Coventry Creations Blogs

Released from Debt - A Witches Union Mojo Bag

May is Motor City Hoo Doo Month


release from debt470Our theme this month has been on careers, wealth and abundance so the Witches Union Local has put together a series of mojo bags which combine the powers of some of our favorite Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils with an assortment of rootwork elements.  


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May.


Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle


Solve a problem, get through an issue, or overcome adversity using a little helping hand with this rich, dark blue candle with an earthy bergamot and frankincense blend.  Our Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle provides a powerful push from the universe.   This candle taps into strong forces that will move mountains and offers a way out of unhealthy habits and seemingly insurmountable challenges.  By clearing the way forward, it lifts upward, pulling towards freedom.


Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil


Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil is based on a traditional hoodoo all purpose recipe.   Truly an amazing catch all that protects against evil and magical attack, brings good luck and truth, opens paths to new opportunities, and reverses the effect of Mercury retrograde.  Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil is perfect for the frugal among us who need one oil with a multitude of uses.  Our balanced lemongrass blend was patterned on the traditional Chinese Five Grasses Oil and delivers a bright, crisp scent.


Released from Debt - The Witches Union Mojo Bag


This mojo bag was crafted by our Witches Union Local to stop the water’s rise and clear the way to a more prosperous future.  Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle frees the ties that bind us to debt.  Meanwhile, that multi tool, Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil brings a change in fortune and encourages growth while protecting from negative outside influences.  Combined with an assortment of common objects this conjure bag acts faster than the repo man.




Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle


Orange cloth, black thread, and a needle


An orange bag large enough to hold the following items:

(3) Black eyed peas

(3) Coins (preferably a nickel, dime, and a quarter)

Rum or red wine

A photo of the person in need of help


Motor City Hoo DooVan Van Oil


We always leave room in the magic for your personal touch.  Keep in mind that hoodoo is kitchen witchery; if a piece of the puzzle doesn’t feel right, substitute it.  What is important is that you use thirteen items in the creation of the bag to move this spell quickly and efficiently.  


Make the Magic


Assemble your ingredients, set up a personal sacred space, and ask your ancestors for their intercession on your behalf.  Take the photograph and write the name and birthdate of the recipient and place it beneath your candle holder.   Inscribe “St. Michael” on your candle with the needle to petition for help with forces you cannot control.


Dress the Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle with a small amount of the Van Van Oil and light the candle. Place the items on the cloth and double it over to cover them.  Sew up the edges with the thread.  It doesn’t have to be pretty but it does need to hold the contents together.  


Wake up your mojo bag by blowing tobacco smoke on it or sprinkling a small amount on the Helping Hand Candle.  Conjure and cajole to draw in the power of spirit to fill it with life and will.  


Givevoice to your desires.  Sound has power and naming a thing is a way of manifesting it.  Create your own mantra or use the spells provided on the labels of our products.  Connect yourself to the conjure by spraying the rum or red wine on the bag.  


Seal your bag by sewing up the top.  Burn the candle each day until it is finished and anoint both the bag and yourself with the Motor City Hoo DooVan Van Oil.  Place your Witches Union Local Mojo Bag in your wallet, checkbook or purse.   

This mojo bag is designed to be an enduring spell for long term.  It feeds off the energy of the Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle to pull you up from the edge of the cliff while the Van Van Oil sustains a steady stream of happy coincidences and opening doors.  Reinforce the added influence of St. Michael and thank him by creating an altar in his honor.  Learn more about creating a space to honor ancestors and affinity spirits in upcoming blogs.

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  1839 Hits

Golden Sales - A Witches Union Spell Caster’s Club Card

scc gsIf it’s time to put a little spark in your sales pitch, increase commissions, improve profit margins, and draw clients to you, look to our Golden Sales Spell Caster’s Club Card for help.  Follow the three easy steps and watch the money pile up in front of you.


Bask in the light of greater financial success with our Witches Union Golden Sales Spell.


Make hay while the sun shines and fill that cash register.  Perfect for when you are selling a house, closing a loan, or starting a new business.  This spell was designed by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, to boost your confidence, determination, and reinforce your will.   Remember, you won’t sell what you don’t pitch; always be closing.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all

Motor City  Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to increase prosperity, get the ball rolling on projects, and draw abundance to your life.  We’ll share the magic right back with a 10% off coupon.  We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $100 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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  1614 Hits

Boss Fix Spell - A Witches Union Spell Caster’s Club Card

scc bfEver wished you could get your boss to do exactly what you wanted?  The Boss Fix Spell is designed to make work concerns disappear.  If you have an employer that never takes notice and leaves you feeling invisible, a manager that keeps you under a microscope, or is an outright tyrant, it’s time to put a little magic in the mix.


