Coventry Creations Blogs

Shifting from the Lazy days of Summer: Magical Cleansing Rituals for the Virgo Season

Aug2024 WitchesUnion 40pxAs the sun's warmth begins to wane and the whispers of autumn tickle our senses, we find ourselves at the crossroads between Leo's fiery exuberance and Virgo's earthy practicality. This transition calls for a spiritual reset, a cleansing of the energies we've accumulated during our sun-soaked adventures. Let's embrace Virgo's organizing prowess and tend to our neglected magical practices with some candle-based cleansing spells.

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  371 Hits

August 2024 Astro Magic Forecast

Aug2024 AstroMagic 400px

August is here, and it's time to welcome Virgo season! In Kabbalah, this month of Elul is associated with the cosmic process of repentance (Teshuvah). This is where we take stock of our actions throughout the year, reflect on their root cause, make amends when necessary, and try to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

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Is the Universe doing that Shoulder tap again?

September Astro Magic 2021

For the bulk of the summer, I felt trapped in cosmic Groundhog Day as multiple planets retriggered Saturn square Uranus to the point that I felt like these two planets had taken control of my life.

I mean, it was all I seemed to write about, and as a content creator, that can be unnerving, and I am sure that my readers were sick and tired of endless discussions about preserving structures and unexpected change.

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© 2021-08-18 02:47:09

  703 Hits

Astro Magic Forecast for August 2022

Aug2022 AstroMagic

It’s August! Guess what that means? Virgo season is on the way! 

In Kabbalah, Virgo is the month of Elul, and it is the cosmic month of repentance (Teshuvah). Teshuvah is when we take time to acknowledge our negative actions throughout the year, understand the root cause of those negative actions, make amends when necessary, and try not to make the same mistakes in the future.

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Astro Magic Forecast for August 2023

Aug2023 AstroMagic

Astro Magic For August 2023

August is here, and it's time to welcome Virgo season! In Kabbalah, this month of Elul is associated with the cosmic process of repentance (Teshuvah). This is where we take stock of our actions throughout the year, reflect on their root cause, make amends when necessary, and try to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

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  606 Hits

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