Coventry Creations Articles

Agrimony: Your Ride-or-Die Magical Herb

Oct2024 HerbMagic 400pxAgrimony: not actually the name of a Greek philosopher, Agrimony spends its time as the unsung hero of magical defense. If you’re out there trying to reverse curses or block negativity, Agrimony’s your ride-or-die. Often used in sleep aids, it’s the herbal equivalent of a weighted blanket—except instead of cozy comfort, it’s more like a magical brick wall full of NOPE. Smells kinda grassy, like a meadow on a breezy day, if that meadow were secretly plotting to be the ultimate buzz kill.

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Datura: Shiva’s Favorite Flower

Aug2024 HerbMagic 400pxThe Tale of Shiva and the Datura Flower

Lord Shiva once had an argument with his wife, Parvati. In his anger, Shiva stormed off into the forest. As night fell, he became tired and decided to rest under a tree. Unknown to him, this tree was a Datura plant.

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