Coventry Creations Blogs

Astro Magic Forecast for January 2023

Jan2023 AstroMagic

Astro Magic for January 2023 

For the past three years, we have gone through intense astrological energies. First, Saturn conjoined Pluto in 2020, followed by Jupiter conjoining Saturn in Aquarius. Then, in 2021, we began a two-year cycle of Saturn square Uranus in Taurus.

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Astro Magic Forecast for December 2022

Dec2022 AstroMagic

Astro Magic December 2022

The month of December brings us the beginning of Capricorn season, which begins on Winter Solstice (December 21) and continues until the Sun moves into Aquarius on January 19th.

Capricorn is an earth sign that is concerned with taking charge, being ambitious, striving for success, and focusing on things that matter.

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Astro Magic Forecast for November 2022

Nov2022 AstroMagic


Astro Magic November 2022 

We begin November right where we left off with October. There is a battle in the heavens, and our lives will be impacted. So, you can expect the rest of Scorpio season to be like the intense energies that occurred during Leo season, as Saturn and Uranus continue their final face-off, all of which are intensified by the final eclipse of 2022 in the sign of Taurus.

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Astro Magic Forecast for October 2022

Sep2022 AstroMagic

Astro Magic October 2022

I’m going to be blunt – it’s going to be a tough month. Perhaps, one of the toughest months of the year. Astrologically, we are building up to the final battle between Saturn (restrictions, limitations, isolation) and Uranus (freedom, rebellion) that come within 1 degree of orb this month.

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Astro Magic Forecast for September 2022

Sep2022 AstroMagic

September Astro Magic 2022 

Libra is the sign of relationships, and on the practical level, it is. And although pop astrology focuses on love relationships, the sign of the scales governs all relationships, even relationships with our enemies. 

But what is the undercurrent of the sign of the scales? 

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Astro Magic Forecast for August 2022

Aug2022 AstroMagic

It’s August! Guess what that means? Virgo season is on the way! 

In Kabbalah, Virgo is the month of Elul, and it is the cosmic month of repentance (Teshuvah). Teshuvah is when we take time to acknowledge our negative actions throughout the year, understand the root cause of those negative actions, make amends when necessary, and try not to make the same mistakes in the future.

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Astro Magic Forecast for July 2022

July2022 AstroMagic

July Astro Magic 2022 

I must admit that I may be biased this month being a Leo, but I hope my exuberance over the sign can be a catalyst for inner change, transformation, and some good ole’ magic. 

Leo season is ruled by the Sun, and in Greek myth, the Sun is associated with the God Apollo.

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How long does it take for my spell to work?

June2022 Magic101

How long does it take for my spell to work? Right after I help someone build the candle spell to tackle their big problem, this is the very first question asked, like there is a pop-up turkey timer to tell them when the spell is fully cooked.

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Astro Magic Forecast for June 2022

June2022 AstroMagic

June Astro Magic 2022

The month of June brings the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and we find ourselves swimming in the healing waters of the sign of Cancer. Cancer is known for its nurturing qualities and is the sign associated with mothers and motherhood.

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© 2022-04-18 20:37:03

  306 Hits

Astro Magic Forecast for May 2022

May2022 AstroMagic

Can you believe it is already May? This year is rapidly passing us by, and the month of May could be the month where we turn the curve completely and begin to do what we can to improve our lives after a few years of upheaval.

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© 2022-04-18 20:37:03

  371 Hits

Astro Magic Forecast for April 2022

April2022 AstroMagic

Astro Magic for April 2022

Welcome to the month of April. April is one of the easiest months of the year astrologically speaking, so make sure you take advantage of all the magical energies that spring (fall if you are in South America) has to offer.

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© 2022-04-18 20:37:03

  400 Hits

Astro Magic Forecast for March 2022

March2022 AstroMagic

Astro Magic March 2022

The bulk of the month is beginning the process of preparing for the astrological New Year, as the Sun moves into the sign of Aries on March 20th (11:33 AM EST/8:33 AM PST)

After a long and challenging winter, seeds will begin to sprout, the air will start to warm up, and the promise of a fresh start is on the way.

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© 2022-04-18 20:37:03

  638 Hits

Astro Magic Forecast for February 2022

Feb2022 AstroMagic

Astro Magic February 2022

February is a cosmically strange month because there is little going on. Mercury goes direct early in the month. In addition, there is a lovely conjunction between Venus and Mars in Capricorn, and an opportunity to break free from the stagnant energy of the past two years, with Jupiter in Pisces forming a beneficial sextile to Uranus in Taurus.

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© 2022-04-18 20:37:03

  653 Hits

Astro Magic Forecast for January 2022

January 2022 Astro Magic

Happy New Year!

After November and December, January will be a piece of cake. Of course, there are some hiccups – the Sun conjoins Pluto and squares Uranus, Mars forms a problematic aspect to Neptune, and both Venus and Mercury are retrograde.

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© 2022-04-18 20:37:03

  655 Hits

Look beyond the here and now to where and who you want to be!

Astro Magic December 2021

The good news about December is that at least it’s not November, which was the most troubling month of the year. However, December does have its own set of challenges – a solar eclipse in Sagittarius, the final showdown between Saturn and Uranus, and Venus retrograde in Capricorn.

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© 2022-04-18 20:37:03

  668 Hits

Are Celestial Energies Aligning in your Favor?

Astro Magic 2021

November Astro Magic November 2021

I’m going to be blunt – it’s going to be a tough month. Perhaps, one of the toughest months of the year. Astrologically, we are building up to the final battle between Saturn (restrictions, limitations, isolation) and Uranus (freedom, rebellion) that occurs on December 24th.

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© 2022-04-18 20:37:03

  720 Hits

5 ways to make Libra season magical!

October Astro Magic 2021

Libra is the sign of relationships, and although pop astrology focuses on love relationships, the sign of the scales governs all relationships, even relationships with our enemies.

But what is the undercurrent of Libra?

In Greek Myth, there is a fantastic tale called 'The Judgment of Paris.

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© 2022-04-18 20:37:03

  682 Hits

Is the Universe doing that Shoulder tap again?

September Astro Magic 2021

For the bulk of the summer, I felt trapped in cosmic Groundhog Day as multiple planets retriggered Saturn square Uranus to the point that I felt like these two planets had taken control of my life.

I mean, it was all I seemed to write about, and as a content creator, that can be unnerving, and I am sure that my readers were sick and tired of endless discussions about preserving structures and unexpected change.

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© 2022-04-18 20:37:03

  703 Hits

Create a New Pathways Beyond Your Personal Challenges

August Astro Magic 2021

I have to admit that I may be a little biased this month being a Leo, but I hope my exuberance over the sign can be a catalyst for inner change, transformation, and some good ole’ magic.

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© 2022-04-18 20:37:03

  666 Hits

Transformation Through Your Havoc

Last month, Saturn formed a square (90-degree angle) to Uranus for the second time. Saturn and Uranus move slowly, they remain in technical orb for long periods and trigger easily by faster moving planets. This month the agitators will be Mars and Venus.

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© 2022-04-18 20:37:03

  623 Hits

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