Coventry Creations Articles

Magic 101: Bóveda Starter Pack

boveda starter pack

The bóveda (literally “vault” in Spanish) is a sacred space for honoring your ancestors and spirit guides—a kind of spiritual hotline to the Other Side. Think of it as a metaphysical charging station where your spirits get their clarity, power, and pep while you get their guidance, protection, and possibly a few side-eyes if you forget to refresh the water. In essence, the bóveda is a bridge between the land of the living and the dead, a portal where you can pray, meditate, divine, and occasionally just spill your existential tea to someone who won’t interrupt. While the basics of setting up a bóveda are fairly consistent, every practitioner adds their own flair. Some follow strict traditional setups; others let their spirits guide them to something more unique. Spoiler alert: you’ll eventually fall into the second group once you get the hang of it. But first, let’s walk through the essentials....

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Creating Your Magic Altar

Nov2022 Magic101

 You’ve got everything you need to do spellwork and candle magic now what? It’s time to make an altar for yourself! 


What is a Magic Altar?

An altar is more than just where you place your candles. It’s a space where your magic manifests and you communicate with your spirits.

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Full moon in Taurus on November 3, 2017

Nov 3 full moon image.smallWe’ve just experienced the veil thinning and I hope you were able to feel the love your spirit guides and ancestors have for you. They are the tireless cheer leading squad that sings, when you fall down, just get up again, we believe in you.

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