Coventry Creations Articles

Astro Magic Forecast for August 2023

Aug2023 AstroMagic

Astro Magic For August 2023

August is here, and it's time to welcome Virgo season! In Kabbalah, this month of Elul is associated with the cosmic process of repentance (Teshuvah). This is where we take stock of our actions throughout the year, reflect on their root cause, make amends when necessary, and try to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

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Astro Magic Forecast for September 2023

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Astro Magic September 2023

Libra is the sign of relationships, and on the practical level, it is. And although pop astrology focuses on love relationships, the sign of the scales governs all relationships, even relationships with our enemies.

But what is the undercurrent of the sign of the scales? 

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Astro Magic Forecast for October 2023

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October Astro Magic 2023

Reptiles have always been associated with the sign of Scorpio. The symbolism of the snake shedding its skin reflects Scorpio's powers of transformation and its natural association with death and disintegration. And there is no better figure to represent the sign of the scorpion than the mythic Medusa.

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Astro Magic Forecast for November 2023

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Astro Magic November 2023

Out of the Phoenix's ashes, the archer rises and points his arrow into the eternal heavens. It’s a drastic shift in energies from the discomfort we faced during Scorpio season. Scorpio season is about facing our fears, phobias, and working on our dysfunctions (and yes, we all have them); whereas Sagittarius season is about looking to the future -- onward and upward.

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Astro Magic Forecast for December 2023

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Astro Magic December 2023

The month of December brings us Capricorn season, which begins on Winter Solstice (December 21) and continues until the Sun moves into Aquarius on January 19th.

Capricorn is an earth sign that is concerned with taking charge, being ambitious, striving for success, and focusing on things that matter.

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Astro Magic Forecast for February 2024

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Astro Magic February 2024
As we enter February, we step into the Pisces season. Pisces, often misunderstood, ranges from spiritual highs to challenging lows. Following the realistic focus of Capricorn season and the communal mindset of Aquarius, Pisces season urges us to seek deeper, more meaningful experiences.

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Astro Magic Forecast for March 2024

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Astro Magic for March 2024

The bulk of the month is beginning the process of preparing for the astrological New Year, as the Sun moves into the sign of Aries on March 20th (5:24 PM EST/2:24 PM AM PST). 

After two months of relative astrological ease, the seeds you planted will sprout, the air will start to warm up, and the promise of a fresh start is on the way.

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Astro Magic Forecast for November 2022

Nov2022 AstroMagic


Astro Magic November 2022 

We begin November right where we left off with October. There is a battle in the heavens, and our lives will be impacted. So, you can expect the rest of Scorpio season to be like the intense energies that occurred during Leo season, as Saturn and Uranus continue their final face-off, all of which are intensified by the final eclipse of 2022 in the sign of Taurus.

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Astro Magic Forecast for December 2022

Dec2022 AstroMagic

Astro Magic December 2022

The month of December brings us the beginning of Capricorn season, which begins on Winter Solstice (December 21) and continues until the Sun moves into Aquarius on January 19th.

Capricorn is an earth sign that is concerned with taking charge, being ambitious, striving for success, and focusing on things that matter.

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Astro Magic Forecast for January 2023

Jan2023 AstroMagic

Astro Magic for January 2023 

For the past three years, we have gone through intense astrological energies. First, Saturn conjoined Pluto in 2020, followed by Jupiter conjoining Saturn in Aquarius. Then, in 2021, we began a two-year cycle of Saturn square Uranus in Taurus.

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Astro Magic Forecast for February 2023

Feb2023 AstroMagic

February 2023 Astro Magic 

Are you taking advantage of the cosmic energy this year? I know, I am! After three years of a bunch of “ugh”, I am enjoying the ride. And, like January, February is easy, breezy, beautiful – okay, it’s not Covergirl, but you get the point.

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Astro Magic Forecast for March 2023

March2023 AstroMagic

March Astro Magic 2023

The bulk of the month is beginning the process of preparing for the astrological New Year, as the Sun moves into the sign of Aries on March 20th (5:24 PM EST/2:24 PM AM PST).


After two months of relative astrological ease, the seeds you planted will sprout, the air will start to warm up, and the promise of a fresh start is on the way.

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Astro Magic Forecast for April 2023

April2023 AstroMagic

Astro Magic for April 2023

Welcome to the month of April. This month, we do not have any significant sign changes. However, we do have the beginning of eclipse season, and the initial shift of eclipses from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra. Additionally, Mercury is in retrograde later in the month.

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Astro Magic Forecast for May 2023

May2023 AstroMagic

Astro Magic for May 2023

Can you believe it’s already May? This year is rapidly passing us by, and the month of May could be the month where we turn the curve completely and begin to do what we can to improve our lives after a few years of upheaval.

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Astro Magic Forecast for June 2023

May2023 AstroMagic

Astro Magic June 2023

The month of June brings the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and we find ourselves swimming in the healing waters of the sign of Cancer. Cancer is known for its nurturing qualities and is the sign associated with mothers and motherhood.

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How can I strengthen my magic?

CMO OctoberOctober is here and all the witches rejoice! This is the ideal time to add some oomph to your spell casting and improve upon and understand your magic, while

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Full Moon Money magic Spell - Charging up your Prosperity

August SCCThe Full Moon is one of, if not the best time to do magic. When the moon is in this phase, we are at our most creative and innovative, and things you are passionate about are bubbling to the surface. Use the magical time to turn your desires into your reality, and we have the spell to help you achieve that.

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© 2017-07-13 09:01:04

  2088 Hits

Magic, Witches and Paganism - A Venn Diagram

ArticleLiveTheMagic 470sqI read a random question on social media, “Are Pagans addicted to magic?” I found that a fascinating question because it assumes so many things. It assumes that all magical practitioners are pagan, and all pagans practice magic. The comments went to referencing witchcraft and magic and paganism all as the same thing.

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© 2017-07-13 09:01:04

  1523 Hits

I believe in magic

LTM I believe in magicI love being a witch! I love believing in magic and magic believing in me. I love walking into a room of business executives and telling them that I help them awaken their inner magic. I love that I embrace my challenges with a mix of practicality and witchy-ness.

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© 2017-07-13 09:01:04

  1969 Hits

What do you think of when you look at a skeleton key?

Crossroads and KeysSkeleton Keys and the Crossroads

What do you think of when you look at a skeleton key? History and magic? To us 21st century folks, a skeleton key is an anomaly in a world of key fobs and electronic locks. Just touching a skeleton key you wonder about what lock this once opened, what treasures were hidden behind its vigilant keep.

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© 2017-07-13 09:01:04

  1981 Hits

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