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Astro Magic Forecast for June 2024

June2024 AstroMagic

The month of June brings the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and we find ourselves swimming in the healing waters of the sign of Cancer. Cancer is known for its nurturing qualities and is the sign associated with mothers and motherhood. So, while we are in the sign of the crab, our focus will be on self-care, caring for our families, family and tribal bonds, and comfort and security.

5 Magical Ways to Make the Most of Cancer Season

  1. Healing Magic – Cancer is the sign associated with all forms of healing.  Cancer is a water sign, and the symbol of water reflects cleansing and purification.  If you have health concerns that you want to work with magically, now is the time to do it.

    Recommended Candles: Healing (Blessed Herbal), Spiritual Cleansing (Blessed Herbal), Heart (Blessed Herbal)

  2. Protection Magic – When a crab is threatened, it crawls into its shell to protect itself from the outer world.  This month, protection magic is enhanced because Cancer is the only sign ruled by the Moon, so it receives a full dose of lunar power. So, if you need to, put up those magical walls and keep the nasties at bay.

    Recommended Candles: Fiery Wall of Protection (Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate), Guardian Protector (Affirmation), and Flying Monkeys (Wicked Witch Mojo)

  3. Kitchen Magic – “Home is where the heart is,” and it is through the preparation of food that we often show our love.  There are many resources available for kitchen magic, but intentionally charging herbs and foods to bring forth the energy you desire is a great way to work with Cancer energy. As my good friend Jacki Smith told me, "Everything is kitchen witchery; use what you have around you at the moment." So, the next time you grab that Frank's Hot Sauce, you can use it to heat up any area of your life that needs it.  Yeah, even that area!

    Recommended Candles: Moon (Astro Magic), Home Blessing (Affirmation), Home/Peace/Serenity (Blessed Herbal) 

  4. Prosperity Magic – Ordinarily, people look to Venus and the sign of Taurus for prosperity. However, Cancer is the sign of "nurturing," and it helps things grow correctly. We can use Cancer's energy to focus on what needs to grow in our lives and give ourselves the food we need.  Also, suppose you have anything new that you have just given birth to, whether it be a new relationship, a business, a project, or even a living being. In that case, you can use Cancer magic to help it grow properly.

    Recommended Candles: Prosperity (Blessed Herbal), Everything and Then Some (Wicked Witch Mojo), Venus (Astro Magic)

  5. Ancestral Magic – The sign of Cancer has to do with our roots – you know those people we came from. Ancestral Magic is highly effective because it evokes spirits invested in your well-being. After all, they helped (regardless of how far back they go) create you. So, put them to work whenever you can! I suggest you make an ancestral altar somewhere in your home.  After all, if you honor them, they will return the favor.

    Recommended Candles: Wakin' the Dead (Wicked Witch Mojo), Ancestor Candle (Blessed Herbal), Heart (Blessed Herbal)


Lunar Magic

The New Moon in Gemini

On June 6, 2024, the New Moon for the month occurs in social Gemini. The New Moon in Gemini is a perfect time to boost your communication skills and connect with others. Consider kicking off a writing project like starting a blog or journaling your thoughts. It’s also a great time to learn something new by picking up a book or joining a workshop. If you’re feeling social, reaching out to make new connections or catching up with old friends can be really rewarding. If you're up for a little adventure, even a short trip can refresh your perspective. Lastly, tidying up your space can help clear your mind, making room for all those new ideas Gemini brings.

Recommended: New Moon (Astro Magic), Sweet Grass (World Magic), Problem Solver (Blessed Herbal)

The Full Moon in Capricorn

On June 21, 2024 the Full Moon occurs in Capricorn, the sign of the sea-goat. When the Full Moon is in Capricorn, it's a great time to get your ducks in a row and focus on your long-term goals. Start by clarifying what you want to achieve and make sure your goals are realistic and well-defined. Take a moment to review your progress and adjust your plans if needed. Capricorn's energy is perfect for setting up a detailed plan, so break down your big goals into smaller steps that are easier to manage. It’s also a good time to update your professional image and seek advice from mentors. Lastly, don't forget to let go of anything that's holding you back and incorporate practical self-care into your routine. This is all about getting serious and making real progress.

