Coventry Creations Blogs

Oracle of Delphi - March 2022 Witches Union Spell Card

March2022 WitchesUnion

March 2022 Witches Union Spell Card

When you are ready to dive deep into the psychic realm, the Oracle of Delphi spell will help you gain clarity on what you see and understand what it means in your life. Take it slow and easy and repeat this spell as many times as you need to get the clarity you seek.

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  670 Hits

BFF Spell - February 2022 Witches Union Spell Card


BFF Spell - February 2022 Witches Union Spell Card

When it’s time to call a BFF into your life, this spell will help you align your energy and personality to find someone you are compatible with for the long haul. This spell may even draw a circle of friends to you so get ready to feel and return the love.

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  637 Hits

Ready, Set, Manifest! Spell - January 2021 Witches Union Spell Card

Ready, Set, Manifest! Spell - January 2021 Witches Union Spell Card


Before you can manifest what you really want, you have to let go of the inner fears, stagnant energy, and outside barriers that would block it’s arrival. This Witches Union spell takes you through the ritual of letting go of your limits and opening the door to greater possibilities with ways to sustainably manifest it.

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  740 Hits

Build up your luck with visions for the future

Lucky Star Spell - December 2021 Witches Union Spell Card


Sagittarius Season teaches us to leave the past behind and look to the future. This potent energy is perfect for magic that manifests our goals and dreams. It’s the energy of a Christmas Miracle!

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  628 Hits

Hand of God, the ultimate protection spell

Hand of god the ultimate protection spell sccc.retailProtection comes in many Layers. You can have security cameras and an alarm system to protect your possessions. You can have vaccinations, body guards and umbrellas to protect your physical body, and you can have blessings, evil eyes and Hamsa’s to protect your soul.

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  1070 Hits

Mind over Anything Spell

SCCC Mind over anythingYour mind is very powerful. So powerful, it creates the circumstances of the life you live. Freaky. This is why everyone who talks about anything that has to do with metaphysics, manifestation, visioning, wishing and spell work starts with your thoughts. You are asked to become aware of what are you thinking, where your focus is and what you believe in.

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  1837 Hits

Spell Caster Club Spell, Money from Nuthin’

SpellCardLifestyle 470sqOh it would be so nice to have what I need when I need it. That is life on auto -pilot. Sadly, that is also a fantasy. Everything in our life, was put in motion by us, days and weeks and even years ago.

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© 2018-06-22 01:52:10

  2436 Hits

Spell Caster Club – June’s spell

Retail sccc Spell Caster Club Junes spellOpening to Divine Guidance

Listening to our guidance takes discipline. Like all relationships, it also requires us to be present. The divine is patient, but if we keep putting off those precious conversations, our connection will get weak and we will feel the distance growing.

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© 2018-06-22 01:52:10

  1732 Hits

Spell Caster Club Spell, awakening or enhancing my gifts

SCC spell awakening my giftsHello all you beautiful and adventurous magic makers. This month’s Witches Union spell caster club card teaches how to awaken your magical and spiritual gifts. Whether it’s for the first time or going to a deeper level, you will feel an immediate difference.

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© 2018-06-22 01:52:10

  1561 Hits

Spell Caster Club card for Protection Magic

Spell Caster club card for protection magicHave you been cleaning your local witchy store out of protection tools lately? Have you noticed you keep feeling attacked or your “bad luck” is constantly sourced in something around you? It’s always our mission to create products that inspire our fellow humans to think outside the box and empower themselves.

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© 2018-06-22 01:52:10

  911 Hits

Spell Caster Club Card for Healing Magic

Retail SCCC for February healingThe reason we feel crappy is always below the surface just out of our conscious understanding. This is why finding the root cause or core issue is so helpful. Healers understand this and that is why they ask so many questions and test us in so many different ways.

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© 2018-06-22 01:52:10

  987 Hits

Spell Caster Club - Cord Cutting Spell

SCCCordCuttingFeeling tired and don’t know why? It’s possible you’re being psychically hooked and drained by someone. Most of the time they don’t realize they are doing it. This spell will clear the hooks and drains off you and cut those cords.


Cord Cutting Spell - Getting rid of hooks and drains of others

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© 2018-06-22 01:52:10

  1205 Hits

Divine Allies Spell - Guidance, protection, and clarity

SpellCasterClub Divine Allies imageHow do you know your divine allies will be there when you need them? You create a relationship with them now.


Communicating with the spirits who guide and protect you takes a little practice and a place to connect with them.

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© 2018-06-22 01:52:10

  965 Hits

Dreams Come True Spell - Channel Your Unconscious

October SCCDreams don’t have to remain unattainable. These dreams don’t just have to go on when you close your eyes! Every moment you’re awake, doesn’t have to be further away. Okay, I’ll stop with the Heart references, but you get what I’m saying. This month’s spell card is meant to help you bring those dreams to fruition.

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© 2018-06-22 01:52:10

  1378 Hits

Creative Energy Spell - Knock down creative road blocks

September SCCCreative road blocks happen to all of us, and overcoming them is a strenuous process – that is why this month’s spell card has been crafted to knock those blockages down! Remind yourself to start with a small project and let the inspirational energy in.

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© 2018-06-22 01:52:10

  1153 Hits

Full Moon Money magic Spell - Charging up your Prosperity

August SCCThe Full Moon is one of, if not the best time to do magic. When the moon is in this phase, we are at our most creative and innovative, and things you are passionate about are bubbling to the surface. Use the magical time to turn your desires into your reality, and we have the spell to help you achieve that.

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© 2018-06-22 01:52:10

  1892 Hits

Full Moon Money magic Spell - Charging up your Prosperity

August SCCThe Full Moon is one of, if not the best time to do magic. When the moon is in this phase, we are at our most creative and innovative, and things you are passionate about are bubbling to the surface. Use the magical time to turn your desires into your reality, and we have the spell to help you achieve that.

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© 2018-06-22 01:52:10

  965 Hits

Away With You! - Moving unwanted people out of your life

JulySCCWhen a relationship has reached it’s end, we have to remember that isn’t necessarily a time of sadness, but a time of encourage, change and improvement. It’s a time for both you and the other person to head in the direction of your interests. It’s time to change your lives for the better.

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© 2018-06-22 01:52:10

  1832 Hits

Away With You! - Moving unwanted people out of your life

JulySCCWhen a relationship has reached it’s end, we have to remember that isn’t necessarily a time of sadness, but a time of encourage, change and improvement. It’s a time for both you and the other person to head in the direction of your interests. It’s time to change your lives for the better.

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© 2018-06-22 01:52:10

  724 Hits

Transition Troubles - Kick out the Chaos!

TransitionTroubles SpellCard Lifestyle 400sqTransitioning is hard; one day, things in your life are one way, and the next day they need to change completely. How can we make these periods of adjustment natural and easygoing?

June’s Witches Union Spell Caster Card has the spell to clear away chaotic energy, as well as determining the outcome of your transition.

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© 2018-06-22 01:52:10

  1559 Hits

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