Coventry Creations Blogs

Candle Ritual for Dropping the Mean Girl Act

Oct2022 FullMoon


Full Moon in Aries on October 9, 2022

We are solidly in a two-week cycle for dropping bad attitudes and character flaws that get in the way of letting our soul light shine. Take full advantage of the powerfully cleansing vibration of this full moon and dive into the personal work it takes to morph, emerge, and evolve into who you are meant to be.

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Candle ritual for a fresh start in your relationship

Sep2022 NewMoon

New Moon in Libra on September 25, 2022

We reach the heart of Libra season on September 25th, with the New Moon in the sign of the scales. Ordinarily, this would be an excellent time to draw a new relationship to you, but Mercury is currently 'wretched out,' and Venus (the ruler of Libra) is not at her best in Virgo.

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Candle ritual for improving your focus

Sep2022 FullMoon

Full Moon in Pisces on September 10, 2022

The Full Moon on September 10th is in the sign of Pisces. Your intuitive faculties will be at their peak. What would you do if you were feeling like Harry Potter when he drank the Liquid Luck potion? That’s what this moon will do for you.

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Candle Ritual for Believing in Yourself

Aug2022 NewMoon

New Moon in Virgo on August 27, 2022 

Have you read a self-help or self-empowerment book? They are pretty good at reminding you to love yourself, believe in yourself, and go for what you want in life. They drip with empowerment strategies, worthiness exercises, and encouragement speeches.

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Candle Ritual for Softening Your Karmic Lessons

Aug2022 FullMoon


Full Moon in Aquarius on August 11, 2022

We don’t talk about karmic lessons much, and the Full Moon in Aquarius gives us the perfect opportunity to do so. This Full Moon brings the energy of breakthrough. If you are stuck and don’t know the precise path forward, now is the time to focus and figure it out because you are well supported by the Moon, the Sun, Virgo, and Aquarius energies.

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Candle Ritual for Raising your Self Esteem

July2022 NewMoon

New Moon in Leo on July 28, 2022 

A Leo New Moon will bring the vibe of introspection for the purposes of understanding your true self. Leo energy wants to show the world who you really are. New Moon energy is about new beginnings.

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Candle Ritual for Creating Love and Patience at Home

July2022 FullMoon

Full Moon in Capricorn on July 13, 2022

On July 13th, Luna moves through the earthy sign of the ambitious Capricorn. Plus there are many other planetary aspects that could turn your focus to your relationships. If you are feeling compelled to have that talk, this is why.

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Activating Creativity

June2022 NewMoon

New Moon in Cancer on June 28, 2022 

A Cancerian New Moon means lots of fresh energy is coming at you for your creative endeavors where home, security of all kinds, and family are concerned. This covers a lot of ground and no other zodiac sign can help you more than Cancer the crab.

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Making Room for Possibilities

June2022 FullMoon

Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 14, 2022

A full moon in Sagittarius is a great time to take a long hard look at your beliefs. Sag and the big bold and bright moon shine the light on your behavior and thinking patterns and will ask you, are they helping you, hurting you, or holding you back? No matter the source, be it from family or society, what you believe in and how you act on it, influences the way the details of your life unfold.

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Candle Ritual for Comfort and Security

April2022 FullMoon

Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Taurus on April 30, 2022

This is not the time for manifesting with magic. This energy is wild and hard to manage. With Taurus, the ruler of money, resources, possessions, physical pleasures, sensuality use this time to pamper yourself.

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Candle Ritual for Restoring Inner Balance

April2022 FullMoon

Full Moon in Libra April 16, 2022

Every time the moon moves through the sign of Libra we are reminded of how important balance is to a well-lived life. On April 16th we will be basking in the light of the full moon as she presents us with the lessons of balance again.

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Candle Ritual for Creating Focus

April2022 NewMoon

New Moon in Aries on April 1, 2022

We are in the heart of Aries season, the one full of bluster, action, and potential crashing. Aries in a new moon makes it nearly impossible to not start something. The trick is to be thoughtful and look before you leap.

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Candle Ritual for Growing Your Spiritual Practice

March2022 FullMoon

Full Moon in Virgo March 18, 2022

Enter, the cycle-breaking moon. Procrastination is the biggest buster toward your success and if you really want to change that, this full Moon in Virgo has the power to shift you from couch potato to action Annie.

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Candle Ritual for Heightening Your Intuition


New Moon in Pisces March 2, 2022

This is an excellent New Moon for getting into the healing consciousness. Invite in your spiritual Allies during your candle ritual to help let go of whatever ails you. Part of feeling healthy and strong is finding meaning and joy in your life.

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Candle Ritual for Forgiving Yourself


Full Moon in Leo February 16, 2022

It’s hard to admit you’ve made a mistake, especially when you were so sure you were right. If you find yourself in a place where you’ve come to terms with your faux pas or worse a blunder of major proportion that was not only embarrassing but hurt someone, now’s the time for you.

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Candle Ritual for Getting in Front of the Right People


New Moon in Aquarius February 1, 2022

A thought-provoking statement – “there is no I in team” – finds a home with February’s Aquarius New Moon as we feel the influence of this party animal in our lives. There are quite a few ways to let this energy play out.

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Candle Ritual for Healing the Family

Full Moon in Cancer on January 17, 2022

Drama, drama, drama. This full moon is locked and loaded for lots of it. A Cancer full moon is one of the most emotionally packed moons in the zodiac. Add an opposition to Pluto and Capricorn and you have the Osbournes vs the Kardasians on steroids.

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Candle Ritual for Setting Goals You Can Keep

New Moon in Capricorn on January 2, 2022

On January 2nd the moon is new and in the sign of Capricorn and the perfect opportunity to put more punch in your new year's resolution. The energy of this new moon will reward you with ambition, a rational mind, and the determination to stick to your plans.

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Candle Ritual for managing the big picture

Full Moon in Gemini December 18, 2021

On December 18th, the Full Moon lands in mercurial Gemini, and with Jupiter adding her influence, your mind can be put in a tsunami of ideas and inspirations. You’ll experience a pull to wanting to understand the world around you in a much broader sense.

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Candle Ritual for RE-Aligning with your Destiny

New Moon in Sagittarius December 4, 2021


The excitement of this new moon can’t be denied. The Sun is in Sagittarius and in an eclipse while the moon is new and also traveling through the sign of Sagittarius. Talk about abundant possibilities and bursting potentials.

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