Recommended: Let It Go (Full Moon - Astro Magic), GTFO (Saturn - Astro Magic), Stability (Blessed Herbal)


Weekly Breakdown

June 3, 2024 – June 9, 2024

The major player of the first week of June is Mercury, the trickster god. In astrology, Mercury is the planet linked to communication and intellect. It influences how we talk, think, and handle information. Governing both Gemini and Virgo, it affects our daily interactions, reasoning skills, and even short travel. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Mercury in Gemini -- We start the week with Mercury moving into Gemini. When Mercury moves into the sign of the twins, it’s like your brain hits a turbo button! It's the perfect time to chat up a storm, learn some nifty tricks, and become a multitasking wizard. Whip out those to-do lists and tick off tasks like a pro. Feeling social? Schmooze through your network like you're the host of an invisible talk show. And keep things light—stick to projects you can finish faster than a microwave dinner. 

Recommended:  Truth Serum (Mercury – Astro Magic)

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 

Tuesday is the busiest day of the week, astrologically speaking with three major aspects – Mercury trine Pluto, Mercury conjunct Jupiter, and the Sun conjunct Venus.

Let’s break them down:

Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius – As Mercury trines Pluto in Aquarius, get ready for some mental fireworks! Your brain turns into a detective, digging up deep truths and sparking “aha!” moments left and right. Conversations get intense—think late-night deep dives into the meaning of life, not just chitchat about the weather. It's like your thoughts have been hitting the gym and are now ready to flex some serious intellectual muscle. Talk about mind gains!

Recommended:  Problem Solver (Blessed Herbal)

Mercury conjoins Jupiter in Gemini— When Mercury conjoins Jupiter, it's like a meeting of the minds, creating a perfect time for learning and sharing ideas. Mercury conjunct Jupiter boosts your communication, making conversations more enriching and full of optimism. You might feel inspired to dream big, chase new educational opportunities, and even travel. It’s a fantastic time for expanding your horizons through discussions, studies, and exploring new places. So, soak up the knowledge and enjoy the intellectual adventure!

Recommended:  Road Opener (Aunt Jacki’s HooDoo)

The Sun conjoins Venus in Gemini -- When the Sun and Venus conjoin in Gemini, it's a special time that brings out the best in our social and creative lives. The Sun conjunct Venus makes everything a bit brighter and more beautiful, encouraging us to enjoy art, nature, and time with friends. It’s perfect for starting new relationships or enhancing the ones we have. You might also feel inspired to spruce up your look or your surroundings, making the most of this harmonious period.

Recommended:  That Bitch!  (Venus – Astro Magic)

Wednesday, June 5, 2024 – Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Moon in Gemini -- On Wednesday and Thursday, the Moon moves through airy Gemini. When the Moon is in Gemini, it's a great time to boost your communication skills. Think about catching up on emails, writing, or having in-depth conversations. It's also an ideal period for learning; dive into books or short courses that catch your fancy. Gemini's social vibe makes it perfect for networking or team meetings, helping you connect and exchange ideas effortlessly. If you've got a lot on your plate, use this time to multitask, as Gemini's energy helps you switch between tasks smoothly. Consider taking short trips to refresh your mind, and don’t forget to leverage technology to streamline your tasks and enhance your learning.

Recommended:  Truth and Justice (Blessed Herbal)

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Moon in Cancer -- When the Moon is in Cancer, it's a prime time to dive deep into your emotions and focus on home life. Start by exploring your feelings through journaling or chatting with someone close. Spruce up your space to make it cozier or whip up a comforting meal. The Moon in Cancer is perfect for self-pampering, so maybe treat yourself to a spa day at home. It’s also a great opportunity to get creative with arts and crafts or to lose yourself in a good book. If you feel up to it, helping others or connecting with family can also enrich your experience during this time. Lastly, consider planting something or exploring your family history to feel grounded and connected.

Recommended:  Happy Home (Affirmation)

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces -- The weekend starts off with Venus forming a difficult square to Saturn. When Venus squares Saturn, it often brings a serious tone to our relationships and finances. Venus represents love and value, and Saturn is about restriction and discipline. This combination can lead to feeling unloved or facing financial cautiousness. Relationships might hit a rough patch, requiring you to deal with issues more critically. Despite these challenges, it's also a chance for growth. You might find yourself re-evaluating what really matters to you in relationships and in life. Patience and reflection are key during this time, helping you to build stronger foundations and learn important life lessons.

Recommended:  Uncrossing (Aunt Jacki’s HooDoo)

We close the week with Mars moving out of Aries and into Taurus and the Sun forming a tense square to Saturn.

