Coventry Creations Blogs

Fierce & Courageous Spell Caster Card - Prepping for the good fight

SpellCard FierceCourageous Lifestyle 470sqFierce and courageous are the energies needed right now. We are all feeling the effects of a stressed out world and it can drain your last hope if you don’t take action.

May’s Witches Union Spell Caster Card has the spell to cleanse off the spiritual crud and refill your reserves with your own version of Fierce and courageous energy.

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© 2017-04-13 00:28:41

  1663 Hits

Cool and Calm Spell - Stress buster for the overwhelmed witch

CoolCalm SpellCardWe are all stressed. If you are not stressed, you need to start teaching classes on how you managed that! When our stress tops out it becomes near impossible to keep your cool and remain calm in difficult situation. This is why we are bringing you this classic Coventry spell in April’s Witches Union Spell Caster Club Card.

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© 2017-04-13 00:28:41

  1315 Hits

Bills Be Gone--Prosperity From Every Angle

March 2017 Spellcaster card 1March’s Spell Caster card, included in every purchase this month, is all about shrinking your bills, managing the amount of money that leaves your house, and creating stability around your money. We all have bills to pay. They never seem to stop coming around every month, but watch how they shrink and maybe even disappear with this spell.

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© 2017-04-13 00:28:41

  2136 Hits

A Charmed Life -- The very best life has to offer

Feb 2017 Spell Caster Card Carmed LifeFebruary’s Spell Caster Card, included in every purchase this month, is all about creating the life your heart desires. We have the power within us to manifest all the things we want to have. But, this is not about keeping up with the Joneses.

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© 2017-04-13 00:28:41

  1855 Hits

Truth Spell- Cutting through the voices

JanSCCJanuary’s Spell Caster Card, included in every purchase this month, is all about the overwhelming information that we are all under siege with. Not only are we over informed, everyone around us is too and that can cause a lot of unclear voices rolling through your brain, muddying up the truth.

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© 2017-04-13 00:28:41

  2460 Hits

Right the Retrograde and Take Charge of Your Energy

SB MRXMercury retrograde is often a useful tool. What you say? That’s right. A useful tool. Mercury exposes issues that need to be resolved and reveals exactly what is not working. Mercury is always communicating, even if we don’t like what it has to say.

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© 2017-04-13 00:28:41

  1160 Hits

Home Clear and Bless - A Witches Union Spell Box

SB HCDon’t get stuck in a quagmire of dirty energy, take a broom to all the corners and get that stagnant muck out of your house with this month’s Home Clear and Bless Spell Box. Get rid of the old and make room for the new! This spell box comes complete with Wicked Good Smudge Spray, a Power Votive Coventry Glass candle holder, a Happy Home Blessed Herbal Votive candle, and a spell crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith.

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© 2017-04-13 00:28:41

  1307 Hits

Witch’s Altar - A Witches Union Spell Box

SB WASure, magic isn’t a race but anything that saves time is in demand these days.  Set up your altar on the double with the Witch’s Altar Spell Box.  Perfect for those new to the craft or for those of us that just like the one box fits all simplicity.  Stop fussing about and get your magic on!  This spell box comes complete with four elemental candles, four of the new Power Votive Coventry Glass candle holders, a Witches Brew Original candle, and a spell crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith.  Get your limited edition spell box today!

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  3434 Hits

A Whole Lot of Magic - The Witch’s Union Spell Caster Club Cards

Make a Wish Spell Caster Card


SB WA1When was the last time you swung on monkey bars, jumped in a mud puddle, danced wildly in the rain or skipped stones on a placid lake?  Being a grown up all the time isn’t always fun .  Sometimes that inner child needs to get let loose on the playground, both in daily life and in magic.  Stop being so serious, light a candle and make a wish.  That simple.  Bring the joys of childhood into your magic with September’s Make a Wish Spell Caster Club Card.  


On Ice Spell Caster Card


Some people just won’t quit.  You know exactly who I am talking about, the people who pester, bother, and harass as if it is the sole purpose in their lives.  Don’t let them skate over you and make them stop being a bother with September’s On Ice Spell Caster Club Card.  The On Ice Spell is perfect for when you need to freeze someone in their tracks.  

