Coventry Creations Blogs

Full Moon Money magic Spell - Charging up your Prosperity

August SCCThe Full Moon is one of, if not the best time to do magic. When the moon is in this phase, we are at our most creative and innovative, and things you are passionate about are bubbling to the surface. Use the magical time to turn your desires into your reality, and we have the spell to help you achieve that.

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© 2017-07-13 09:01:04

  1834 Hits

New moon in Cancer July 12, 2018

ArticleNewMoonMagic 470sqThank you Cancer new moon for giving us the opportunity to reflect on the past. We all need to do that from time to time. It will give us that 20/20 perspective on how it’s affecting our beliefs and attitudes. This month our focus will be on our relationship with money.

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Full Moon in Capricorn June 27, 2018

Full Moon in Capricorn June 27 2018We are under the influence of a Capricorn full moon. This means get to work! The energy of this moon is all about one step after the other all the way to the top (and without much rest either).

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New Moon in Gemini June 13, 2018

New Moon in Gemini June 13 2018Heavenly bodies have so much to teach us. I have written years of Moon Magic blogs just from the wisdom of moon and her adventures through the zodiac constellations. Combine that with a theme and ta da, there is another layer of delicious thinking to enjoy.

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Full Moon in Libra March 31, 2018

Full moon in libraThe Libra full moon is the essence of Inner Balance. It is impossible to be vulnerable when the scales are equally weighted because everyone has what they need. When this kind of fortifying is necessary, call down the energy of the Libra moon.

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New moon in Aquarius February 15, 2018

MM New moon An Aquarian moon is a trip The new moon stands alone in February. While the full moon hangs off the end of January and ushers in March the February new moon is holding down the fort and basking in the delightful energy of Aquarius.

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Full moon in Aries on October 5, 2017

Full Moon OctoberAs the full moon rises in the sign of Aries on October 5th I’m inclined to ask, “What’s your style of magic? Are you making the most of it? Aries people are energetic, forceful and outgoing. They are climbers of cliffs and all that gets them to higher altitudes after all.

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