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Tips and Tricks to Wrangling Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Rx Dirty Dozen! Tips and Tricks to Wrangling the Trickster God

1. Make sure you go over anything contractual thoroughly. Make sure all the i’s are dotted, and all the t’s are crossed. If you can get away with it, wait until after the retrograde is over (June 22) to sign on the dotted line.

2. Avoid starting anything new. New projects tend to have communication problems and mishaps when initiated during this process.

3. Put a watch on your tongue. (If it is not worth saying, don’t say it)

4. Check your vehicles for any potential problems. Before Mercury goes retrograde is the best time for a service call.

5. Avoid buying real estate or renting apartments. Usually, this means you are just going to move again during a future Mercury Rx.

6. Using mail delivery services that offer tracking and insurance – especially now since the Post Office has still not recovered from the pandemic.

7. Check, recheck, and check again any travel plans you have or appointments that are on the books.

8. If you do travel, don’t take anything of importance or value. Only bring items that you do not care if they are lost or stolen.

9. Expect people from the past to resurface. However, once they do crawl out of whatever cavern they came from, proceed with caution.

10. Back up all electronic devices.

11. Avoid buying an automobile.

12. Mercury Rx is a great time to scour places (online and offline) for great deals! Whew, that is some list!

The good news is that we can use Mercury Rx as a powerful tool. Since Mercury is moving backward, we are moving over old territory. We have been here before, and we can use this backward motion as a review process that gives us the ability to ‘redo’ (Mercury Rx loves words that start with ‘re’) choices and decisions we have already made. Also, the truth always surfaces during a Mercury Rx. Expect new information to emerge that may have led to a wrong decision in the past.

I usually do not do this, but there is a time and place for everything – shameless plug alert! Two years ago, Jacki Smith and I developed a candle specifically for Mercury Rx, and it is called “Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer.” This candle will protect you from the effects of Mercury Rx and help minimize its influence in your life.

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Full Moon in Capricorn June 24, 2021
New Moon in Gemini June 10, 2021

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