The Spell Caster Club Cards use everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to make all your wishes come true.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, these spell pack a punch.

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  3116 Hits

Honey Jar - A Witches Union Spell Box

SB HJAs Mary Poppins so eloquently put it, “Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down.”  The Honey Jar Witches Union Spell Box will sweeten the deal, make the boss more agreeable, or encourage someone to take a shine on you.  Combine this spell box with some common items around your house and make your life sweet as pie.  Get your limited edition spell box today!


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to bring in quick cash, ditch old patterns, and change your financial luck.   We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $50 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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  1631 Hits

On Ice - A Witches Union Spell Caster Club Card

SC OISome people just won’t quit.  You know exactly who I am talking about, the people who pester, bother, and harass as if it is the sole purpose in their lives.  Don’t let them skate over you and make them stop being a bother with September’s On Ice Spell Caster Club Card.  The On Ice Spell is perfect for when you need to freeze someone in their tracks.  

Included for free in all September purchases this spell will chill them out!

The On Ice Spell Caster Club Card uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to make all your wishes come true.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to stop them cold.

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  1295 Hits

Make a Wish - A Witches Union Spell Caster Club Card

SC MWWhen was the last time you swung on monkey bars, jumped in a mud puddle, danced wildly in the rain or skipped stones on a placid lake?  Being a grown up all the time isn’t always fun .  Sometimes that inner child needs to get let loose on the playground, both in daily life and in magic.  Stop being so serious, light a candle and make a wish.  That simple.  Bring the joys of childhood into your magic with September’s Make a Wish Spell Caster Club Card.


Included for free in all September purchases this spell keeps it simple and fun!

The Make a Wish Spell Caster Club Card uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to make all your wishes come true.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to make you smile.

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  1351 Hits

Badass Witch Confidence Spell Caster Club Card

SCC BAEveryone’s nerves get rattled on occasion; someone takes the wind out of our sails or makes us feel small.  This Witches Union Spell Caster Club Card is a game changer in the self worth department.  Call upon your own inner strength and put some steel in your spine with the Badass Witch Confidence Spell.


Included for free in all August purchases, the Badass Witch Confidence Spell is crafted to give you the boost you are looking for!

The Witches Union Badass Witch Confidence Spell Caster’s Club Card uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to allow you to get that big break you have been looking for.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to act quickly and effectively.

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  1274 Hits

Blockbuster A Witches Union Spell Caster Club Card

SCC BBTake a sledgehammer to anything that is blocking your path with this month’s Spell Caster Club Card.  Clear the road ahead of you and remove both the blocks others throw in your way along with the booby traps you set for yourself.  Make some big changes with the Blockbuster Spell Caster Club Card.


Included for free in all August purchases, Blockbuster is crafted to help you win the prize!

The Witches Union Blockbuster Spell Caster’s Club Card uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to allow you to get that big break you have been looking for.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to act quickly and effectively.

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  1215 Hits

Golden Ticket- A Witches Union Spell Caster Club Card

SC GTLet’s face it, winning is fun.  Children feel it when the carnival bell goes off and makes a pink stuffed gorilla a treasured possession.  As adults, winning is still fun.  The stakes have changed, but it’s still elevating to get that windfall of luck.  We aren’t playing for toys anymore; most of the time anyway.    


Included for free in all July purchases, Golden Ticket is crafted to help you win the prize!


The Witches Union Golden Ticket Spell Caster’s Club Card uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to allow you to get that big break you have been looking for.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to act quickly and effectively.

Use coupon code BHO1516 for 15% off

Blessed Herbal Oils in July

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  1323 Hits

Money Emergency - A Witches Union Spell Box

SB METhere will be no question on when to use the Money Emergency Spell Box.  If you have exhausted all other non-magical actions to draw in wealth and nothing has worked, this was made for you.   Easy St. room spray, Money Draw Blessed Herbal Candle, Prosperity Blessed Herbal Candle, and a handmade mojo bag are included in this month’s Witches Union Money Emergency Spell Box along with a spell crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith.  This spell box was designed to fix your long term financial issues or simply as a quick way out of a pinch.