Sometimes it’s not you that is broken but the boss that needs fixing.


Trouble with an employer adds stress, pressure, and negativity that can bleed over into other areas of your life.  Worries about getting a raise mean late nights awake.  Dreading work on Monday morning can result in sharp words at the breakfast table.  Looming reports or quarterly reviews can be daunting when you believe your boss is out to get you.  It’s time to take control of the situation.


The Witches Union Boss Fix Spell uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to allow you to wield control over your boss.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to act quickly.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all

Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to increase prosperity, get the ball rolling on projects, and draw abundance to your life.  We’ll share the magic right back with a 10% off coupon.  We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $100 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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  4405 Hits

Habit Buster Spell

SC HBPart of spiritual cleansing is admitting you have a destructive habit and deciding to bust it. No matter what the source of your bad habit, we have the tools to help you change your ways and become the person you’ve always known you could be.


Coventry Creations Habit Buster Spell Card will get you there in three very thorough and powerful steps.


In the course of one month you will be well on your way to replacing your old negative habit with a well thought out and positive behavior. You’ll need a few things to start this magical process, but the most important thing is your determination and commitment. Candles, oils and other magical tools are useless without your will power.


Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life?

It does to us too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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House Clearing Spell

SC HCA grumpy or haunted house can really ruin your day.  Not to mention disturb your sleep, make it easy for new bickering to spark up again, and drain your energy. This is why we are big supporters of adding spiritual cleansing to your annual spring cleaning.  It wouldn’t hurt to do this throughout the year as well.


When you spiritually clean your house you are uplifting the energy and taking back your space from pesky ghosts and mean spirited entities too.


Family fights, illness, loss of loved ones, loss of job will affect the quality of the energy in your home.  While you recover from these very painful challenges you will need the support of a happy home. You can create that with our House Clearing spell from our Witched Union Spell Caster Club.  The recipe includes magical candles from Coventry Creations and some items found in your home or easily at the grocery store. Follow the recipe and find yourself feeling at home again in your own house.


Gift yourself the pleasure of a happy home this spring and see what a difference it will make to you and your families well being.


Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life?

It does to us too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store.  To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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  1384 Hits

A Cut and Clear Spell box Just May Save Your Bacon

SB CC 470sqObsession, romantic entanglements, and poor choices all need an exit strategy.  Of course they don’t start out looking like a problems. It’s the light of day that exposes the ‘coyote love’ situation for what it is; dangerous and that is exactly why you need a plan of action.


Most of us have been in a tricky situation at least once in our life and it’s not fun. Ignoring it only makes it worse and you may find yourself twenty years down the road wondering how you got there. Our solution is to face it and then put it through a custom magical spell from Coventry Creations Witches Union.  


Our Cut and Clear spell box will guide you through your emotions and push you through letting go and making new choices in a step by step process. Structure and good sense are what you need to remove or reverse the situation you are in now.  


Hanging onto a bad situation in hopes that it will suddenly fix itself is just crazy talk, and we all know that really doesn’t work.


What you need are tools, insights and permission to take back control.  Our spell work is designed to help you creatively face your problems and find solutions. The witches in our union are ready and able to write spells that turn everyday problems into everyday resolutions.  


Let the magic making begin with your purchase of a Cut and Clear Spell box from us or one of your favorite “special” stores. Your next step is to work the magic, stay positive and look for the signs that things are happening. Respond with the right action and you are on your way. (See instructions for more details).

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store.  To get additional unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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  1533 Hits

Night Terror Protection Spell Caster Club Spell Card

SCC NTA good night’s sleep can change your entire perspective.  A bad night's sleep can doom you to a existence of mental confusion and lagging energy. A night filled with terror can destroy your long term peace of mind and destroy your confidence and ability to function in society.


We know plenty of people whose anxiety morphs into night terrors and plenty of people who have legitimate haunting type night terrors. No matter what the source, Coventry has an effective spell for you to add to your toolbox and clear those night terrors out of your life.


