Love’s Enchantment Candle Set the Mood, Spark the Magic, Ignite the Passion The Love’s Enchantment..
Money Draw Candle Unlock Your Infinite Potential for Prosperity Got dreams of rolling in dough? Th..
Protection Candle Looking to maintain positive vibes and keep negativity at bay? The Protection Can..
Spiritual Cleansing Candle Feeling weighed down by negative energy? The Spiritual Cleansing candle ..
Stability Candle Feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty, as though the ground beneath your feet is ..
Truth and Justice Candle On a quest for authenticity, honesty, and fairness? The Truth and Justice ..
Blessing Kit Abundance Abundance needn't be elusive. Let this triad of Prosperity, Attraction,..
Blessing Kit Dreams Come True A triad of Inner Balance, Spiritual Cleansing, and Truth/Justice..
Blessing Kit Financial Growth A triad of Money Draw, Problem Solver, and Spiritual Cleansing P..
Blessing Kit Success A triad of Emotional Balance, Problem Solver, and Stability Power Votives..
Blessing Kit Transition A triad of Needed Change, Prosperity, and Truth & Justice Power V..
Raise the roof Ginger and Sandalwood. Protection to the max! Those who play with your fire will get ..
A sweet floral scent. This oil provides you with the flow of attraction and motivates clients to see..
Wicked Witch Mojo Come To Mama Candle "When attraction is the quest 'Come to Mama' does it best!" D..
Wicked Witch Mojo Everything And Then Some Candle "Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too..
Wicked Witch Mojo Fast Cash Candle "Money may not buy happiness but I've never seen anyone mad as h..
Wicked Witch Mojo Flying Monkeys Candle "Locks and bolts are fine but nothing does the job like a b..
Wicked Witch Mojo It Sucks To Be You Candle “You messed with the witch? Well, all I can say is… it ..
Wicked Witch Mojo Makin’ Tracks Candle “It's the next best thing to hiring a moving van and packing..
Wicked Witch Mojo Outta My Way Candle “Outta my way I say! I have things to do, wishes to fulfill, ..