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to bring in quick cash, ditch old patterns, and change your financial luck .  We’ll share the magic right back with a 10% off coupon.  We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $100 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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  1390 Hits

Hunting Money - A Witches Union Spell Caster Club Card

SCC HMStretching your budget out from paycheck to paycheck like a rubber band about to snap causes a strain unlike many others.  When we are pulled so tight it is difficult to receive the plenty available to all of us.  Hunting Money is an ideal spell for when you are on the prowl for quick cash that keeps on rolling in.


Included for free in every July purchase, Hunting Money draws in the dollars!


The Witches Union Hunting Money Spell Caster’s Club Card uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to allow you to get that big break you have been looking for.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to act quickly and effectively.

Use coupon code BHO1516 for 15% off

Blessed Herbal Oils in July

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  1317 Hits

Lucky Cat - A Witches Union Spell Caster Club Card

SCC LC470Anyone who has ever been on a bad streak can tell you that luck isn’t always a lady, sometimes she is an outright shrew.  Fortuna can be a fickle and arbitrary mistress.  Tame her tempestuous nature and change your fortune from bad to good.  


Stop being at the whim of random chance with the Lucky Cat Spell Caster Club Card.


Success, good fortune and the luck of the draw are all at your fingertips but there are times when a little helping hand is needed to change the tides.  The Witches Union Lucky Cat Spell Caster’s Club Card uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to allow you to change your luck and remove negative influences.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to act quickly and effectively.

Stock Up on the Staples - Featuring our Blessed Herbal Candles


Coventry Creations has taken the guesswork out of selecting the right candle by putting together the perfect combination of oils, colors, and then crafting them with a purpose.  For over twenty years, the Blessed Herbal Candles have been hand poured when the moon is right, in a sacred space and with added blessings.  The 17 unique blends are our top selling products and have brought magic into the lives of many people.


Use coupon code BHC1516 for 15% off

Blessed Herbal Candles in June

In the News

This month we are looking at shedding old patterns and correcting the mistakes of the past in our blogs and articles.  We will touch on some of the best sellers in the Blessed Herbal line including Truth and Justice, Spiritual Cleansing, and Problem Solving Candles that will assist in clearing the way for a happier future.  Look for insights on changing habits, righting old wrongs, and moving forward unencumbered.

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  1361 Hits

Shake Trouble Loose - Witches Union Hot Foot Spell Box

SB HF470The Hot Foot Spell Box is a last, not a first resort.  If you have exhausted all other non-magical actions to resolve a situation and nothing has worked, this was made for you.   The Needed Changes Blessed Herbal Candle, Fiery Wall of Protection Motor City Hoo Doo Candle, and the Motor City Hoo Doo Uncrossing Oil are included in this month’s Witches Union Hot Foot Spell Box along with a spell crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith.  Get rid of that person who is making your life miserable; there is no reason to wait any longer.


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to remove obstacles, change old patterns and fix mistakes.  We’ll share the magic right back with a 10% off coupon.  We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $100 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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  1638 Hits

Jinx Removing - A Witches Union Spell Caster’s Club Card

The root of the word jinx stems from the wryneck bird, a crafty little creature who spins its neck nearly 180 degrees and hisses like a snake.  No matter which way its prey goes it manages to follow, keeping its gaze fixed on its goal.  Whether a malediction from an outside influence or a negative self fulfilling prophesy, a hex can be hard to shake.  


Change bad luck to good with the Jinx Removing Spell Caster Club Card.  


SCC JR470A hex or jinx acts as an attractant for bad luck and accumulates negative energy around the afflicted.  Carrying a cloud of curses can upset the most stable and balanced; throwing off all attempts at progress.  


The Witches Union Jinx Removing Spell uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to allow you to change your luck and remove negative influences.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to act quickly and effectively.

An Added Bonus: Spellcaster Club Cards


We are centered on changing the course of energy in June.  Our limited edition Spellcaster Club Cards will help you solve some common issues and are included at no charge with your June order.  We are looking forward to sharing the magic with our Jinx Removing and Lucky Cat Spellcaster Club Cards.

Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to increase prosperity, get the ball rolling on projects, and draw abundance to your life.  We’ll share the magic right back with a 10% off coupon.  We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $100 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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  3178 Hits

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