By Jacki Smith on Monday, 13 March 2023
Category: Magic

Spring Cleaning

Spring is just a few weeks away, even if the weather hasn’t gotten the memo yet. It’s time to clear out all of the winter blues and get ready for the breath of fresh air that Spring brings. While you may be thinking about cleaning out your garage or fixing up your landscaping, we’re thinking of something a little more magical.

House Clearing Spell

For this spell, you are going to need the following:

Add water and 3 tablespoons of each in the pot: sage, basil, rosemary, and peppermint. Put it on your stove and let it simmer to fill your house with energy.

Next, fill your bucket with water, 1 cup of vinegar, 3 tablespoons of salt, and 13 drops of the Spiritual Cleansing Oil. Set your intentions to clear discordant energy and use your fingers to sprinkle the cleansing water all throughout your house, walking counterclockwise through each room. Once you’re done, take any water that is remaining and dump it out in the street and off of your property.

 Take the pot from your stove (be careful, the water is hot!) and pour it on the ground around your home (or the building you live in) while walking around it counterclockwise. If you run out of water before you’re done walking around, just keep walking until you make it back to where you started. 

Go back inside and light the Happy Home candle in your kitchen and say the blessing. Let the candle burn for at least 3 hours. Relight the candle and say the blessing every day until the candle is gone.

Remember to NEVER leave a burning candle unattended and remove all packaging from the candle before burning it.

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