Mars in Taurus -- When Mars is in Taurus, it's all about using steady energy to achieve your goals. Think of it as having a calm but determined drive. Start by setting practical goals that you can tackle step by step. Stick with your plans, especially when things get tough, because this placement gives you extra persistence. It’s a great time to focus on money matters like saving or budgeting. Get active with enjoyable outdoor activities or crafts that keep you moving at a relaxed pace. Also, take this time to build strong, reliable relationships and work on feeling good about yourself. Embrace a slow and steady approach to your actions and decisions.

Recommended:  IDGAF (Mars – Astro Magic)

The Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces -- When the Sun squares Saturn, it's like hitting a tough spot where you feel all the weight of your responsibilities and limitations. It's a time when you might face extra challenges, criticism, or delays. The Sun is about who you are, while Saturn is all about rules and hard lessons. This setup tests your patience and determination, but getting through it can make you stronger and teach you the value of hard work and persistence.

Recommended:  Tornado Alley (Wicked Witch Mojo)

June 10, 2024 – June 16, 2024

This week, aspects take center stage in the forecast, specifically the “square” aspect. In astrology, a "square" happens when two planets are 90 degrees apart, creating tension. This challenging aspect can bring about internal conflicts or external obstacles, depending on which planets are involved. For example, a square could cause friction between your desires and values, or make communication tough. Although it sounds tough, this tension is also a chance for growth. It pushes you to confront and resolve issues, helping you to develop and move forward.

Monday, June 10, 2024

The Moon in Leo -- When the Moon is in Leo, it's a perfect time to dive into creative projects or take the lead on something important—this sign's vibrant energy loves to shine! It's also a fantastic period for enjoying social gatherings and expressing yourself more openly. Boost your confidence by engaging in activities that make you feel good, whether that’s through fashion, public speaking, or simply sharing your thoughts. Don’t forget to spread kindness and have fun with energetic activities like dance or sports!

Recommended:  Everything and then Some (Wicked Witch Mojo)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius – On Tuesday, Mars makes an extremely difficult square to Pluto in Aquarius.  Mars square Pluto is like a cosmic clash of titans, stirring up intense emotions and power struggles. This transit brings out deep-seated issues around control and dominance, making people more impulsive and aggressive. It’s a good time to tackle tough changes, but watch out for conflicts. To handle this explosive energy, try channeling it into physical activities or projects that require focus. Just be mindful of not getting too forceful or manipulative.

Recommended:  Van Van (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo)

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces -- When Mercury forms a tense square to Saturn, it is like hitting a communication roadblock. Mercury square Saturn can make everyone feel a bit more serious and critical. You might notice it's harder to get your points across, and misunderstandings can pop up more often. It's a great time for detailed work that needs focus, but watch out for feeling down or too harsh on yourself or others. Just take things slow, and try to keep things clear and straightforward.

Recommended:  Truth and Justice (Blessed Herbal)

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Moon in Virgo -- When the Moon is in Virgo, it's a fantastic time to get organized and focus on details. Start by tidying up your space and perhaps streamline your daily routines. It's also an excellent period for health check-ups or beginning a new wellness plan. Consider diving into some personal development, whether it's learning new things or refining skills. If you're into crafts, their meticulous nature fits perfectly with Virgo's precise energy. Lastly, think about lending a hand to others—it's a good phase for acts of service.

Recommended:  Do You!  (The Moon – Astro Magic)

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Sun conjoins Mercury in Gemini -- When the Sun conjoins Mercury, it's a special time for clear thinking and communication. This alignment shines a light on how we express ourselves and share ideas. You might find it easier to get your point across, come up with bright ideas, or make decisions. It's a great time for starting projects that involve writing, talking, or learning. Expect a boost in curiosity and a busier-than-usual mind.

Recommended:  Truth Serum (Mercury – Astro Magic)

Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Moon in Libra – On Saturday, The Moon moves through airy Libra.  It's an excellent time to focus on relationships, creativity, and balance. You might want to smooth over conflicts, get creative with art or home decor, and find ways to balance your daily life. Consider doing some yoga or meditation to embrace peace, or have a get-together with friends to enjoy the social vibes. It's also a prime time for negotiations, aiming for fairness in all dealings.

