-love is to notice your reaction to your reflection in the mirror. Did you go straight to critical analysis or did you smile at yourself? If you did not fall deeply in love with your eyes, the mirror of your soul, it’s time to re-evaluate everything you stand for and how it’s manifesting in your life.

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New moon in Taurus May 4, 2019

New Moon in Taurus 470sqWhen it comes to the moon, the most exciting time is when it is full. On a clear night, it reflects so much solar power it lights our way, but it’s when the moon is new we are the calmest. This is the quiet time of new beginnings where we cleanse, rest, reflect and prepare to grow.

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Full moon in Libra on April 19, 2019

Full Moon in Libra April 19 2019The Full Moon in Libra occurs on April 19th, and brings us some special energy and a unique opportunity. Here is what Storm has to say about this Full Moon in Libra.

The Full Moon cycles reflect the period of the month where the Moon begins to decrease in light.

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New Moon in Aries April 5, 2019

New Moon in Aries April 5 2019The New Moon is in Aries on April 5th. This is a powerhouse New Moon. Please pay close attention to it because this is when we astrologically need to begin “new things”. This includes new jobs, relationships, projects, or things that we want to pursue but have put off.

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Full Moon in Libra on March 20, 2019

Full moon in Libra March 20 2019Libra has to do with relationships and business partnerships and the Full Moon gives us an opportunity to remove things from our life that are not working. This is a great time to do magic focusing on ending relationships or partnerships in a positive manner.

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Mercury Rx brings healing opportunities

Mercury Rx keeping it positive HealingMagicBy the time you finish reading this, you will already be under the influence of the first of three times Mercury goes retrograde this year. I’m going to share with you the way I turned Mercury Retrograde into an opportunity rather than a hostage to its shenanigans.

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New Moon in Pisces March 6, 2019

New Moon in Pisces March 6 2109webA new moon in Pisces puts us squarely in our dream state and deeply desiring to disconnect from a reality we don’t like. Whether it’s painful, too challenging or just plain boring, if it’s not inspiring us, we are checking out.

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The Full Moon in Virgo on February 19th

Full Moon in Virgo Feb 19 2019. Moon Magic blogDuring a full moon you’ll want to end or release the things in your life that are beyond their shelf life or sell date. The full moon in Virgo on February 19th focuses on practical matters of your everyday life and you may find yourself cleaning closets and giving away or selling a bunch of your possessions.

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New Moon in Aquarius on February 4th

New Moon in Aquarius Feb 4 2019. Moon magic blogA new moon in Aquarius gets us desiring to connect to larger groups of people on social issues. There certainly are plenty to choose from. It will do your soul good to join an outreach program and activate your generous heart.

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Full Moon in Leo on January 20, 2019

Full moon in Leo January 20 2019We got a lunar eclipse in Leo, this month so our egos may need to be put on a leash. Our tendency for drama could cause a lot melodrama because the eclipse will bring out the shadow side of Leo.

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New moon in Capricorn January 5, 2019

New Moon in CapricornA Solar eclipse in Leo throws a shadow on our plans. Even though a New moon in Capricorn is a powerful time to begin new projects, this eclipse may affect our confidence and ambition to a greater degree than we are comfortable with.

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Full Moon in Cancer, December 22, 2018

Full Moon in Cancer December 22 2018Cancers in love are like a hot cup of cocoa, a roaring fire, and thick socks on a cold wintery afternoon. All comfy and cozy with warm smiles and secret crushes. This is the emotional atmosphere you can expect in the love department during a Full moon in Cancer.

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Divine love fixes everything

HM Divine love fixes everythingThere is no higher love than divine love. When the chips are down and you need support, calling upon divine love is your ticket. It doesn’t matter if you are in need of a change of thought, your emotions need balancing or you need a reset with your physical condition, the power of love is real and can work miracles in your life.

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