The Night Terror Protection Spell Caster Club Card is available, free inside, of your March Coventry order, or available at your local spiritual gift store. Our monthly Spell Caster Club cards are collectors and worth hanging onto for your future needs. Don’t hesitate, order your Coventry products today.

Protection Blessed Herbal Candle and Fiery Wall of Protection Hoo Doo oil get this spell started!   Grab some black salt while you are out, find your favorite scissors and a clear bowl and you are ready to cast a powerful protection spell.

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  1235 Hits

Witches Union Evil Eye Spell Box

SpellBox EvilEye Lifestyle 470sqHow clever, a spell in a box. Evil Eyes are nothing to laugh at. They can project enough negative energy to erode your blissful life right out from under you. You know you’ve been the receiver of someone’s evil eye when you keep getting sick, having a lot of back luck, or your relationships hit hard times.

When you can’t seem to escape some jealousy, resentfulness, revenge or gossip, act quick and get this Evil Eye Spell box up and running.  It has all you need to stop the negative attention being sent your way and quickly and completely erect a fortress of protection around you.

Don’t be a wimp.  Empower yourself by taking care of you. Nothing was gained by allowing aggressive behavior continue at your expense.  Show ‘em you are no one to mess with.  Turn their evil eye back on them. This spell will show you how.

The Witches Union creates new spell boxes every month.  Visit your favorite spiritual gift store or go to our website for a complete list. We make magic easy for you!

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  1289 Hits

Witches Union Guardian Protector Spell Box

SpellBox GuardianProtector Lifestyle 470sqWe all need protection. Our homes protect us from the elements. Our love protects our hearts. When you need protection from the thoughts and deeds of one who means you harm, a magical Guardian Protector is in order.

This Witches Union spell box contains everything you need to create a fortress of energetic protection around you, your stuff and your family.  It’s both a great preventative measure and the perfect plan for unexpected drama and trauma. Use it for the varying levels of needs and keep your spell empowered with the included Ninja Power Wicked Good Spray and the two hands of might. The hands of might are powerful images you use to remind you that you are powerful too.

Once you’ve brought you and yours under the spell of the Guardian Protector umbrella you will enjoy some lovely benefits. Certain people will no longer darken your doorway, harassing phone calls stop and your home becomes a loving haven for friends and family to gather and live. Hooray for you!

The Witches Union creates new spell boxes every month.  Visit your favorite spiritual gift store or go to our website for a complete list. We make magic easy for you!

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  1350 Hits

Trouble Be Gone Spell Caster Club Spell Card

SCC TBG4Sometimes your troubles are like old furniture; familiar, predictable and uncomfortable.  They are not helpful, they derail your day and drain your energy, but you just don’t have the time or energy to really deal with them.


Troubles weave their way into your life, intertwining with so many other strands that to yank them out would seemingly cause more damage than the stress of leaving it there. Troubles are also tricky liars. They tell you that they are not much trouble at all and make you think that they are not worth the trauma of their removal, but they are liars so you know that is not true. Oh, and while you are debating, they are digging their root in deeper and starting to become a part of your life and identity.


It’s time my friend. It’s time to make Trouble Be Gone and we have the spell for you to do it in the March Spell Caster Card that comes free inside your Coventry order or available at your local spiritual gift store.


Go ahead and buy the Uncrossing Hoo Doo oil, Needed Changes Blessed Herbal candle and the Makin’ Tracks Wicked Witch Mojo candle and you will have the essentials for this spell.

Once you get the candles, open your cupboards and pull out the cayenne pepper black pepper, garlic and vinegar and you will have everything you need to start this spell.   

Get rid of your troubles and refill that space with positive life force with the Trouble Be Gone Spell.

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  1388 Hits

Wish Granted Spell Box

Wishing Never Ever Grows Old

SB WG 470sqMagic is real to children. Watch how they make a wish on anything; a dandelion, a burning candle, a shooting star and they never doubt it will come true.  That innocence is still there and if you let down all those grown up rules you will see believing in magic is the power behind wish fulfillment.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Like the rest of us, you have worked diligently to be a rational adult who uses logic and proven science to make your magic happen.  The Witches at Coventry have another way for you to explore.

Wish granting is not just for silly people and children. It’s for everyone and it’s part of life, just like energy is.  When we make a wish we are choosing a goal and charging it up with our emotional desire. That is how we move energy and create an outcome.  

Wishes are the thoughts charged up with positive emotions that create the stuff our hearts desire.