Recommended:  Inner Balance (Blessed Herbal)

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces: Venus square Neptune stirs up a lot of emotions and dreams, especially about love. This aspect makes everything feel more intense and romantic, but it can also cause confusion, making it hard to see things as they really are. This might lead to disappointment in relationships or financial decisions. However, it's a great time for creativity and exploring artistic or spiritual interests. Just remember to keep your feet on the ground and stay realistic!

Recommended:  Emotional Balance (Blessed Herbal)

June 17, 2024 – June 23, 2024

Once again, this month, the major player of the week is Mercury.  Pay close attention to what you say and make sure you are as clear and concise as possible in your communication with others.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday is the busiest day this week.  We have two sign changes (Venus and Mercury moving into Cancer) and two major aspects.  So, get ready for a busy day with many shifts in the cosmic energy.

Venus in Cancer: Venus moves out of Gemini and into Cancer. When Venus is in Cancer, it's a great time to cozy up your living space and connect more with family. This astrological phase encourages you to deepen relationships and really tune into your emotions, perhaps through creative activities like art or writing. Cooking some comfort food can also be super rewarding now. Plus, focusing on feeling secure, especially in relationships and finances, will help you make the most of this nurturing and emotional period.

Recommended:  That Bitch! (Venus – Astro Magic)

Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces: Before Mercury moves into Cancer, he will form a tough square to Neptune. When Mercury squares Neptune, it can cause confusion and miscommunication, so double-check your info. It's a great time for creativity, though, as your imagination might soar. Watch out for distractions and misleading info. You might also find yourself diving deep into spiritual or psychological topics.

Recommended:  Truth Serum (Mercury – Astro Magic)

Mercury in Cancer:  On Monday, Mercury moves out of Gemini and into watery Cancer. When Mercury is in Cancer, communication gets more emotional. It's a great time to talk from the heart, trust your instincts, and reflect on personal matters. Conversations may focus on family and home. Protect your emotional space and maybe try expressing yourself through creative writing or storytelling.

Recommended:  Emotional Balance (Blessed Herbal)

Mercury conjoins Venus in Cancer:  When Mercury conjoins Venus, it's excellent for smooth talking, sparking creativity, and making friends. Conversations flow better, creative projects get a boost, and social gatherings feel more enjoyable. It's also a good time to make smart choices about buying things that bring joy.

Recommended:  Road Opener (Aunt Jacki’s Hoodoo)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Moon in Scorpio: On Tuesday, the Moon moves through Scorpio. It's the perfect time to dive deep into your emotions and seek healing, maybe through journaling or talking it out. It's also a smart period for looking closely into financial matters or engaging in research that fascinates you. Use this intense energy to strengthen connections with loved ones through deep, honest talks, or explore spiritual practices. Don’t forget, it's also a perfect moment for letting go of what no longer serves you and making space for new beginnings.

Recommended:  Do You!  (The Moon – Astro Magic)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Moon in Sagittarius: On Wednesday, the Moon moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius.  When the Moon is in Sagittarius, it's a great time to dive into new experiences and broaden your horizons. Consider picking up a new book or starting a course on something that piques your interest. You might also think about planning a trip or just hitting the road for an adventure. Sagittarius energy encourages you to explore freely, so step outside, maybe try a new sport, or enjoy a day without plans. It's also ideal for engaging in deep conversations about your beliefs or working on projects that require publishing or sharing with others. Embrace this time to learn, explore, and expand your world.

Recommended:  Energy and Will (Blessed Herbal)

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Sun in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces: Like Mercury earlier in the week, before the Sun moves into Cancer, it will square Neptune.  The Sun square Neptune is a tricky time where things can seem unclear and misleading. It's easy to get lost in dreams or fooled by others. But, it's also a creative and spiritual period. Just stay realistic and focus on separating fact from fantasy to make the most of it.

Recommended:  Stability (Blessed Herbal)

Friday, June 21, 2024

Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus:  Besides the Full Moon occurring this evening, Mercury sextiles Mars in Taurus. Mercury sextile Mars is an excellent time for clear and energetic communication. This alignment sharpens your mind, making it easier to speak persuasively and take action on your ideas. It's perfect for strategic activities, detailed tasks, and making decisions confidently.

