Coventry Creations Articles

Let’s Make a Servitor, Part 2

Aug2024 AdvancedMagic 400pxWhat Do We Need to Make a Servitor?

Not a whole lot! Servitors are not only one of the strongest forms of magic you can do, they are among the least expensive to do. To make things even easier for you, we’ve made a downloadable Servitor template that lets you fill in the blanks as we go through the steps.

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  1608 Hits

April Showers Bring Magic Flowers


It's the rainy season again! Spring is the time of renewal, aided mostly by the heavy rainfalls we receive in the upper hemisphere. Rainwater is used in magic in many parts of the world. We will examine many of these in detail. If you know any we’ve missed, please leave a comment!

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  1415 Hits

New Moon in Taurus May 7, 2024 - Candle Ritual for Me Time

May2024 NewMoon

The New Moon in Taurus occurs on May 7, 2024. When the New Moon happens in Taurus, it's like the universe is handing us a chill pill. Think of it as a nudge to stop and smell the roses, or in true Taurean style, to actually take the time to grow the roses you’ll smell later. It’s all about indulging in the finer things in life, like a good meal or a comfy couch marathon. This phase is your green light to embrace your inner luxury lover—just make sure you’re not splurging your entire paycheck on fancy things.

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  871 Hits

3 Effective ways to drain your personal power

May 2017 LTM Personal PowerBefore you start looking for who has taken a bite out of your empowerment, or who you may have given away your power to, you may want to make sure you are not the source of your own power drain. Have you become part of the culture of negativity? It’s a sneaky one and it can take hold without you even realizing.

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  406 Hits

Getting the psychic engine running

LTM Getting the psychic engine runningOctober, how I love thee! It’s not just the boots I get to wear, or the Halloween decorations I get to put or and wear. It’s that my job, my passion gets so much easier. The witches say that in this season the veil between the worlds gets thinner, meaning psychic energies are stronger and spirit communication is easier.

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  1280 Hits

Steps to finding your magical familiar

LTM Steps to finding your magical familiarWe hear the terms: witch’s familiar, magical familiar, spiritual familiar, which all relate to an animal who you are esoterically connected to, but what we need to understand is that your magical familiar, or whatever term you identify with, is an actual living animal.

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  1189 Hits

Creating endless love starts with you.

LTM Creating endless love starts with you‘Self-care’ is a buzzword in the conscious living circle. It’s a reminder that after we leave the nest our health and happiness is all on us. But, what does self-care look like? How do you know when you’re doing it? How do you know you’re doing it right? Let me tell you a little secret: Self-care seems like it’s HARD work, yet it doesn’t have to be.

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  60535 Hits

Own your creativity and think outside the box

Own your creativity and think outside the box. Live The Magic BlogHow much of your magical teaching is relevant in the 21st century? How many of you can pee in a jar and put it under your front stoop for protection? Not as many as you think, so what does the 21st century witch do in such cases? They become the creator of their own magical tradition.

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  1198 Hits

Five Spiritual lessons from my trainer

Copy of Blog LiveTheMagic 470sqI have been working with a trainer for about a year now and it has changed the way I deal with the challenges in life. When I started this new routine, the last thing I expected was reinforcement in my spiritual philosophies and a few new ones that I was lacking.

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  5994 Hits

Love Magic Hacks

Romance is the tip of the iceberg with love magic. Love as a brand of magic encompasses all relationships; romantic, family, business, friendship, community, and even your mortal enemy. Any interaction you have with another person can be influenced by love magic, yet is that the best course of action or the path that avoids emotional vulnerability.

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  808 Hits

What has changed with Magic in the last 20 years?

20 years ago, the turn of the 21st century may as well have been the turn of the 20th century at the speed of change in today’s world. We quickly forget how life was a quick 10 and 20 years ago; the need to memorize a phone number and actually dial it, the need to look up directions on a map and slow down to read street signs, addressing an envelope to mail a bill payment, or even hand writing a note (legibly).

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  856 Hits

Magic Mastery is Practice, Practice, Practice


Beginner's luck is when there are no expectations, no worries about rules or winning, and a lack of judgment of your own expertise. You are relaxed and open to anything and that is ripe for magical manifestation. Attempt that same thing a second time and you now have an expectation that chips away at the magic of innocence.

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  896 Hits

What is candle magic?

April2022 Magic101

Ironically, this is a difficult question for me to answer as candle magic is part of my DNA. It is like asking me what air is. I immediately jump into the science and history of magic with big explanations when, really, we can start with the obvious of answers:

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  887 Hits

Healing Spells in Times of Crisis

May2022 Magic101

Healing magic is not glamorous and is usually not what brings people to the world of spell crafting. Yet, healing spells are what will help you keep it together in times of crisis or help put yourself back together after major trauma.

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  466 Hits

5 Magical Ways to Use Cancer Season to Your Benefit

As we enter the month of July, we find ourselves swimming in the healing waters of the sign of Cancer. Cancer is known for its nurturing qualities and is the sign associated with mothers and motherhood. While we are in the sign of the crab, our focus will be on self-care, caring for our families, familial and tribal bonds, and comfort and security.

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  901 Hits

Astro Magic Forecast for April 2022

April2022 AstroMagic

Astro Magic for April 2022

Welcome to the month of April. April is one of the easiest months of the year astrologically speaking, so make sure you take advantage of all the magical energies that spring (fall if you are in South America) has to offer.

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  533 Hits

Astro Magic Forecast for May 2022

May2022 AstroMagic

Can you believe it is already May? This year is rapidly passing us by, and the month of May could be the month where we turn the curve completely and begin to do what we can to improve our lives after a few years of upheaval.

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  511 Hits

Astro Magic Forecast for June 2022

June2022 AstroMagic

June Astro Magic 2022

The month of June brings the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and we find ourselves swimming in the healing waters of the sign of Cancer. Cancer is known for its nurturing qualities and is the sign associated with mothers and motherhood.

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  442 Hits

How long does it take for my spell to work?

June2022 Magic101

How long does it take for my spell to work? Right after I help someone build the candle spell to tackle their big problem, this is the very first question asked, like there is a pop-up turkey timer to tell them when the spell is fully cooked.

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  414 Hits

Astro Magic Forecast for August 2022

Aug2022 AstroMagic

It’s August! Guess what that means? Virgo season is on the way! 

In Kabbalah, Virgo is the month of Elul, and it is the cosmic month of repentance (Teshuvah). Teshuvah is when we take time to acknowledge our negative actions throughout the year, understand the root cause of those negative actions, make amends when necessary, and try not to make the same mistakes in the future.

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  725 Hits

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