Our Witches Union Wish Granted Spell Box has the tools you need to set up the perfect scenario for making at least one of your dreams come true.

Let the magic making begin with your purchase of a Wish Granted Spell box from us or one of your favorite “special” stores. You know the one where you go when all logic and modern science has let you down. Your next step is to work the magic, stay positive and look for the signs that things are happening. Respond with the right action and you are on your way. (See instructions for more details).

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store.To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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  1681 Hits

Forever Mine Spell Card

SC FM 470sq

A Love Spell for the Weak at Heart

She loves me she loves me not. Take the guess work out of your love life for good with some magical assistance. It’s ok as long and there is willingness on your intended’s part.

Bring your commitment shy guy or gal around with the Witches Union Spell Casters Club Forever Mine Love Spell.

A little this and a little of that combined with the true love you feel for your sweetheart is what makes this spell so potent.

Magic is fun when you have a spell to follow and a goal in mind. It’s easy too. Make sure you pick up your Witches Union Spell Caster card “Forever Mine” for February with your next purchase of Coventry Creations candles and oils. Don’t wait! Act now and bring your love so true close this Valentine’s Day (and every day).

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your love life?

It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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  1375 Hits

Good Loving Spell Box

When your love life seems like a myth…

SB GL 470sqEveryone is deserving of some Good Lovin’, but sometimes we take ourselves out of the running when we feel ugly, boring and plain old not good enough.   This February Witches Union Spell Box reminds you of your worth so you can shine your light for others to be drawn to!

You have to get your personal sense of worth ready for an effective love spell.   If you feel like a loser, then you will attract a partner that is looking for a victim.  When doing love magic, the first thing you MUST do is charge up your self-esteem.

The Good Loving Spell Box is all about finding your romantic super power and letting the light shine forth and draw the right partner to you.

Being vulnerable to a new love in your life is scary, risky and if this is not your first go-round on the love carousel, it can just not seem worth the effort.   It’s time to get real.  You stopped feeling like YOU are worth the effort and that is toxic to any new romance happening in your life.  Dating is filled with judgement; yours theirs and society’s.  Dammit, it is time to take that negative judgement out of the equation and put in discernment, quality control and self-worth!

The Good Lovin Spell Box is all about you and building your worth to a magical level that calls to just the right love interest – be it for a night, a season, or a lifetime.  When your A game meets the A game of a new romance you get sparks!

You can’t afford that negativity in this spell.  Once you are clear on your own assets, think about what you want in a romantic love interest.

This spell reminds you of your worth so you can shine your light for others to be drawn to!

So much of this spell is about that initial commitment to making a change.   Once your spell box arrives, open it with reverence, know that you are about to change the course of your live life!  

Use clean candle holders, a fresh altar cloth and patience for your own process.   This is about to be a fun adventure of discovering what makes you amazing.

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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  1475 Hits

Love Locator Spell

What if the only romantic issue you had was you?

It’s time to get out of your own head and into your heart so you can find the love that is already waiting for you.  Really, the biggest issue with love is you.   People are just out there waiting to give love and get love.    Online dating is a $2 billion dollar industry and Valentine’s Day 2016 spending is expected to surpass $18 Billion.   So, why are you lonely when there are others just as motivated to find love as you are?

 When you let it, love will find you and take root.

In my 20+ years of experience in spiritual and magical counseling, love and money are the 2 issues that can tear down the strongest soul and throw them into a place of depression and doubt.  Funny enough, they are the same energy and the same core responses.   People are afraid of not being deserving and people are afraid of getting hurt.   When those are fears are driving your Love Bus, you stop opening up your heart and start opening up your judgements and analyze your potential partner right out of the door.

Being hurt is an important step in finding profound love.  You have to know the pain before you can truly see the depth of joy that love can bring.  Unfortunately, we have learned to stop at the hurt and make protecting our fears more important than finding deep love.

You don’t find love through a negative self-image, you only find more negativity to support your illusion.

You are a catch and when you see it, so will the one you are looking for.

The Love Locator Spell, found in Coventry’s January Spell Caster Club card is all about finding your own worth and clarifying what you want in a love relationship.   This spell will get you ready for that romantic interest to show up and become enamored with you and you with them.