Recommended:  IDGAF (Mars – Astro Magic)

Saturday, June 22, 2024 – Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Moon in Capricorn:  This weekend the Moon moves through earthy Capricorn and it's a prime time to get organized and focus on your goals. Start by setting clear, achievable objectives and breaking them down into smaller tasks. Use this period to concentrate on career advancements and fine-tune your daily routines for better productivity. It's also ideal for tackling tough responsibilities, boosting your discipline, reflecting on your progress, learning practical skills, and enhancing your leadership qualities. This structured approach can really help you make the most of this time.

Recommended:  Crown of Success (Aunt Jacki’s HooDoo)


June 24, 2024 – June 30, 2024

Monday, June 24, 2024 – Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Moon in Aquarius:  On Monday and Tuesday the Moon is going move through social Aquarius. The Moon in Aquarius is the perfect time to get creative and think outside the box. This period encourages innovative ideas and embracing technology, so you might find yourself drawn to learning new things or diving into digital projects. It’s also a perfect moment to join group activities that focus on making a difference, like community service or advocacy for social change. Plus, stepping back to view situations more objectively can be really helpful now.

Recommended:  Heart (Blessed Herbal)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces: On Wednesday, Mercury trines Saturn in Pisces.  When Mercury aligns smoothly with Saturn, it's prime time for focused thinking and practical discussions. This aspect boosts your ability to handle detailed tasks and make wise, long-term decisions. It's also perfect for learning or teaching anything that requires deep concentration. Conversations become more productive, clear, and grounded.

Recommended:  Truth Serum (Mercury – Astro Magic)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Moon in Pisces:  The Moon continues to move through Pisces, and it's a fantastic time to dive into your creative side through activities like painting, reading, or writing. It's also perfect for some introspection, maybe by journaling your thoughts or meditating to find peace. You might feel more connected to others' emotions, so doing something kind, like volunteering, can feel especially rewarding. Lastly, consider enjoying a good movie or a book to unwind and let your imagination roam free.

Recommended:  Meditation (Affirmation)

Friday, June 28, 2024

The Moon in Aries:  On Friday, the Moon moves out of Taurus and into Aries. The Aries Moon is the perfect time to kickstart new projects and really push yourself forward. This energy is all about being bold and taking the lead, so dive into activities that fire you up. It’s also a good period to handle any conflicts directly, get moving with some energetic exercises, and maybe even tackle short-term goals for quick satisfaction. Just remember to channel any sudden bursts of anger constructively. Use this time to step up and shine!

Recommended:  Success (Affirmation)

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday is the biggest day of the week with 2 major astrological aspects (Venus sextile Mars and Mercury sextile Uranus) and Saturn changes directions and turns retrograde in Pisces. 

Let’s break it down:

Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus:  When Venus sextiles Mars, it's like love meets action. This aspect boosts your charm, making social and romantic interactions easier and more enjoyable. It's a perfect time for starting relationships or creative projects, as you'll find a nice balance between being assertive and considerate.

Recommended:  That Bitch!  (Venus – Astro Magic)

Saturn Rx in Pisces:  When Saturn goes retrograde, it's a time for deep reflection about your goals and responsibilities. Think of it as a period to review and reassess your career and life plans. You might find yourself fixing past mistakes or firming up your commitments. Although it can feel like things are moving slowly, this phase is crucial for building a stable foundation for future success. It's all about getting your ducks in a row and making sure you're on track by getting rid of everything in your life that is no longer working.

Recommended:  Get the F—Out! (Saturn – Astro Magic)

Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus:  When Mercury aligns nicely with Uranus, your brain kicks into high gear, bursting with fresh, unexpected ideas. It's like a light bulb goes off, bringing sudden insights and exciting news that might open up new paths for you. This is a perfect time to dive into new subjects, tinker with technology, or brainstorm innovative solutions. Don't hesitate to embrace unconventional ideas or decisions.

Recommended:  Problem Solver (Blessed Herbal)

Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Moon in Taurus:  On Sunday, the Moon moves out of Aries and into earthy Taurus. It's a great time to focus on your finances, like planning your budget or managing bills. This period also encourages you to indulge in sensory pleasures—think cooking, gardening, or enjoying nature. It’s also perfect for sticking with long-term projects thanks to its patient and persistent nature. Lastly, don’t forget to relax and recharge!

Recommended:  Prosperity (Blessed Herbal)


Meet Storm at Storm Cestavani combines astrology with psychology, mythology, and Kabbalistic studies in his Transformational Astrology approach. A session with Storm is a journey towards self-awareness, healing, and optimal timing.

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