What you will need for this spell:

Skeleton Key (or any key you do not use)

9 Whole cloves and 9 Juniper Berries

Red String and Red Square of Cloth

Attraction Blessed Herbal Oil

Energy & Will Blessed Herbal Candle

Love’s Enchantment Blessed Herbal Candle

Light the Love’s Enchantment and Energy & Will candles.  Hold the Key in your hand and declare to the universe that you are a loveable and desirable person and are ready for a relationship.   List out your amazing qualities on a piece of paper.  Don’t be shy about it either, brag a little because you are a catch!

String the Cloves, Juniper Berries and key onto the red string while listing all the qualities you are looking for in a romantic partner (make sure to include species, sex and sexual orientation on your list.)  Anoint the string with Attraction oil and declare that this person will be attracted to you and ready for a relationship too!

Roll up your list and wrap the red string with the key and spices on it declaring that you will be compatible, passionate and attracted to each other upon sight.  Wrap this up in the red cloth, tying it up with more red string.   

Place this in front of your candles until the next day.  Carry the pouch with you and anoint your feet, your heart and your hand with the love oil.  This will help lead you to your love and your heart will grow warm and loving when you find them.

Get ready – because this works!

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. The candles suggested in this spell are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.



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  1379 Hits

Re-Boot Spell Box

When it feels like everything you try is a failure….

 You have run out of ideas, you have spent your energy and you are filled with frustrations…. It’s time to re-boot this situation and come back to it with a clear mind, nurtured heart and refilled with energy.

Get a new perspective and refill your energy and you are on your way to a genius resolution.

Over and over and over again – to a place of insanity – you try everything you can think of and nothing is working.   When you are at this level of frustration you are just manifesting more of the same.   This is where your mind gets junked up with everything you tried and new ideas are just old ones regurgitated.   Now is the time to clear yourself of all the ties to your past efforts so you can begin with new fresh eyes and a new attitude.

When you remove obstacles that depress your spirit and mind the universe provide new inspiration almost immediately.

The Re-Boot Spell Box helps you make room in your heart, mind and body for new inspiration and energy.

The Wicked Good Karma Cleaner combined with the Needed Change and the Energy & Will Blessed Herbal Candles are just the ticket to get your creative juices flowing in a new direction.  They come in the Re-Boot Spell Box with infographic and instructions on how to make the magic happen.

The Karma Cleaner Spray helps you break ties with the circle you are thinking in and let go of old ideas.

The Needed Change Candle help you identify where you are stuck and where you need to re-boot

The Energy & Will candle will refill your soul and transform defeat into victory!

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. The candles suggested in this spell are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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  1531 Hits

Do-Over Spell

Can I get a Do-over… over here?

Plans go a little differently in your head than they do in real life and you can be left holding the broken pieces of good intentions.   Don’t admit defeat and walk away hanging your head in shame, call for a do-over and rewind that mistake.

Reclaim your integrity, identity and even your original good intentions with a Do-Over Spell

Getting back up on the horse is not as easy at is seems – there are so many emotional blocks that can stop you from doing that.  It may be a fair of failing again, it can be an emotional charge that just stops you in your tracks, it can be shame as behaving in a way that you knew would get you into trouble, or it could simply be embarrassment and not wanting to face the world.  

This Do-Over spell is not just about turning back time, it is about letting go of what didn’t work, forgiving yourself and getting back on track with where you wanted to go in the first place.

There is nothing so horribly wrong within you that cannot be forgiven and released.   Everyone is worthy of change and evolution and a Do-Over sends you in the correct direction.

This Do-Over spell will release you from the trauma that is freezing you in a place of anguish over something that went wrong.  

You will need the following ingredients:

3 Eggs for cleansing

Scissors to cut away the ties to the past mistake

Blessed Herbal Healing Oil to sooth the emotional hurts

Emotional Balance Blessed Herbal Candle to let go of the trauma that is freezing you in place

Truth and Justice Blessed Herbal Candle to get to your deeper truth

Problem Solving Blessed Herbal Candle to re-set your intention

Cleanse yourself by holding one uncooked egg in its unbroken shell.  Run that egg through your aura head to toe on all 4 sides and then flush it down the toilet.  DO this with all three eggs

Use the scissors to snip through your aura, head to toe on all 4 sides to cut away the ties to your past mistakes.

Anoint your heart chakra, crown and back of your head with the healing oil with the intent to smooth away the emotional hurts.

Light the three Blessed Herbal candles and re-state your intention for the results you are looking for.

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. The candles suggested in this spell are available at or at your local spiritual supply store.  To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.


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